Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 3035: You cut off that person's clone?

"Be careful! He is the Seven Aperture Realm of the Yuanshen!"

Princess Saint Demon Gate pushed away several people who besieged him from a distance. At this moment, seeing the opponent Li Ye was facing, she quickly exclaimed to remind her.

Yuanshen Seven Apertures!

Li Ye's expression shrank upon hearing this!

Can kill two supreme holy emperors in an instant, it is difficult to find in the Three Realms! What's more, he could see that the mysterious leader in front of him was not an emperor realm powerhouse!

But under the emperor realm, there are only a handful of people who can have such a cultivation level!

As if he was not in a hurry to kill Li Ye, this person's eyes were piercing with a ray of cold light, and the powerful aura overwhelmed the world!

Even if it was so powerful that Yunshan Iron Sword, a strongman from each sect could hardly breathe, one after another, they retreated and did not dare to approach.

And his gaze only locked on one person!

"The young master admires you very much, but unfortunately, your appearance has blocked the young master's path."

"Helan Tianlang!"

The corner of Li Ye's mouth raised. In fact, he had been guessing the identity of these mysterious people. But at this moment, there is finally an answer.

And the mysterious leader finally stopped hiding, maybe there was no need to hide.

A handsome face fell into the eyes of everyone, and a strand of white hair fell from his forehead, but it added a bit of evil charm.

"You are really smart, but you shouldn't be born in this era."

He laughed loudly, endless killing intent appeared on his body, the momentum was so strong that it directly suppressed the audience! It can be described as close to the emperor.

However, he is not an emperor!

"Helan Yuanming! You are from the Helan family, the genius of ten thousand years ago! Helan Yuanming!"

Suddenly, a certain Yaozu ancestor seemed to have thought of something and couldn't help but exclaim!

At this moment, the mysterious person, or the master of the Helan family no longer hides their identities, and each reveals their prototypes. They are the strong men of the Dongzhou Helan family!

"Damn! The Helan family! It turned out to be the Helan family! When did Dongzhou come to intervene in the disputes between our Southern Xinjiang Monster Race!"

"Dongzhou has always been very ambitious. It seems that this time, we are ready to start from our southern Xinjiang!"

Now that they knew who the people behind the Jiuyao Hall were, the people of all the big sects suddenly exploded!

Some people even swear!

"Jiu Yaodian! You actually colluded with outsiders! Cruel to the demonic compatriots! How can you be worthy of the ancestors!"

Facing the curse, the many powerful men in Jiuyaodian kept their faces cold, and their faces were blue and red. They also didn't expect that the Helan family would reveal their identities, and judging from their reactions, everyone guessed one or two!

"This group of shameless people! It must have reached some agreement with Dongzhou! In exchange for the support of the Helan family! They are bringing wolves into the room!"

Even the ancestors at Lushuiyuan were taken aback, and it seemed that they had been concealed before this. However, at this moment they have already boarded the thief boat, so it is natural not to part ways at this time.

And most importantly, the conditions given by Jiuyaodian were something they couldn't refuse.

"Helan Yuanming! I didn't expect it to be him this time!"

"This is a bit dangerous, this Helan Yuanming, but once the most invincible genius of the Helan family, I don't know how much blood of a strong man is in his hands!"

Originally, the strength of the Dongzhou Helan Clan was extremely powerful, definitely not weaker than the Saint Demon Gate at its peak, not to mention that the Saint Demon Gate has already refused to accept its peak.

"Today, it seems that you can only fight to the death! If you can smash a blood path, you must not let the Jiuyao Palace destroy the entire southern border monster!"

At this time, everyone knew that it was impossible for all of them to break through, and it was unknown whether anyone could even escape.

Even the ancestors of the demon clan who had cultivated the supreme sage emperor's cultivation were all looking uncertain. After living for at least tens of thousands of years, they naturally understand that since the people of the Helan family dared to reveal their identity, they seemed to have a perfect plan to keep all of them here.

Only Li Ye was not surprised.

"Helan family, it seems that the last time I died in my hands was indeed a clone of Helan Tianlang."

He had long foreseen that he would definitely have a life and death grievance with the Dongzhou Helan family to deal with, not only the conflict and grievance between him and Helan Tianlang, but from Helan Tianlang to avoid the seal of Emperor Hengtian. I can see this person for hundreds of thousands of years, how ambitious is this person in order to reach the highest peak and become the honor of the Three Realms.

Anyone daring to block his path, the only end is to become one of the countless dead souls in his hands.

Helan Tianlang!

When everyone heard this, their expressions changed drastically!

Yubao Yaozun directly exclaimed, "Little friend, what you said is that Helan Tianlang from the Helan family?"

"Helan Tianlang? That peerless genius of the Helan family who was once the only strongest opponent in the life of Emperor Hengtian?"

The countless legends about the life of Emperor Hengtian and his opponents were already familiar stories in the Three Realms. Everyone present has even heard or heard mentioned by the elders of the teachers!

Dongzhou Helan Home!

Ever the most promising one of the overlords! Just because a Helan Tianlang was born!

However, it is also the most helpless and unlucky for the Dongzhou Helan family, but Helan Tianlang was born in an era with the Great Emperor Hengtian!

Since Shengyu He Shengliang, when two peerless heavenly proud sons, only one person can become the sovereign of the Three Realms!

Obviously, Helan Tianlang finally chose to feudalize and avoid Emperor Hengtian.

"Helan Tianlang! That was the only person who had a real chance to defeat the Great Emperor Hengtian hundreds of thousands of years ago! I heard that he had made appointments with the Great Emperor Hengtian seven times! The final battle was a complete battle. Directly knock a piece of the world into a scorched earth and death! Hundreds of millions of living beings were wiped out!

"Yes, it is said that in that battle, Emperor Hengtian was only slightly better, suppressing Helan Tianlang and the Helan family! In the end, he took the emperor's life and became a generation of invincible emperor!"

The faces of everyone became more and more solemn.

Such a person who can almost contend with the peerless existence of Hengtian the Great for a lifetime, is now actually born?

Of course, what surprised them even more was that Li Ye killed a clone of Helan Tianlang?

What is that concept?

Even if it's just a clone! But anyone who knows the origins of Helan Tianlang will not underestimate the oppression brought about by this area!

That's Helan Tianlang's clone!

"This kid, I didn't expect to have such an experience before! He actually killed a clone of the monster Helan Tianlang!"

Everyone in the Helan family is very sullen. After all, this matter is not a glorious thing for the Helan family.

As for Young Master Wuya, there are still jealous of Li Ye there at this time? As soon as he heard that Li Ye had cut Helan Tianlang's avatar, he was so frightened that he was so scared!

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