Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 3036: The collision of the soul

"That monster of the Helan family would actually choose to be born. It seems that the Dongzhou Helan family is very ambitious in this life!"

The ancestor of Lushuiyuan took a deep look and felt a little drumming in his heart.

But the arrow is on the string, now even if they want to get away, it is impossible.

On the other side, the identity of the Helan family is actively exposed, which means that they must be completely killed!

The expressions of the various sects can be imagined. At this time, everyone from the Monster Race or some strong human races who were not originally associated with the Monster Race also joined forces.

"Little friend Li Ye, be careful of this person!"

The reminder of Princess Saint Demon Gate almost let Li Ye know that this person must not be underestimated.

At the same time, Yunshan Iron Sword couldn’t help but reminded, “This person is the most terrifying person in the Helan family apart from the Helan Tianlang! If Helan Tianlang had not chosen to be born, he would become the Helan family’s. For tens of thousands of years, the most promising candidate to become the emperor!"

There is no room for two tigers, Li Ye nodded slightly.

The Dongzhou Helan family was obviously to pave the way for Helan Tianlang, and any other genius could only choose to surrender.

Even Helan Yuanming!

Peerless genius thousands of years ago!

Yuanshen Seven Apertures!

However, so what!

He is now in the nine-aperture realm of the soul! For millions of years, only three people did this step before him!

No one can stop him!

Without any words, the terrifying aura of the two directly collided, instantly turning a void into nothingness.

That was no longer what the formation could suppress. At this time, Li Ye could even tear the formation directly and leave the Jiuyao Palace calmly!

But he can go, but the others cannot.

And most importantly!

"Helan's hand is stretched long enough!"

Above the void, Li Ye and Helan Yuanming stood facing each other. The momentum of the two sides rose steadily, and even reached a point where even several Supreme Sage Emperors could not bear it. However, the two showed no signs of stopping.

"What Dongzhou Helan's family wants to do, no one can stop! Li Ye, you are a talent, but you are not smart!"

"Oh? Because I chose to stand on the opposite side of Helan Tianlang and Helan's family?"

A sneer appeared on Li Ye's face, while Helan Yuanming squinted his eyes directly, and a cold voice followed, "Since you insist on seeking death, then I will fulfill you!"

Helan Yuanming's eyes bloomed instantly!

The world shocked the world because of the break of Helan Tianlang's title! But he has forgotten the most dazzling genius of the Helan family!

he! Helan Yuanming! Once tens of thousands of years ago, galloping in Dongzhou, the name of genius was not even much weaker than Helan Tianlang hundreds of thousands of years ago! However, in order to pave the way for the ancestor of Helan Tianlang, the family chose to let him give up the Cangtian Dao!

In his heart, there is also a trace of unwillingness!

However, he did not refuse! Because after Helan Tianlang was born, he challenged it!

"In this life, no one can stop the young master, whether it is me or you."

He challenged, and finally let him understand why the Helan family chose to sacrifice him to complete Helan Tianlang!

"Young Master Divine Power, no one can stop you in this life! Today, let me take your life."

Boundless gusts are everywhere, and layers of space are beginning to appear twisted!

The terrifying aura is coming, it is definitely not the power that the Supreme Holy Emperor can control!

The power of the soul!

It was this kind of power that made Helan Yuanming easily kill the two ancestors of Qing Cangmen!

But then, Li Ye's momentum also increased wildly!

The same power of the soul!


The bodies of the two shook fiercely at the same time, but Li Ye obviously fell into the wind, his complexion changed immediately, and he instantly retreated thousands of miles!

"Ignorant waste, even if your soul has experienced the baptism of the heavens, you don't know how to use the power of the soul at all!"

A ray of shock also appeared on Helan Yuanming's face, but it was more of a sneer.

Stepping out, rising without wind, but you can feel a kind of incarnation, the world at that moment, as if he is controlled by him.

He is the master of this world!

Even the supreme holy emperor, in this environment, a single cultivation base is not even enough to perform 30%!

"The young master calls you his biggest opponent in this life, but in my opinion, you are far from worthy of the young master's personal action! Today, I will cut you off and bring your head back to the young master."

The Seven Apertures of the Yuanshen suppressed the Nine Apertures of the Yuanshen, which is undoubtedly a fantasy!

The only explanation is that Li Yekong has the Nine Aperture Realm of the Primordial Spirit, but he doesn't know how to use his Primordial Spirit power at all!

As if seeing the surprise and puzzlement in Li Ye's eyes, Helan Yuanming didn't rush to make a move.

"Similarly to the Eight Apertures of the Primordial Spirit, if the Young Master personally took action today, he would be able to kill you in one move!" After speaking, he laughed wildly, "In this world, there are people who have no Primordial Spirit, but none Prepare yourself a star soul!"

Star Soul!

Li Ye did not prepare a star soul for himself! Or, he didn't even know that there was something like Star Soul!

Almost just in one thought, he understood what the star soul meant!

In the Three Realms and Nine Regions, any cultivator who wants to cultivate will condense his own blood soul at the beginning! That is the foundation of cultivation! But because he was unable to condense the blood soul, he was abandoned by the Li clan, and he has been in the name of waste for more than ten years!

What is Star Soul!

Soul of Yuanshen! That is the basis of Yuanshen cultivation!

The soul of the flesh is the soul of blood! And the soul of the soul is the star soul!

"It turns out that even if my soul is above him, but I lack the star soul, it is like a mortal who has empty wealth but does not know how to use it, and it is impossible to exert the power contained in the soul!"

Instantly understanding why he was suppressed, Li Ye also had a doubt.

If the star soul is so important, why didn't Heavenly Sword Great Emperor tell him clearly before he left?

Is this forgotten? Absolutely impossible!

Li Ye instantly denied this speculation! With the cunning character of Emperor Tianjian, it is naturally impossible to forget to tell him such an important link!

There is only one explanation!

Star Soul! Not his only choice!

He is the fourth person in the Nine Aperture Realm of the Yuanshen for millions of years! And Jiujiu Zhizun must have a different fortune from any soul!

It was like a trace of enlightenment, and in an instant, his original closed eyes suddenly opened.


Helan Yuanming, who was holding the winning ticket, directly felt an unprecedented danger. His soul was trembling crazily and even wailed in waves!

"I did not refine the star soul."

Li Ye's voice was slow but strong, every word and sentence was enough to make Helan Yuanming go backwards crazy! His primordial spirit was even like a body of flesh and blood, unexpectedly beginning to show the color of pain, and blood dripping down his body.

"Because I don't need Star Soul at all!"

(End of this chapter)

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