Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 3017: The holy emperor is the foundation

From the moment Li Ye stepped into the Jiuyao Hall, someone had arranged everything.

Regardless of whether he does it today, some people are not ready to let him leave alive.

At this time, everything is just an excuse to do it.

"Seven holy emperors! What a big scene!"

Jade Demon Sovereign snorted coldly, but an old man at Jiuyao Hall suddenly sneered, "Jade Demon Sovereign, this one hurts people first, can't I ask for an explanation in Jiuyao Hall?"

Not to mention that it was the Daoism of the Emperor Sect of the Jiuyao Hall, even if it was an ordinary sect, it would definitely be furious and furious when someone broke through the door all the way.

It's just that at this moment, Li Ye's identity is special, and everyone is shining.

"It seems that the Jiuyao Hall is determined to do it today!"

"Could it be that the Emperor Sun Yao already has a perfect solution? Otherwise, even the Jiuyao Palace would not be able to bear the anger of the Empress Jinghong."

Many people have doubts about the decision of Jiuyaodian.

But the arrow is on the string, I have to send it!

Here, the seven holy emperors of Jiuyao Hall take a direct step!

The overwhelming violent momentum turned into a terrible prison!

Everyone took a deep breath!

This is clearly a set of seven-man team attack formation! And it's a repressive method handed down from ancient times!

"What a palace of Jiuyao! It seems that I definitely came here today!"

Yunshan Iron Sword's expression was slightly frightened. As the supreme saint emperor, after seeing this set of seven-man attack formation, he was sweating from behind!

This is clearly a combination of the power of the seven holy emperors, leapfrogging and killing the gods!

Not only Yunshan Iron Sword, but also the several supreme holy emperors present changed their faces.

"This formation, even if we are entangled, is too bad for us!"

Another ancient Demon Race Supreme Sovereign took a breath. There was a trace of fear in the voice! After all, at the supreme holy emperor's level of cultivation, even the demon emperor wanted to kill them.

If you really want to flee, the Demon Emperor can't stop it!

But right now, Jiuyao Hall undoubtedly has a terrifying method, which can completely kill them, such as the formation of the supreme Saint Emperor realm powerhouse!

Although no one knows whether they can deal with the demon emperor, at least they can guess from the faces of the few supreme holy emperors present, they are not confident that they can walk out of this formation safely.

"This time, it looks like a lot of bad luck!"

"Jiu Yaodian! As expected! After killing this son, how to face the monstrous anger of Emperor Jinghong and even Emperor Danwu?"

Killing a peerless genius with such a formation, although it seems a little overkill, kill chickens with a sledgehammer. But it depends on whom it is dealing with.

There is no doubt that Li Ye's threat level is enough to put Jiuyaodian and other emperor sects in the first place.

Not hesitate to expose this secret, but also to keep Li Ye's life here.


Seven holy emperors, no one can stop Li Yeke.

But at this moment, the seven people joined forces to form a terrifying cage of heaven and earth, and even blocked all the directions where Li Ye could leave.

At the same time, the world turned into a huge array of incomparable formations, only to see Li Ye's figure flashing, already stepping on the ground.

But when he took a closer look, Li Ye's eyes showed a dignified look.

"The realm of formation?"

Everything around him was transformed into an array. As an array mage, he naturally understood what he was facing.

The realm of the array!

This is a very powerful formation that can be transformed into, and this formation is definitely not what any formation master can do today! Not even him!

But the seven holy emperors of Jiuyao Hall did it!

But Li Ye's eyes flashed soon, "So it turns out that it's really a supernatural idea to transform into an array with the body of a holy emperor."

After observing it, Li Ye was thoughtful.

Naturally, there would be no such invincible array mage in Jiuyao Hall, otherwise, there would have been no Saint Demon Gate.

To be able to do this, everything is the particularity of the seven holy emperors!

These seven holy emperors were actually refined into array weapons with their own flesh! Seven people joined forces to form a formation and lay the whole formation! This turned out this ancient magic circle.

Hit directly!

However, this punch disappeared without a trace, and Li Ye frowned slightly.

"Boy, it's useless. This formation was made by the seven old masters and brothers who spent ten thousand years in refining. Not to mention you, even if the Supreme Holy Emperor falls into this formation, life and death will not be in charge. "

There were bursts of thunder sounds around, which were obviously transformed by those seven holy emperors.

"Do you think that with this formation, you can trap me?"

Li Ye sneered after hearing this.

However, there was an icy voice in the void, "You are indeed a genius who has been rare in millions of years. It is a pity that your appearance has blocked the young master and the emperor’s grand plan, and can only make you disappear forever. It's between the world."

Li Ye was not surprised when he said this.

Jiuyaodian wanted to kill him not in one day or two days. Today, he even did not hesitate to expose this terrifying formation that had been hidden for many years. All purpose was to kill him.

"Want to kill me?"

"Boy, if you are willing to surrender everything you have learned, maybe the old man and others can leave you a whole body."

The formation is isolated from the outside world. Although everyone outside can vaguely see the figure of Li Ye inside, they can't hear any sound.

But Li Ye sneered after hearing this, "I have a big appetite, but the things on my body are not something that a mere Jiuyao Hall has the ability to swallow."

A Jiuyao Hall! In this world, perhaps few people dare to speak so loudly!

The terrible heritage of a double emperor was nothing but that in his mouth.

"Ming is stubborn, in that case, a few juniors, without mercy, directly punish this son, it is also for the sake of the overall situation of our monster race, so that the monster race can one day usher in the young master and other ZTE masters!"

Li Ye shook his head slightly.

Jiuyaodian's ambition to dominate the Yaozu and Southern Xinjiang is no longer a secret.

Before, the only obstacle was the Saint Demon Gate. And now, as long as he died, the Saint Demon Gate had even compromised for some reason. It can be said that once he died, there would be almost nothing to stop the Jiuyao Palace from dominating southern Xinjiang.

Li Ye looked calm and comfortable on the surface, but he was also cautious about the formation based on the seven holy emperors.

Since it is an ancient magic circle, it is natural not to underestimate it.

"Do it!"

A cold drink came from the void, and then seven terrifying figures appeared, like seven ancient gods.

One of them shot the sky, turned into a huge palm print and grabbed Li Ye.

At the same time, the entire universe, like endless laws, was suppressing Li Ye's whole body, making him unable to perform at least 70% of his skills.

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