Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 3022: Kill the seven holy emperors with one sword!

In the whole world, how many people can withstand an emperor explosion without dying?

At the beginning of the Saint Demon Gate, the Young Master of the Flower Burial Palace played the Emperor Burst, and it can almost be said that unless the Demon Emperor comes in person, no one can survive!

But Li Ye survived!

Now, relying on the powerful evil power of the Seven Ghosts Elementary Array, the huge Demon God was almost blasted into nothingness under the emperor explosion, but it was still resurrected again!

"Huh! It's not that easy to break the Seven Ghosts Elementary Array!"

Seeing Li Ye hit the emperor burst, Young Master Wu Ya once showed a panic. But at this moment, it was a sneer.

However, deep in his eyes, there is still a strong jealousy and jealousy!

He was also given the imperial weapon for self-defense, but even so, he was not confident that he could easily hit the emperor's blast, and he would still have extra energy.

"This kid, what has become!"

"After playing the emperor explosion, even the existence of the supreme holy emperor will lose at least five or six success power!"

Seeing that Li Ye was only a little paler, the shock in everyone's hearts was beyond words.

"But the emperor explosion has been played, and the formation has not been broken. Is it really possible for the Demon Emperor or the Great Emperor to come in person and make a personal shot to break the formation?"

Emperor explosion!

That's the emperor explosion!

It was equivalent to a move made by a demon emperor and a great emperor with all his strength, which only severely damaged the body of the demon god.

"Jiu Yaodian, when did you get this formation! If the Demon Emperor falls into it, you may not be able to get out easily!"

When I think of this, let alone the ordinary monsters and ancestors, even the ancestors of the emperor sects have changed their expressions!

The formation that can trap the Demon Emperor!

This is a potential threat to any imperial door system!

If the Jiuyaodian sits down and takes action against them, in what way will they be able to resist such a powerful magic circle?

Just now!

The two supreme holy emperors who came by Qing Cangmen this time flashed directly!

"Hundred Valley Holy Emperor!"

"Tingming Saint Emperor!"

Whether it is their supreme saint emperor's identity or the Qing Cangmen behind it, it is enough to make everyone's eyes converge.

"How can the two seniors enlighten me?"

Young Master Wuya smiled slightly, but there was a coldness in his eyes.

"Wuya, we shouldn't have intervened today, but after all, this son is the only descendant who has stepped into the sacred realm of the demon race. Or, for the sake of the two of us, how about spare his life?"

No one thought that at this moment, Qing Cangmen, who has always worn a pair of pants with Jiuyaodian, would actually come out to sing a drama.

In particular, these two powerhouses are not ordinary people, even in the Qing Cangmen, they are considered to have a high right to speak.

Young Master Wuya looked cold when he heard the words, "The two seniors are serious, I don't know if this is what the two seniors meant? Or?"

The Holy Emperor Hundred Valley and the Holy Emperor Tingming glanced at each other. They lived for tens of thousands of years. They were naturally old and treacherous. They knew the purpose of the insinuation in the words of the Jiuyao Temple in front of them, but they both smiled coldly, "You can see it as It was a request from Qing Cangmen."

The Holy Emperor Tingming smiled slightly, "Naturally, Jiuyao Palace does need an explanation this time. How about letting this son hand over the emperor soldiers in his hands and let him make a living?"

Hand over the imperial soldiers!

This price is indeed high enough!

But Young Master Wu Ya's eyes were gloomy.

Someone had secretly guessed the origin of the imperial soldiers in Li Ye's hands!

If it really came from that place, if Jiuyao Hall detained this emperor today, it would have caused trouble for Jiuyao Hall.

More importantly, Jiuyaodian did not hesitate to expose the Seven Ghosts Elementary Array this time, just to punish Li Ye! How are they willing to let them give up at this time?

"Two seniors, today's matter is my personal grudge between Jiuyaodian and this Li Ye, and I hope that the two seniors will not interfere!"

Flatly refuse!

No one thought that the two supreme sacred emperors of Qing Cangmen who also belonged to the emperor door came forward to intercede, but they did not let Young Master Wu Ya give in.

On the side of Jiuyaodian, the ancestors closed their eyes slightly, as if everything was in charge of the current Young Master Wuya.

At this point, it was as if to let the whole world know that in today's Jiuyao Palace, Young Master Wuya had become a true heir! The future master of Jiuyao Hall!

"Good! Good! Good!"

The Sage Emperor Baigu smiled to the sky, but his voice carried a strong anger!

"Sure enough, it's a young hero!"

The Holy Emperor Tingming was also angrily smiling, naturally the two of them could not be purely to save Li Ye's life! What's more, I don't want to see that after today's battle in Jiuyao Palace, no one can check and balance!

The two left in their sleeves, they didn't care if Li Ye died, but today it is clear that Qing Cangmen and Jiuyao Hall are already on the opposite side!

Even if the conflict will not break out in a short time, everyone can see that with the ambition of the Jiuyao Hall, sooner or later, other emperors will bear the suppression of the Jiuyao Hall.

Even the face of Qing Cangmen was not given, Yunshan Tiejian and others who originally wanted to speak out also closed their mouths.

"It seems that this time the Jiuyao Hall wants to kill the chicken and the monkey!"

Everyone's heart shuddered.

But suddenly at this moment, I don't know who made an exclamation!


The person exclaimed, and everyone was taken aback.

Then everyone's eyes became extremely shocked!

"Emperor explosion!"

"Impossible! How could he hit the second emperor explosion in such a short time?"


Almost for an instant, the entire array world seemed unbearable, and numerous cracks appeared!

At that moment, someone was among them and hit the second emperor blow!

Even compared to the first time just now, not only did the Demon God be completely annihilated in an instant, but even the entire realm of the formation was finally hit with a huge gap!

"Formation, broken!"

Everyone took a breath!

No one thought that Li Ye could get out of this battle! Even in their opinion, even if a demon emperor came, he might not be able to escape if trapped in it for a short time, and he would even be embarrassed.

Unexpectedly, in a short period of time, Li Ye directly hit the Emperor Blast twice, not only broke the formation, even tore a corner of the entire formation, and killed it!


As soon as the formation was broken, seven old bodies appeared in an instant, it was the seven holy emperors who deployed the formation! But at this moment, everyone took a breath again!

The seven holy emperors used to be vigorous and powerful, but now they are like dying old people on the verge of death, as if they were dozens of years old in an instant, and their blood was almost dry! Even the primordial spirit is already if there is nothing.

"I said, this formation can't kill me!"

Li Ye's face was also pale, but he was murderous! A sword of light flashed across in an instant!

I saw only seven heads rising up into the sky!

One sword! Kill the seven holy emperors!

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