Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 3025: True Dragon Demon Transformation

In a southern Xinjiang where the origin is based on blood, the blood displayed by Li Ye instantly surrendered countless monsters!

And it's a willing surrender!

That is the morbid faith of the Yaozu towards blood!

Young Master Wu Ya obviously didn't expect that the blood in Li Ye's body would be more noble than the blood of his sacred beast, especially when several sages were shattered and directly severely injured, his complexion changed drastically!

"No! Impossible! How could you have such precious blood! No! I don't believe it!"

The nobility of blood has always been the most proud place of any genius of the Monster Race!

At this time, Young Master Wuya was completely suppressed by his bloodline, and it was crushingly overwhelming, and suddenly became a little hysterical.

But everyone was not surprised. Although they were shocked, they felt that when they saw Young Master Wu Ya's gaffe.

"True dragon bloodline! This is unique in the history of Yaozu!"

"It's not an exaggeration to call it the king's bloodline! It seems that this son is really the future co-lord of our monster race? This bloodline will lead our monster race to true glory! Even far beyond the Flower Burying Demon Emperor and the Ancient Stone Emperor Era!"

In the Yaozu millions of years, there are two periods that the Yaozu is most proud of.

One is the era of the Flower Burying Demon Emperor, known as the most powerful and glorious past of the Demon Race. The other one was the era of the ancient stone emperor. Although not as brilliant as the period of the Flower Burying Demon Emperor, it also led the demon clan to prosper for an era.

Now, they seem to have seen the hope of the Yaozu rising again in Li Ye!

True dragon blood! In front of this bloodline, all bloodlines are weak!

Even the blood of Prince Wuya's sacred beast, at this time, seemed a little inadequate.

"This bloodline is the blessing of the demon race! If Jiuyao Palace killed this son today, how would you explain to the demon race?"

Yunshan Iron Sword snorted coldly!

Although he did not intervene at this moment, there is no doubt that his attitude has indeed changed drastically.

"Brother Yunshan is right, this son can't die! At least knowing the origin of his bloodline is a unique opportunity for us Monster Race!"

Another supreme holy emperor!

Jiuyaodian is not easy to provoke, but the expression of such a statement by several Supreme Sacred Emperors immediately put Jiuyaodian under tremendous pressure.

What's more, the ancestors at Qing Cangmen also sneered.

The pressure they exerted suddenly caused a dilemma for the ancestors of Jiuyao Hall.

At the moment Li Ye showed his blood, they were actually a little lost. For them, no matter how talented Li Ye is, it is only a threat. But now, a monster race with true dragon blood will absolutely change the pattern of the entire monster race!

"Damn! The blood of the real dragon! Why didn't it come to the door!"

They found Young Master Wuya with the blood of a holy beast, and they couldn't wait to bring them back to Jiuyao Hall for training! After all, a sacred beast bloodline, with the foundation of Jiuyao Hall, it is no surprise that at least a demon emperor will be in the future!

There is even hope to become the second ancient stone emperor or flower burial demon emperor.

What they didn't expect was that there were actually people in this world who had the blood of a real dragon.

Young Master Wuya is hideous!

"Li Ye! What if you have the blood of a true dragon! You will die today!"


Even the injured Young Master Wu Ya, his arrogance is still rising crazily!

"The power of sages! It seems that it has promoted his further integration!"

Seeing him like this, someone took a breath!

"People who can become sages have been geniuses with at least the blood of sacred beasts since ancient times! It's really difficult to draw conclusions in this battle! Who is the better of the two."

On one side is the blood of true dragons, on the other side is the power of sages!

Two terrifying forces almost tear the entire Jiuyao Hall Hall!

You know, here is the place where Jiuyao Hall has been blessed by countless powerhouses in each era, but it is crumbling at this moment.


A dragon chant! As the huge black dragon roared directly, it once again shredded a sage figure.

The invincible aura of the gods blocking and killing the gods and the Buddha blocking and punishing the Buddha was enough to make the demon emperor dare not easily step forward to block his edge.

If it weren’t for the sage’s law to also condense the strong will of an ancient sage to stay in the world, ordinary sage powers would have retreated steadily and would not be their opponents.

Li Ye was bathed in a layer of blood flame! That scene made everyone's heart twitch fiercely!

Because of this picture, they had seen it not long ago from another peerless genius of the monster race!


I don't know who finally confided through the teeth!

Demon! The monster race's most unbelievable evolutionary transformation! Can meet but not ask! Even the few demon emperors nowadays, few people have ever had such a blessing to be able to produce a demon!

Why is Jue Wuxi hailed as a peerless genius who can challenge Prince Wuya, because he has been transformed into a demon!

At this moment, Li Ye in the eyes of everyone is undergoing a process of demonization!

"Blood and soul!"

Old Wu took a deep breath, and a human half-emperor on one side couldn't help asking, "Old Wu, isn't that kid who is rumored to be a member of our human race! Why can the characteristics of the monster race appear! "

You know, they always hope that Li Ye is a member of the human race, but now everything seems to disappoint them.

"This is blood gathering soul! In fact, human race and monster race are the same, in essence, there is no difference! The monster race also has our human blood! The demon in their mouth is a manifestation of blood gathering soul! It is to stimulate the blood in the body. The awakening of the original origin!"

After he finished speaking, he sighed deeply again, "It's just that I didn't expect that the proud clan like a monster dragon would actually let his blood flow out!"

Blood descendants are not the same as simple descendants!

"It's really strange, the monster dragon is a family that attaches great importance to blood, even those sub-dragons, it is impossible to awaken the thin blood in the body!"

This is where the monsters and humans are most surprised!

The blood in Li Ye's body is undoubtedly the purest blood of a true dragon! But the only way to get such blood is to come from a true purebred dragon!

That kind of existence has long disappeared in the Three Realms and the Nine Realms. Only in a place called Dragon Island outside the Three Realms can there be traces of real dragons.

"The secret of this child is the same as his origin, perhaps his identity is far from as simple as we know now!"

Emperor Danwu, the female emperor Jinghong, naturally cannot be related to Longdao!

Now Li Ye once again showed his unexpected trump cards, which also made everyone more curious about the mystery of Li Ye.

In the void, Li Ye, bathed in blood flames, seemed to have become another person.

The powerful breath came out!

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