Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 3024: The king of the monster blood

The scheming of Young Master Wuya really exceeded everyone's expectations.

"Li Ye! As long as you die! No one in the entire monster race can compete with this son for the throne of the future master of the monster race!"

His eyes bloomed with endless killing intent!

Whether it is the name of the Saint Demon Gate Princess or the first genius of the Demon Race, they were originally in his pocket!

But no matter how Li Ye appeared, almost all his plans fell through.

At this moment, he wanted to kill Li Ye! And also caught Li Ye's weakest moment!

"The descendant of Jiuyaodian is really cruel!"

"If you shoot at this time, even if you win, you won't be able to win!"

Everyone is slightly shameless, but these Three Realms and Nine Realms were originally the winners and losers. As long as Li Ye dies today, who will care what kind of despicable means Wu Ya uses to kill his opponent?

Even one day, he will ascend to the Lord of the Demon Race, and no one will even mention it!

"After all, this son is still too impulsive. To come here alone today is to take a huge risk!"

"Since ancient times, heroes have been born as teenagers, but this beauty pass has also caused many heroes and heroes to ruin their lives! Alas!"

Another demon clan ancestor shook his head and sighed. In their opinion, the Saint Demon Gate Princess is indeed beautiful and indispensable, and it is not an exaggeration to be hailed as the first beauty of the demon clan.

But even the most beautiful women, for people like them who have lived for thousands of years, or even tens of thousands of years, are just a passing moment and cannot be compared to the supreme avenue.

"If the Empress Jinghong didn't take action today, this son would definitely die!"

Li Ye's strength made everyone almost refreshed the three views. But even the most powerful genius, even the supreme holy emperor, seemed a little powerless in the face of an emperor sect.

Not to mention, what the Prince Wuya at this time showed was almost a powerful force that surpassed the Supreme Holy Emperor.

In addition, this time in Jiuyaodian, there are quite a few ancestors present!

Anyone has a cultivation base close to the Supreme Holy Emperor!

"Emperor Ri Yao doesn't make a move, and Empress Jinghong may not really appear."

"Yeah, when you reach their state, you won't easily make a move."

As everyone shook their heads, Li Ye retreated violently!

He really consumes a lot of money, and he almost drained his whole body by playing two Emperor Blasts.

But Young Master Wuya took advantage of the situation, but he seemed to have expected it.

"Li Ye! You can't escape today!"

Seeing Li Ye as if going to leave, Young Master Wuya sneered, and the twelve sages directly shot! Almost all the void was sealed.

What he didn't expect was that Li Ye swung a sword!

The incomparable sword intent is cut out one by one! In the eyes of everyone, it was like the last struggle and remaining fire, dying to fight back.


With a sneer, the sword intent was directly shattered by the sages!

A powerful incarnation of a sage, even if it is impossible to be invincible in the world when the real sage was alive, but even a strand of incarnation can easily destroy an ordinary school.


The twelve dharma slap a palm at the same time, like the supreme palm print of the Buddha, suppressing the world!

"The power of Zhentian! This is the truly terrifying place of the sage inheritance!"

"The power of the demon race! According to legend, only the sages of the past can grasp and understand! It has a strong suppression and prohibition effect on any demon race! Even the demon emperor will be affected by it!"

Even if it is not towards everyone, but as a member of the monster clan, many people feel that their hairs are erected! And the higher the cultivation base, the deeper the feeling!

Like Yunshan Iron Sword and other supreme holy emperors, it is as if all the strength of his body is being deprived of this palm! Swallowed!

That feeling is like the kind of helplessness and horror that they had just stepped into the gate of martial arts and faced those terrifying and invincible strong men!

Although Lao Wu and other strong humans didn't feel that way, their expressions flashed!

"The power of the demon clan! It is only useful for the demon clan!"

They have always had a slight doubt about Li Ye's identity!

Or, even many people in the monster clan had doubted Li Ye's status as a monster clan.

After all, Li Ye comes from sixteen countries in Xizhou, this is an indisputable fact! Outside of Southern Xinjiang, there are not many demons, let alone Li Ye in the Sixteen Kingdoms of Xizhou, who have made a name for themselves!

Countless pairs of eyes are watching all this!

Even inside the Saint Demon Gate, Jade Demon Zun and others also took a look!

The only people who really knew Li Ye's identity were Emperor Bingyi and Princess Saint Demon Gate! As for the others, it is totally unknown.

"Is he a monster or a human! After today, the mystery will be solved!"

Faced with this terrible power to suppress the sky, or the power to suppress the demon! Li Ye felt a strangeness all over his blood!

It was as if something unforeseen was suppressing the blood in his body.

"Strength of Zhentian!"

Li Ye was directly suppressed crazily, but he was far from the kind of helplessness that the monsters had when they faced the power of calming the sky!

The blood in his body was indeed affected, but it was only the beginning!

Finally, under the power of this heaven, the dragon bloodline in the body first reacted!

The terrible sound of dragon chants rose to the sky!

As if at that moment, a huge black dragon emerged from Li Ye's body! Directly up to the sky and let out a huge dragon roar!

The twelve sages tremble violently at the same time, even if the power of the heavens controlled by the sages is used to suppress the monster race! But in the face of the true dragon bloodline, it has no effect!

Instead, it inspired some of the talents in Li Ye's body that the dragon bloodline had been sleeping!

"True Dragon Blood!"

The huge black dragon directly roared and grabbed it one by one!


Suddenly a sage figure was crushed directly! At the same time a dragon wagging its tail!

The four sages were completely shattered!

In just an instant, Young Master Wuya sprayed five mouthfuls of blood! The whole person was even more traumatized, and was blasted out with a scream!

"Unexpectedly! Actually it is really a dragon blood!"

"The blood of the beast! The blood of the true dragon! God! No wonder this kid is so against the sky, I didn't expect this kind of blood in the body!"

"Who still doubts his demon body? No! He is not just a demon clan. For millions of years, the demon clan has no bloodline comparable to it!"

For the monster race, the true dragon is supreme, and even more subdued by the monster race than the blood of other gods! That is a kind of natural blood influence. At this moment, countless strong monsters seem to have the urge to bow down.

Powerful people like Lian Yunshan Iron Sword are all faintly feeling the restriction from blood!

Yaozu! Itself is based on the level of blood to discuss birth!

And true dragon blood! It is definitely one of the most noble bloodlines in the history of Yaozu!

King blood!

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