Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 3026: Kill the Quartet in the Hall of Jiuyao!

Pieces of dragon scales appeared directly on the surface of Li Ye's skin. If the powerful dragon aura hadn't been in his human form at this moment, it would be enough to make people mistakenly think that when a real dragon appeared in Southern Xinjiang!

"The blood of the true dragon! The transformation of the demon dragon!"

Seeing Li Ye's new image, countless monsters gasped!

There are monsters who directly kneel to the ground. After all, for the monsters, the true dragon is a symbol equivalent to a king.

Or, any sacred animal bloodline is the bloodline of the supreme king of the monster race!

Even the princess of the Saint Demon Gate, who has the blood of the same sacred animal and the blood of the nine-tailed celestial fox, felt a trace of suppression at this moment!

The same is the blood of the beast, there is no doubt that the blood of the true dragon is still above the nine-tailed sky fox! It's just that everyone's blood is not much different, and she didn't really get suppressed and bow down.

Young Master Wuya bears the brunt!

The strong pressure almost made him want to kneel down.

But his more proud self-esteem directly made him roar crazy!

"No one can make me surrender! Even the blood of a true dragon is not eligible!"

Although the blood of the sacred beast in his body was suppressed, at least there was still a trace of resistance! Coupled with the will of the sages, he forced him to snarled frantically against this bloodline suppression.

"Li Ye! Only one person can live today!"

Crazy jealousy almost swallowed up Master Wuya's Dao Xin, and at this moment, he was faintly ill-informed! All of his pride, talent, savvy and even his origin were shattered so thoroughly in front of Li Ye.

As proud as he is, he simply cannot accept this result.

Li Ye will naturally not be timid!

At this time, after the blood of the devil dragon was completely boiling and awakened, the previous power of suppressing the demon race was no longer able to affect him.

"Then fight!"

With a roar, the True Dragon Faxiang directly fought with several sages!

The void was torn to pieces in an instant, and the endless storm instantly destroyed thousands of miles of land. Countless mountains and rivers were razed to the ground in an instant.


The huge black dragon directly turned into a long black sword in Li Ye's hand.

Cut it down!

Everything was annihilated by this knife!

This sword surpassed any law and profound meaning, and even surpassed the will of Taoism! Only for sheer destruction.

"Do not!"

The unwilling roar burst from the mouth of Young Master Wuya!

The sages and sages in front of him were cut to pieces one by one! Facing this knife, nothing can stop!

Suddenly, two terrifying demon lights flashed from the Jiuyao Hall!

It is the two ancestors of Jiuyaodian, the two supreme holy emperors!

"Li Ye! If you kill my descendant of Jiuyaodian today, you will never die with Jiuyaodian!"

Everyone could see that Young Master Wuya was defeated!

Completely defeated!

Even the power of the most mysterious sage in charge of the monster clan can't save his defeat.

Seeing that they were about to die by this knife, the ancestors of Jiuyao Hall naturally wouldn't sit idly by!

In any case, this is also their descendant! The demon emperor of the future!

The terrible sword light can even split the sky with one blow!

The two ancestors of Jiuyaodian also tried their best to resist frantically!

Destroy everything in one fell swoop!

What about the Supreme Holy Emperor!

Even the screams came out, and the two supreme holy emperors of Jiuyao Hall were directly swallowed by the sword light! The smoke disappeared completely.


Seeing Li Ye slay the two supreme sacred emperors with a single blow, everyone's backbone was chilly!

Is that the supreme emperor?

Just say you die?

Also cut two with one knife?

"Damn! This kid is going to be crazy! This is the demon emperor, and it is impossible to kill the two supreme holy emperors with a single blow, right?"

At this moment, no one will answer this question.

Because of the existence of the Demon Emperor's realm, in fact, it is rarely true.

The supreme holy emperor that the world knows, although claimed to be able to fight the demon emperor, but no one knows the facts. Because there are only a handful of holy emperors who really dare to fight the Demon Emperor.

The vast majority of the supreme holy emperors are nothing but the name of invincibility, but they have no chance to fight against the powerful emperor.

"That kid is going to kill Prince Wuya!"

The sword light directly killed the two ancestors of the Jiuyao Hall, but what was even more frightening for everyone was that the knife was not over!

Young Master Wuya had already lost his blood, where there was the bully and conceit just now, he turned around and fled!

No matter how conceited he is, it is impossible for him to contend with a pervert who killed two supreme holy emperors in one fell swoop!

As for the fight with Li Ye?

At this moment, he has already forgotten him, and he is dying of his life, what else is he fighting for!

woman? status? Fame? Or the position of the future master of the monster race?

Everything becomes insignificant!

"Want to go!?"

Li Ye had already been murderous!

And now, he was infected with the most original tyrannical factor of the dragon because of the complete explosion of the dragon's blood! In addition, the blood of the blood in the body itself has a desire for blood, and it is almost unstoppable at the moment!


The countless palaces of Jiuyao Hall were completely shattered by a single knife!

Even the few Jiuyaodian powerhouses who wanted to block did not approach, and were directly reached by the sword light, completely turning into fly ash!

"Dare you little beast!"

There were terrible roars in the depths of the entire Jiuyao Hall!

How long did someone dare to kill the Quartet in Jiuyao Hall?

Even killed the three ancestors of the Supreme Holy Emperor, and hunted down their descendants?

A horrible light appeared from the depths of Jiuyao Hall!

No one's aura is stronger than that of the three ancestors killed by Li Ye just now!

"A few ancestors! Save me!"

Young Master Wuya seemed to have seen the savior and shouted!

It's a pity that those ancestors who woke up from the deep sleep of Jiuyao Hall did not dare to block Li Ye's attack!

You know, this is almost the pinnacle of the sword after the dragon's bloodline is completely awakened!

"Damn, even with this sword, even Emperor Sun Yao dare not say that he can stop it! This kid is simply a monster!"

Seeing that the ancestors who had just awakened in Jiuyao Hall were directly wiped out by flying ash and annihilated, everyone was too scared to say anything.

And Young Master Wuya is even worse!

"Li Ye! You can't kill me!"

Finally, as if knowing that Li Ye could not let him go, Master Wu Ya roared loudly.

At the same time, a figure finally appeared in front of Young Master Wu Ya, almost directly facing Li Ye's horrible and extremely devastating knife!

Everyone exclaimed!

Even the ancestors of Jiuyao Hall died under this knife, who would dare to save people?

However, it was weird. Because of the appearance of this figure, Li Ye stopped in front of her in awe.

The killing breath made the suppressed people almost breathless!

"Give me a reason."

Li Ye's voice came out, with a hint of disappointment in the cold.

Because the one who stood in front of Young Master Wuya was not someone else, it was Princess Saint Demon Gate!

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