Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 3034: Mysterious leader

Ming Demon Ancient Realm!

Li Ye frowned slightly, everyone's reaction was undoubtedly that the place where Emperor Bing Yi was trapped should be extremely dangerous. Even the demon emperor can't even retreat in a terrible place!

Sure enough, there was a flash in my mind, and I finally found the origin of the Ming Demon Ancient Realm!

"Within the Three Realms, one of the ten most vicious places in the Shenshengzhou Realm!"

There are countless ancient and mysterious places in the entire Upper Three Realms. Some of them are even more terrifying and fierce lands that are hailed as the living should not enter. Once they fall into it, almost all of them will be very difficult to come back alive.

Just like Death Valley before, it is one of them.

And this ancient demon realm is even more dangerous than Death Valley.

"Ming Demon Ancient Realm, rumored to be an ancient battlefield where the Three Realms War was once, and there are buried millions of powerful men of various races who died during the War of the Three Realms in ancient times!"

"Yes, it is said that the place used to be a mass grave in the demon world. I don't know how many strong men died at that time, even the sky demon fell! For so many years, the yin inside has long been beyond the ability of a living person The scope, even if the Demon Emperor enters, it is very difficult to survive!"

Yunshan Iron Sword frowned, then gave a wry smile, and glanced at Li Ye and Princess Saint Demon Gate, "I have a disciple who strayed into the Ming Demon Ancient Realm. In order to save him, I tried to enter, but In the end there was no success."

"So dangerous?"

Li Ye frowned.

"No, it's not dangerous."


Yunshan Iron Sword smiled bitterly, "There is the kingdom of the dead, and I can't stay in this seat for long."

Everyone can guess from the change in his expression that he must have encountered something at the beginning, and he may even run away, even the life of his disciple.

A terrible place that can make a supreme holy emperor talk so much!

Li Ye's heart sank. Although the Great Bingyi was a powerful demon emperor, he was obviously severely injured under the joint attack of two other demon emperors before!

Only then was he forced to flee into the terrifying ancient realm of the Ming Demon to avoid chasing and killing him, and now he did not know whether he was alive or dead.

"No! You must tell the three holy ancestors about this!"

Yubao Yaozun looked worried. If the Saint Demon Gate lost the Great Bingyi, it would definitely decline from the throne of the first emperor of the Monster Race in an instant. Even after losing the Saint Demon Gate guarded by Emperor Bingyi, how will it deter a group of demon races in southern Xinjiang in the future? And the big sects?

"It's not too late for you to leave today!"

Young Master Wuya opened his mouth, revealing a stern look!

At this time, more than half of the strong men of the martial arts were killed and injured, and the rest were all injured.

"Damn, if this formation is not broken, we can't get out of it at all!"

"This formation must be broken first! Otherwise, our cultivation base will be suppressed to a certain extent at least, how can we break the siege?"

And the leak happened in the night rain, right now!

Several terrifying breaths appeared directly!

When everyone saw it, their expressions became extremely ugly!

It is the imperial door system that quietly disappeared before, the several powerhouses of Lushuiyuan. At this moment, he looked at them murderously like Jiuyao Hall and the group of mysterious people.

"Sure enough, it is Green Water Garden! I didn't expect that the dignified emperor's Taoism would be willing to be others' running dogs!"

Seeing this scene, the people who had been completely suppressed in their original strength sank in their hearts, and some people became even more ironic.

After all, if the powerhouses like Lushuiyuan stand in the same camp with them, there is still a chance of a bloodshed. At this moment, instead of standing on the side of Jiuyao Hall, it was clear that they had cut off all their back paths.

"The defeated general!"

With a cold snort, an old man smiled contemptuously! This person is the highest cultivation ancestor among the people in the Lushui Garden.

And the mysterious man looked at Li Ye, his indifferent voice seemed to be impatience.

"Li Ye, you have to think carefully! Whether to hand over the inheritance and emperor soldiers of the Great Danwu, or to become the dead soul under the sword here."

However, what answered him was a terrifying sword intent!

If it weren't for this person's strength, he almost wiped his side, but there was an extra wound that was deeply visible! The incomparably powerful sword intent even ripped off the armor he was wearing in an instant!

"Good! Good! Good!"

The leader of this mysterious man is also angrily smiling!

His eyes were cold, and he said coldly, "Kill them all! Don't leave one!"


Without any words, both sides know at this moment that unless one of them is completely dead, this battle cannot be over!

All the major factions are fighting to the death just to break through, even if the hope is slim, they will not be caught waiting to die.


A terrible whistling sound directly caused the two holy emperors in Jiuyao Hall to retreat wildly while spurting blood!

Behind them, Young Master Wuya is fleeing frantically!

It was Li Ye who came after!

Even surrounded by such powerful enemies, he is almost unstoppable!

The terrible Longyin was not something ordinary people could bear. Nine Yaodian, Lushuiyuan and even the mysterious group of people were not Li Yeyihe's enemies, and they suffered heavy casualties in an instant.

At the same time, the endless sea of ​​blood swept away their corpses, even if they were dead, they could not end well, and the pure blood remaining on the corpses was directly swallowed by the sea of ​​blood.

God blocks and kills God! Buddha blocks and punishes Buddha!

While everyone took advantage of Li Ye to kill the Quartet, they consciously gathered together, and followed them to make a **** road together!

It's a pity that the entire Jiuyao Hall around is blocked by the formation, no matter where they go all the way, they cannot tear the barriers of the formation and rush out.

"He gave it to this seat!"

Finally, the mysterious man shot!

Now that no one can block Li Ye's edge alone, even the Supreme Sovereign dare not face Li Ye alone!

With the words of the leader of the mysterious man, the others immediately slew towards the Yunshan Iron Sword and the powerful men of the big sects! As long as they were not facing Li Ye, it was almost only a matter of time before they wanted to wipe out all the people who came to this time.

Even the existence of a few supreme holy emperors will eventually be exhausted over time.

Two screams!

In the void, the two figures seemed to be picked up by invisible hands, struggling madly!

It was the two ancestors of Qing Cangmen who escorted Indestructible to leave! Although the two of them are not as strong as Yunshan Iron Sword, they can barely be regarded as the Supreme Holy Emperor!

At this moment, there is no resistance at all!

In front of them, the mysterious leader just waved his hand slightly, and saw that the two Qing Cangmen ancestors died directly, and even their souls had just escaped and appeared, but they suddenly appeared in horror!


The two souls were crushed directly!

"The Young Master calls you the most threatening opponent of his time. Today I want to see how capable the young master can give such an evaluation!"

The mysterious leader! Kill the two supreme holy emperors instantly!

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