Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 3047: I have to pull a group of backs to death

"Has the formation broken open?"

At this moment, everyone is most concerned about whether the Tiansha Fate Array has been opened by a gap!

But soon, when everything disappeared, Li Ye appeared from the void with a slight exhaustion, the expression on his face was enough to explain the problem.


Sure enough, at one glance, the entire formation was directly distorted by the emperor explosion, and even signs of the void being torn apart could be seen faintly.

But soon, the entire formation frantically absorbed the blood and soul of everyone, once again repairing the gap in the formation to perfection.

Even, in order to repair the formation, the Heavenly Destiny Array accelerated the speed of devouring everyone. Suddenly, many people wailed and screamed. Some people even looked a lot older, obviously losing too much blood and blood. Spirit, has reached the brink of death.

"Little friend, stop!"

Li Ye didn't believe in evil, but he tried to stop him.

Jade Demon Sovereign is also very weak at the moment. As a holy emperor, even an ordinary lower demon emperor is enough to trample him on the soles of his feet, and his whole body is weak and shaky.

"Little friend, if you go on like this, before the formation is opened, all of us will be drained by the formation."

This wasn't Jade Demon Venerable crossing the river to tear down the bridge, but the two attacking formations just now took them away one by one. Now they can't hold back and wait for Li Ye to blow the formation away.

Of course, they didn't believe that Li Ye still had enough energy to use the emperor soldiers to use the emperor explosion's world-destroying moves.

Li Ye took a deep breath, and playing the emperor burst one after another did make him feel that his body was emptied, but the body of the five elements and the nine orifices of the soul, like the most perfect match in this world!

The most perfect body, and the most perfect soul!

His recovery speed is definitely more perverted than an ordinary emperor.

"I can still play a few emperor explosions, but this formation seems to be difficult to break open from the inside."

Ordinary means can't break the formation, and even speed up the death of everyone trapped in the formation. But if you don’t break the line?

Li Ye's figure flashed and appeared directly next to Princess Saint Demon Gate. The princess of Saint Demon Gate who was already badly injured was now completely bloodless. Fortunately, the life-renewing medicine that Li Ye gave her just now was right. The soul and blood qi have excellent nourishing effects, and this can make her temporarily immune from the influence of the entire Tiansha fate formation.

"I'm looking for a chance to open a gap! You leave first!"

Li Ye whispered, the two attempts just made him know in his heart that this Heavenly Destiny Array is not indestructible, but the power required is definitely beyond the imagination of normal people.

The emperor can't burst once! Not twice!

Then play three emperor explosions at the same time!

You know, he does have three imperial soldiers now!

Except for the Seven Star Sword and the Soul Refining Lamp, even the heavenly gourd fell into his hands!

Three imperial soldiers at the same time, three imperial explosions!

This kind of crazy idea is Li Ye dared to do this, changing anyone, even those ancient and invincible peaks, would not easily die like this!

Playing the emperor explosion is equivalent to consuming countless blood! Playing three emperor explosions at the same time is enough to completely **** a supreme holy emperor into action!

Li Ye dared to try this because the body of the five elements and the nine orifices of the primordial spirit created a weekly cycle of power in his body, which was almost endless, even if it was drained for a short time, he could recover very quickly.

He can leave other people dead or alive, but Princess Saint Demon Gate can't watch her die here.

"Do you have a way to break the formation?"

"Yes! But, at most one or two people can be sent out."

Li Ye didn't hide it. In fact, he did have a way to get himself and Princess Saint Demon Gate away from the Heavenly Destiny Formation, but he was powerless for the others.

However, Princess Saint Demon Gate shook her head, "Others?"

other people? Li Ye remained silent, and then sighed inwardly, "Unless you find the eye that destroys the entire Tiansha fate formation, otherwise..."

At this moment, Young Master Wuya seemed to be back to light, weak but still laughing wildly, "Li Ye! Even if you want to force it out, you will turn everyone here into the energy of the Heavenly Fate Array, completely Become a Jedi!"

I have to say that Young Master Wuya is a meticulous person, even at this juncture, he can see Li Ye's plan at a glance.

Immediately, everyone trapped in the formation changed their expressions one by one.

They naturally didn't doubt that Li Ye could go out!

For a metamorphosis who can manipulate two imperial soldiers to fight an imperial explosion, they will not be surprised what miracle occurs.

Especially, when he saw Li Ye call out all the heavenly gourds, he understood Li Ye's plan after a little thought!

"This kid, wouldn't you want to forcefully break the formation with three imperial soldiers at the same time?"

Just now the two imperial soldiers almost caused a gap in the formation. If three imperial soldiers were used all at once, it is really very possible to kill them directly!

But everyone was cold! They were almost killed just now. If Li Ye came again and the three emperor soldiers went directly together, they could almost conclude that the moment Li Ye broke the formation and escaped, they would be killed by the whole heaven. Suck the adult thoroughly.

The few strong monsters who are still alive have faintly shown hostility.

At this juncture, no one can be trusted! Especially it's a matter of life.

However, they had forgotten one thing, if Li Ye didn't break the formation, they would not escape death!

It's just an instant death on one side! Chengquan Li Yehe several people.

On the one hand, everyone died chronically together, slowly in fear and unwillingness, and finally sucked up by the entire celestial fate!

Is it to perfect yourself, or to scrupulous about righteousness! ?

Li Ye also hesitated, if it wasn't for Princess Saint Demon Gate to be here, he would definitely not hesitate and just blaze a trail.

However, he can ignore other people. Does the demon venerable of the Saint Demon Gate watch them waiting to die? Especially the Jade Demon Lord, but always on his side, always choose to believe and support him.

"Wuya, I can give you a way to survive!"

"Hahaha! Li Ye! Do you really think that if I leave alive today, I will really be alive?"

Young Master Wuya laughed wildly, but quickly coughed violently, and his whole person was extremely weak, but his eyes were the same, grievous, and his hatred for Li Ye was enough to swallow his Dao heart.

"Aren't you afraid of death?"

Li Ye frowned, but Young Master Wuya smiled coldly, "Death? What is the difference between me and death now! Li Ye! If you want me to tell you how to break the formation, you will die. Hahaha! I want all of you to follow along for my funeral!"

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