Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 3037: The most perfect soul in heaven and earth

The so-called star soul is the bridge of heaven and earth opened up in the soul after condensing the soul!

"How could you!"

Helan Yuanming trembled crazily, especially when his soul was almost under the terrible pressure of Li Ye, and even began to be unable to hold it. That kind of horror was definitely the first time in ten thousand years.

"Why not?"

Li Ye smiled proudly. Why have only three people succeeded just before him for millions of years?

Why Hengtian the Great can be hailed as the most powerful emperor ever? A symbol of true invincibility?

Nine Aesthetics of the Soul! Ninety-nine Supreme!

That is a taboo! Even the taboos that God cannot tolerate!

"Impossible! Absolutely impossible! How can you have such a huge primordial power without refining the star soul!"

Feel Li Ye's almost limitless, overwhelming primordial spirit, like an ancient god, overlooking all things in the common people! Helan Yuanming didn't want to believe it!

Now he, the soul has been suppressed to the point of being extremely small, barely covering his whole body.

However, this is just the beginning, because as Li Ye's primordial spirit is getting stronger and stronger, Helan Yuanming's primordial spirit is dying at a rapid rate.

"No! It is absolutely impossible! What kind of magic did you use!"

After all, Helan Yuanming is Helan Yuanming, the most peerless genius in the Helan family. Before Helan Tianlang was born, he almost swept the evildoers of the same era in Dongzhou, and there was almost only the last tentacle left from that step!

Compared with him, these so-called geniuses in southern Xinjiang are like **** before him!

Even Young Master Wuya, in Helan Yuanming's eyes, is nothing more than a useful pawn!

Yuanshen was suppressed, but only suppressed him!

"No one can control the soul before refining the star soul! Even the bridge between heaven and earth!"

There was a trace of hideousness on his face. As a strong man with the seven orifices of the soul, he knew this! Even he had spent a lot of money to condense the star soul at the beginning, and even if he were not for the genius of the Helan family, there would be no chance that his star soul could be refined so easily!

Only saw his soul emerge directly, holding a sword in his right hand, and wearing a layer of soul armor directly on his body! That is the magical power that can only be possessed after refining the star soul!

It can be said that even if his body is killed by people, as long as the soul escapes, he can survive in this world again with the help of the soul! Once you find a suitable body to seize the house, you can be resurrected again!

"A primordial spirit without a star soul is like a newborn baby, it has no effect at all! You clearly don't have any star soul!"

As Helan Yuanming said, Li Ye's primordial spirit is indeed like a baby, without anything. He doesn't even know how to use his soul, but even so! The terrible aura exuded at this time was something Helan Yuanming had never seen in thousands of years! Even though Helan Tianlang awakened, he was completely defeated under the challenge, and he had never seen such a heaven-defying Yuanshen appear!

Li Ye is silent!

His soul is naturally different from ordinary people!

Because he is the Nine Apertures of the Soul! Ninety-nine Supreme! At the end of crossing the robbery, his soul has actually become the most perfect soul state in the Three Realms, or it has simply disappeared!

He has no star soul! Also have the Star Soul!

His star soul is exactly a star that the nine orifices of the nine orifices within the soul really turned into one when the nine orifices were finally formed!

That is his star soul!

The most perfect star soul formed naturally!

It is different from any powerhouse who is forced to refining, using the Aperture of the Primordial Spirit as the foundation, but the most perfect star soul born of innate self!

However, before meeting Helan Yuanming, he didn't even know the real power of his soul. After this fight, I suffered.

"Helan Yuanming! My grievance with the Helan family was about to end! I just didn't expect you to come here first!"

In the starry sky, a star bursts out with bright light! That was the star soul that Li Ye Yuanshen derived from himself. At this time, Helan Yuanming's Yuanshen incarnation was completely trembling. At the same time, Helan Yuanming was also spouting blood every bite, and he was no opponent at all.

"Impossible! Even if you have a star soul! It is impossible to have such a powerful primordial power! Even the young master..."

Suddenly, Helan Yuanming's voice came in shock, and the whole person trembled violently! His expression flickered crazily, and his eyes flashed with incomparable consternation and even horror.

"Could it be that this little beast's tribulation finally achieved the step that even the young master once failed?"

In this world, no one can make Helan Yuanming surrender, only Helan Tianlang can do it!

In his mind, Helan Tianlang is the real and only king of these three realms! No one can force Helan Tianlang to be more perfect! Including him!

"Nine Apertures of the Primordial God! No! Absolutely impossible!" His expression was incomparably shocked, "You can't keep this person! If you don't get rid of it today, it will definitely become the biggest obstacle on the road of Young Master's Dao in the future!"

After the initial shock, the terrifying aura of Helan Yuanming's body was counterattacking, and at the same time a copper lamp appeared directly, and the dim light of fire appeared, directly like the most terrifying flame in the Three Realms!

Zi Zi Zi!

As soon as the copper lamp came out, the surroundings burned wildly!

Li Ye directly felt that his brain was pierced crazily by millions of sharp silver needles in an instant, and the pain almost made him scream.

At the same time, his soul is also showing pain!

"what is this!"

Li Ye naturally knew that this was caused by the copper lamp in the opponent's hand. As soon as it appeared, the strange flame was directly released, which seemed to be harmless, but directly caused a huge trauma to his soul.

In a short period of time, it was enough to completely burn any strong person under the four orifices of the soul, even the current Li Ye, can feel that his soul is being sharply weakened.

"This copper lamp is the nemesis of the soul!"

A glimmer of understanding flashed in his mind, but Li Ye's primordial spirit was too powerful, so powerful that even after the appearance of the bronze lamp, he could not completely severely damage his primordial spirit in a short time.

However, this stalemate will not last long!

"This brass lamp must be destroyed!"

A murderous flash in Li Ye's eyes!

It's a pity that Helan Yuanming took advantage of this opportunity to withdraw! The copper lamp in his hand was even more radiant, and once again broke out a terrible burning flame.

"Li Ye! No matter how your primordial spirit is against the sky! Today you will eventually die under this soul refining lamp!"

Refining the soul lamp! This is a real imperial soldier! An emperor soldier specially refined to restrain the powerful soul!

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