Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 3018: Seven ghosts elementary array

Feeling suppressed by the realm of formation, Li Ye didn't panic!

"Want the formation to crush me?"

A sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth, and the next moment, the giant hand that fell from the sky smashed the earth.

However, Li Ye's figure appeared hundreds of feet away, while stepping on the mysterious step.

Lines of formations emerged from under his feet.

"Boy, even if you also know the formation, but you want to fight the old man seven, it is wishful thinking!"

As a formation mage, Li Ye has long been no secret.

Dan Dao, Martial Dao, Jin Dao!

No one can be so guarded!

But from the moment Jiuyaodian wanted to kill Li Ye, it had already counted everything in it.

The bodies of the seven gods shot at the same time, and the formation patterns under Li Ye's feet were crushed one by one in an instant. At the same time, the entire formation world seemed to be transformed into a piece of hell, endless Nine Nether Karma raging!

"Boy, this battle was originally meant to deal with the demon emperor. It is your honor to die here!"

I have to say that Jiuyaodian's hole card is terrifying, and it is refined into a formation base at the cost of seven holy emperors, and it is even enough to trap a demon emperor!

Sure enough, Li Ye's brow furrowed, and the small phaseless formation that was laid down instantly had little effect and could only buy him a short time.

And here, the talent of the formation is the master of heaven and earth, even if he can delay it for a while, it will definitely not be too long.

At this time, the outside world saw Li Ye surrounded by danger, and everyone's expressions were also different.

"This time this time is a catastrophe. If there is no follow-up, maybe it will really fall."

Some demon ancestors said in a cold voice, even if you are a peerless genius, if you die, it will be just a pile of loess. On the contrary, the current Jiuyao Hall is in the midst of the sky, and has even faintly suppressed the Saint Demon Gate, with the demeanor of the No. 1 School of Demon Race.

Which one is strong and weak is obvious at a glance.

Princess Saint Demon's face was cold, but she was stopped by Prince Wuya.

"Step aside!"

"He must die today. Don't forget where you stand today."

Young Master Wuya smiled slightly, but he couldn't tell the insidiousness.

This remark made the princess of the Saint Demon Gate tremble, and it could be seen that she was trying to suppress her inner anger at this moment. Seeing her like this, Young Master Wu Ya was even more proud, and even took the initiative to give way.

It's just that he said, "The right to choose lies with you, but how to choose the consequences that will follow, is the Saint Demon Gate willing to pay?"

After speaking, the corner of his mouth raised a faint arc.


Jade Demon Zun and others still couldn't understand why Saint Demon Sect Master mainly chose this way, even now.

"Wuya! If he dies today, you will be buried with him!"

After taking a deep breath, the Saint Demon Gate princess calmed down all of a sudden, but the breath that radiated even Master Wu Ya trembled!

A series of sage seals emerged, even more profound and ancient than the sage seals displayed by Prince Wuya before, and the aura was stronger!

A discerning person can understand the difference between the two!

"This little girl from the Saint Demon Gate, I did not expect to be thoroughly recognized by the power of the sage!"

"Depending on the situation, it is by no means weaker than Young Master Wuya, even slightly better!"

For a long time, before Li Ye appeared, who was the number one genius in southern Xinjiang had always been disputed.

Princess Saint Demon Gate and Young Master Wuya are even more difficult to distinguish.

Now everyone looks at it and knows it well.

At least for now, the Saint Demon Sect is mainly better than others, and on the side of the Jiuyao Hall, several ancestors have blinking eyes.

Especially Young Master Wuya, his pride and pride fixed on his face, but soon he put on a smile, "It seems that I want to congratulate the younger sister's cultivation base."

It's a pity that Princess Saint Demon Gate didn't pay any attention at all, and she was so terrible that everyone at the scene stayed away.

At this time, everyone remembered that the low-key Royal Highness Princess of the Taoism, it is not simple! It is also an invincible genius who has inherited the sages!

"Huh! Bitch! When this son takes your virgin body, after the cultivation level is improved, then I will take care of you!"

The face was refuted on the spot, no matter how strong he was, he still couldn't bear the face. Not to mention that Young Master Wuya had the best face, suppressing his anger at this moment, because he knew it was not the time yet.

His gaze looked at that piece of heaven and earth, once again revealing a hideous look, "Li Ye! You must die today! Once you die, no one can stop this young man's path!"

However, he didn't know that Li Ye and Princess Saint Demon Gate had lived in a valley for a few months, otherwise they would definitely vomit blood and go crazy.

On the other side, Li Ye was gradually suppressed by the entire array to the point where he could not retreat.

"Boy, give up struggling. In the realm of the old man's seven-person formation, unless you are the demon emperor, there is absolutely no possibility of survival."

The rumbling sound of thunder resounded throughout the world.

Li Ye's figure was revealed. Although he looked a little embarrassed, there was no damage.

This made the seven holy emperors who dominated the entire formation secretly startled.

"This son is really unique. If it is not removed, the future will definitely be the greatest threat to the young master."

This set of formations was prepared by the Jiuyao Palace to deal with the Demon Emperor. It can be said that no one under the Demon Emperor can support it until now.

Now that Li Ye is not only dead, but also not injured at all, how can we keep them from being surprised?

At this moment, a sly smile crossed Li Ye's face.

"It seems that your method is the only way, but it disappoints me a bit."

As soon as this statement came out, the seven holy emperors of Jiuyaodian were silent.

"Refining into an array with the body of the holy emperor, living with each other, the soul is one, it is indeed a magical work!"

The mystery of the entire formation was revealed in one word. From the very beginning, Li Ye was in the researcher's formation!

After all, even if the seven holy emperors join forces, they cannot be his opponent, but with a set of formations, it is almost equivalent to the invincibility of a demon emperor!

Although in his opinion, it is a bit far-fetched than the real imperial realm powerhouse, but at least, within this formation, there is absolutely no possibility of survival under the demon emperor!

These seven holy emperors blended almost perfectly, but almost burst out terrifying power far beyond the seven holy emperors.

The mystery of the formation lies here!

"Jiuyao Palace is indeed a bit capable, if I read it right, your formation is the ancient seven ghosts elementary formation, right?"

Seven ghosts elementary array!

Li Ye was actually not 100% sure. After all, this formation was not the formation of the Heavenly Sage Sect, even older than the Heavenly Sage Sect. He was only 60 to 70% sure of it, and saw a hint of it.

However, as soon as his voice fell, there was a cry of consternation.

"You actually know the Seven Ghosts Elementary Array!"

In the voice, there was a hint of shock! Undoubtedly, even if this array is in the Hall of Nine Lights, it is still a secret that very few people know!

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