Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 3016: Enseverance?

Everyone who was still in shock was completely at a loss.

Even Li Ye himself was slightly stiff, and his outstretched hand froze in the air.

"Give me a reason!"

This result, let alone everyone did not expect, even Li Ye himself did not expect it. At the same time, an inexplicable heartache crossed the depths of his eyes.

Seeing Li Ye's expression, the princess of the Saint Demon Gate trembled obviously, but she soon showed a touch of determination!

"Li Ye! It's impossible for you and me."



The memories of being in that small valley for several months flashed in Li Ye's mind. If it was impossible, why did that happen!

He closed his eyes and took a deep breath, even if he had to leave, he had to ask clearly!

He needs an answer!


Princess Saint Demon Gate bit her red lips lightly, opened her mouth slightly, but stopped talking.

At this moment, a cold voice suddenly came.

"Huh! Li Ye, don't you understand?"

It's Prince Wuya!

This time he went out of the customs, it was an excellent opportunity for him to announce to the world and make a name for himself! It was easily crushed by Li Ye! At this moment, if he hadn't been confident that he could defeat Li Ye, he would have attacked Li Ye with a thousand swords!

But at this moment, seeing Li Ye's expression and slightly angry eyes, he was suddenly in a good mood.

"Jiu Yaodian!"

Li Ye is not stupid. Obviously, something must have happened during the period when he disappeared. But obviously, neither the Saint Demon Gate nor the Jiuyao Palace could tell him.

"Let's go! Between you and me, there will never be anything to do with you."

How decisive!

As soon as you uttered the voice, you could hear the inhalation sound from the surroundings!

Even those who are bystanders have to suspect that there is a problem with their ears at this moment.

With such a categorical answer, it is obvious that Princess Saint Demon Gate has made up her mind to break with Li Ye! However, no one knows why the attitude suddenly changed 180 degrees.

Even at the Saint Demon Gate, Jade Demon Zun and others all smiled bitterly.

Because even them don't know the reason!

"What the **** is the princess! Why are you at the mercy of Jiuyao Hall! Damn it!"

An elder of the Saint Demon Gate was furious, if it hadn't been for the site of Jiuyao Hall, he would have taken action long ago.

Even Jade Treasure Demon Venerable frowned secretly and shook his head, "The princess did this, naturally there is a reason for her to do it. Just, oh..."

When they came, they also got the sound transmission talisman from Princess Saint Demon Gate and hurried over.

It can be said that by this time, the entire Saint Demon Gate was puzzled by this matter.

"But the ambition of Jiuyaodian is clear!"

"Needless to say, since the princess has made up her mind, we can only obey."

As the descendant of the Great Bingyi, the future leader of the Saint Demon Gate, no matter what other people are, it seems that everything is now a foregone conclusion.

Among the crowd, Jue Wu Mian glanced coldly at Young Master Wu Ya, faintly aware of some doubts in his heart.

But he hesitated again and again, but still made no sound.

As for others, the natural reaction was mixed.

Some people marveled, others gloated at misfortunes, and even more quickly got closer to Jiuyaodian when they saw it.

Everyone could see that if Young Master Wu Ya married Princess Saint Demon Gate, the entire Southern Frontier would be under his control in the future.

Even a few other disciples of the imperial sect, they couldn't stop his path to dominance.

"it is good!"

Li Ye took a deep breath.

At this point, he turned around and left without any hesitation.

Seeing Li Ye turned and left, Princess Saint Demon's body was trembling more clearly, and even a trace of sadness flashed in her eyes.

However, Li Ye wanted to leave, but someone would not let him leave so easily.

"Li Ye, you trespassed into the Jiuyao Palace without permission, and even murdered. Now you want to leave like this?"

With a cold shout, Prince Wuya's eyes turned into two invincible bright edges.

A few terrible breaths directly sealed all Li Ye's retreat. Upon closer inspection, everyone gasped severely.

It turned out that I didn't know when, the seven holy emperors were directly dispatched from the Jiuyao Hall!

Looking at this posture, it is clear that the comer is not good!

"Jiu Yaodian, is this going to take the opportunity to eradicate the opponent who will most threaten Prince Wuya in the future?"

"Looking at this posture, this son of Li Ye came here alone today. It is indeed too impulsive and entrusted! After all, this is the Jiuyao Hall, a place of inheritance of the two emperors!"

"Yeah, if the Saint Demon Gate is still standing behind him, it's not necessarily so, but now!"

When everyone saw it, they all squeezed a cold sweat for Li Ye.

Even if Li Ye had created all kinds of miracles, even fought against the Supreme Holy Emperor, and even survived the hands of the Baiyun Demon Emperor. But facing the terrifying force of the two emperors like Jiuyaodian, you really have to make up your mind to kill someone. Unless the Demon Emperor comes in person, no one can leave alive.

Li Ye glanced at the seven holy emperors surrounding him, and a icy arc was drawn at the corner of his mouth.

"Seven holy emperors, can you stop me?"

Holy Emperor! How honorable!

But it is impossible to stop him! Even as long as he kills, the holy emperor will kill him!

When everyone heard it, they were all cold behind!

The Battle of the Demon City, if Li Ye suddenly jumped into the sight of the demon clan in Southern Xinjiang, and was considered a dark horse capable of competing for the throne of the first genius of the demon clan, then there would be a big battle at the Saint Demon Gate at the Flower Burial Palace. , Li Ye was completely famous in Southern Xinjiang.

Especially, that catastrophe!

Rare to see in a million years!

"Yes, this time, Jiuyao Palace, could it be that he underestimated the enemy a bit."

"How can I say this is a monster that is rare in millions of years, and this time he came back alive, with the realm of the eight orifices of his soul, even if he has not yet started the fight for the emperor's life, the demon emperor does not take action, who can Stop him?"

The Jade Demon Sovereign at the Saint Demon Gate is also in a dilemma, because if he helps Li Ye at this time, he will undoubtedly go to war with Jiu Yaodian. But whether it was the attitude of the princess of the Saint Demon Gate, or the recent wind inside the Saint Demon Gate, they seemed to be close to the Jiuyao Hall intentionally or unconsciously.

"Li Ye, you are indeed not weak, but do you really think that no one can deal with you?"

Young Master Wuya gave a cold voice.

But Li Ye's next sentence directly blocked his mouth and even flushed.

"Oh? Wuya, maybe you want to fight me?"

If it was before, Young Master Wu Ya had just left the customs and gained the power of a sage, just when his self-confidence was overflowing, he would never refuse! But at this moment, his expression flashed. He looked at him from the left and said in a cold voice, "Li Ye! You ruined the main hall and hurt the disciples of the main school. You must leave an explanation today! Otherwise!"


The seven holy emperors of the Jiuyao Hall pressured at the same time, and the scene was amazing.

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