Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 3021: Emperor Burst VS Magic Array!

As the voice fell, another ancient **** incarnation was directly beheaded by Li Ye Yijian!

After successively beheading the incarnation of the ancient gods, the entire void seemed to be stained with a layer of blood.

At the same time, the angry roar was deafening.

But by listening carefully, you can hear the trace of fear hidden in the roar!

Yes, fear!

When Li Ye killed the first ancient **** incarnation, this kind of fear had already begun to breed. Finally at this moment, the entire array world began to be unstable.

"Little beast! Even if you have a way to kill the broken formation! But with your consumption just now, how long can you last!"

There were terrible roars from the void, the voice with a hint of weakness, but it was more of the end of a powerful crossbow.

The incarnations of the ancient gods were slain by Li Ye one after another, and the seven holy emperors of the Jiuyao Hall integrated with this formation had already been severely injured. If it were not for the evil of this formation, they would have already been wiped out!

"Perhaps, you can try, I died first after exhaustion, or I killed the soul of the seven of you first!"


The Seven-Star Sword burst into bright light!

The powerful aura of the imperial soldiers almost made this realm of formations unable to be completely suppressed, if it was possible to suppress it at the beginning. However, as the primordial spirits of the seven holy emperors were beheaded several times by Li Ye one after another, the current level of suppression has been greatly reduced.

One trades up!

"You little beast will die!"


The incarnations of the seven ancient gods disappeared, and what appeared instead was an even more terrifying giant demon god!

And this demon **** is different from the incarnation of the ancient **** just now, but an entity! At the same time, a torrent of weather radiated from the demon god!

The will and general trend of the Great Emperor!

Obviously, the seven holy emperors of Jiuyaodian did not want to wait for death, and finally took the last move at this moment!

The seven directly obliterated their souls and turned into one body!

"Today, you never want to leave here alive!"

Seven different voices are intertwined, coming from the mouth of the huge demon god.

Just swiping and slapped Li Ye directly.

Everyone's heart was raised, such a terrifying demon **** beyond the imagination of the world. The supreme holy emperor like Lian Yunshan Iron Sword, his face paled slightly.

"Brother Yunshan, if it's you, what's your chance of winning?"

A strong monster from the side could not help asking.

The same is the Supreme Holy Emperor!

"No more than 20%!"

Yunshan Iron Sword is one of the few top Supreme Sovereign Powerhouses in southern Xinjiang, and it has the power to fight against ordinary monster emperors. But at this moment, he smiled bitterly and shook his head, "Perhaps the odds of winning are lower. In the realm of formation, his own cultivation will be suppressed. In the face of such an opponent, it is difficult to say whether he can save his life."

In the realm of the array!

"Where can the little beast escape!"

There was a deafening roar from the Demon God's mouth. It is the master in this world, and no one can escape from its palm.

However, in the next moment, the invincible sword intent turned into a huge sword formation, directly cutting towards the huge and incomparable body of the demon god!

"It's useless!"

The sword light transformed by countless sword intents was smashed to pieces by the demon god, and it couldn't stop its progress at all.


With every step of the Demon God, the earth seemed to be unable to withstand that huge power!

The earth is cracking, and countless lava jets out, turning into a terrible lava fire dragon!

Suddenly, a power that destroys the world appeared directly from the void!

"Emperor explosion!"

Everyone gasped!

Even the ancestors of Jiuyaodian could not help showing their emotions all of a sudden!

Emperor explosion! They didn't expect that at this point, Li Ye could actually strike such a devastating blow!

"This son is really the darling of the heavens! If one day allows him to take the emperor's life, there are really few people who can compete with him in this era!"

It is not difficult to play the Emperor Burst once.

Almost any holy emperor can do it!

As long as you hold an imperial weapon or an imperial soldier, you can make an imperial explosion!

But that price is definitely not something ordinary people can afford!

"Emperor blast! Even if this child is holding an emperor soldier, after hitting this blow in his current state, he is almost exhausted!"

Yunshan Iron Sword shook his head slightly, perhaps with his cultivation level, he could hit two consecutive emperor blasts, but that would also make him unable to recover from lying down for at least ten and a half months.

And Li Ye is just a rising star, a junior!

Even if you just crossed the catastrophe against the sky not long ago! Can it be compared with those who have practiced for thousands of years?

The huge Demon God was almost blown to pieces by this force!

The entire realm of formation is crumbling!

After all, the emperor explosion is the equivalent of the great emperor's all-out effort to destroy the world and destroy the earth. It is a small formation, and it is still reluctant to withstand this power.

At least, this is not the most complete seven ghost element array ever created by Yetian Devil Emperor.

"The winner is determined?"

At this time, whether it was the death of Li Ye or the fall of the seven holy emperors of Jiuyao Hall, it was actually enough that everyone present would never forget it for a lifetime.

This terrible confrontation has long been beyond the imagination of the world.

Even the few supreme Saint Emperor powerhouses present have lingering fears!

Because the two sides of the fight are enough to kill any supreme holy emperor!

"Emperor explosion!"

At the realm of the supreme holy emperor, it is almost impossible to break through. The only thing we pursue is the extremely powerful treasure between heaven and earth! Magic soldier!

For example, imperial weapons and imperial soldiers!

Naturally, there are also people who are extremely greedy and interested in the formation of Jiuyaodian. Especially for a few imperial family traditions, for them, if they can master this set of formations, they will surely become a powerful hole card with full deterrence in the future.

Finally, everything disappeared.

Li Ye's figure appeared, slightly embarrassed, with a trace of blood hanging from the corner of his mouth.

"Is it dead?!"

Just as everyone expected, wanting to play an emperor explosion is a kind of drowning for everyone!

In just an instant, he almost emptied most of his true energy.

But soon, his eyes narrowed.

"Under the emperor explosion, you won't die, it is indeed the magical formation created by the Yetian Devil Emperor."

In sight, a huge body slowly stood up.

It was the incarnation of the demon god, and only saw the entire upper body of the demon god, almost all of it was blown to pieces, leaving only the lower abdomen and legs still present.

But even so, it is still being reborn in a frenzied healing at an extremely fast speed!

In a short period of time, the resurrection was successful again.


Everyone outside took a breath!

You know, no matter how invincible it is, there are weaknesses, but now seeing this demon **** that is almost impossible to kill, who else can be killed in these three realms?

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