Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 3020: How many times have you resurrected, how many times I have killed!

"What kind of formation is this!"

"The formation of the seven holy emperors can actually have such a terrible scene! How many secrets are still hidden in this Jiuyao Hall!?"

No wonder everyone reacted so strongly, what is the concept of the seven demon emperors?

In the entire Three Realms, there is no such a terrible heritage to have such a handwriting!

The Saint Demon Gate, which is known as the first emperor of the southern border demon clan, is nothing but three emperors! Among them, Emperor Yaotian and Emperor Wuxin didn't know if they were still alive!

It is as powerful as Fenghuocheng, and it is impossible to have seven great emperors at once!

"Seven demon emperors! This is enough to wipe out all forces, who else in the entire southern Xinjiang can resist?"

Not to mention ordinary sects, even the strong men of the emperor sect have met with a trace of fear at this moment!

After all, the Dimen Taoist lineage has a profound background, but no emperor door Taoist lineage has such a method!

On the other hand, on the side of Jiuyaodian, the ancestors were smiling. Although a powerful trump card of Jiuyaodian was exposed, the effect did satisfy them.

It can be said that after today, it will definitely stir the entire southern Xinjiang!

Even outside the southern border, Jiuyao Hall truly entered the ranks of the highest emperor of the Three Realms!

"This son will die today. Once he dies, Wuya will have no rivals in Nanjiang in the future."

An ancestor of Jiuyaodian nodded slightly, and a cold light flashed across his eyes.

Tens of thousands of years of preparation, it is impossible to give up because of an unknown genius. It’s just that Li Ye’s identity and strength are not comparable to ordinary people, so Jiuyaodian does not hesitate to expose the Seven Ghosts Elementary Formation. Although the price is a little higher, as long as the threat of killing Li Ye today is not for Jiuyaodian. unacceptable.

Everyone was afraid of Jiuyaodian's harsh methods.

At the same time, some people have already turned their minds.

The rise of Jiuyao Hall seemed unstoppable at this time.

Saint Demon Gate? This time the compromise may seem to everyone to be a wise choice.

Winner and loser! This has been true since ancient times.

But they seem to have missed one of the most important places!

The realm of the array!

Facing the seven incarnations of ancient gods equivalent to the strength of the Demon Emperor, Li Ye didn't have any trace of fear on his face, instead he let out a long scream!

"The Seven Ghosts Elementary Formation is indeed the greatest weapon used by the Ye Tian Devil Emperor to fight the Three Realms! What a pity!"

An invincible bright sword light cut out with one sword across the air! Instantly transformed into seven powerful sword auras!

At this moment, instead of just sitting and waiting for death, Li Ye's fighting spirit increased wildly, holding a seven-star sword, and his sword spirit skyrocketing!

"Little beast, you can't be the opponent of the old man and others!"

There was a terrible roar from the void, and the powerful sages of Jiuyaodian, who had long been integrated with the seven ghosts, appeared directly as the original spirit, facing this invincible sword energy, waving their hands. It's like in charge of everything in the starry sky, each star becomes a weapon in their hands!

In an instant, the stars fell!

Sword Qi intertwined, countless stars were crushed at that moment.

But under this starry sky, no one knows how many stars hang! No matter how much sword energy you have, facing the endless stars, you are the only way to destroy it.

Sure enough, Li Ye Yijian almost smashed hundreds of falling stars, but it was of no avail.

However, instead of any panic on Li Ye's face, he smiled more and more brilliantly.

"Sure enough! The Seven Ghosts Elementary Formation is made by the Yetian Devil Emperor with the essence of the seven Emperor Chu Yuanshens! Within the Three Realms, he is the only one who truly mastered this supreme evil Dao formation!"


Another invincible sword intent!

Torn the sky instantly!

At the same time, it is as if a real dragon was born, and the dragon ascends to heaven! I only saw a giant dragon roaring out, as if to bite the sky away!

The void was shattered, and the incarnations of the seven ancient gods were shaking like crazy!

In this terrible dragon roar, was shocked.

"what happened?"

"That kid, unexpectedly has such a strength! Directly facing the seven demon emperors, without letting go?"

Everyone was dumbfounded!

That is equivalent to seven demon emperors!

Who would dare to face the seven demon emperors?

Even if the Emperor Sun Yao of the Jiuyao Palace came in person, he had no choice but to escape!


Suddenly, Yunshan Iron Sword shouted!

"Brother Yunshan, have you discovered something?"

On one side, a supreme holy emperor quickly asked, after all, Jiuyao Palace is so terrifying, it is a huge threat to any monster force.

"This formation is not without flaws! The seven incarnations of ancient gods do not really have the appearance of a demon emperor!"

"What's the answer to this?"

"This formation should be refined with those seven holy emperors, which is equivalent to a magic circle formed by integrating all the power of the seven holy emperors! Whether it is the incarnation of the ancient gods or other, it is impossible to exceed the power of these seven holy emperors Above!"

After all, the Yunshan Iron Sword is the supreme sacred emperor, and his vision is naturally not low. Although he didn't know that this was the legendary Seven Ghosts Elementary Formation, he could see a trace of the doorway.

"That said, but before?"

"That should be an instant, an illusion caused by the power of the seven holy emperors! That is not the seven demon emperor ancient gods! Even with the power of the demon emperor, it can't last too long!"

He just finished speaking!

In the realm of the array!

A scream!

Only saw Li Ye tear the sky with his hands, and directly split the incarnation of an ancient **** with a sword!

As the ancient **** was split apart, the entire array world began to shake violently!

The screams were endless, but soon, the incarnation of the ancient **** that had been split appeared again.

"Little beast! You can't kill us in this realm!"


After Li Ye heard the words, he just smiled, "If you really have the same means as the Yetian Devil Emperor back then, gathered the essence of the seven emperors and refined them into a formation, maybe today I am really a nine-dead life! But now!"

The power of the Seven Ghosts Elementary Array is measured by the degree of sacrifice to the strong!

The Devil Emperor Ye Tian killed the seven most powerful opponents in his life, and refined the formation with their essence! Naturally, it is not comparable to the seven ghosts of the Jiuyao Hall refinement!

You know, the seven emperor princes, any one has the strength of the soul at least above the six orifices! This created the birth of the undefeated myth of the Yetian Devil Emperor.

As if to confirm his inference, Li Ye cut three swords instantly!

Only saw the three ancient gods incarnate directly shattered, but after they appeared again, the smile on Li Ye's face was even brighter.

"I can't kill you now, but how many times can you resurrect?"

As soon as these words came out, the incarnations of the ancient gods all showed a touch of shock!

"The primordial spirit of the seven of you is not ordinary! How many resurrections can you withstand?"

At that moment, the entire formation was quiet.

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