Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 3009: The middle demon king is like an ant


One of the disciples of Jiuyao Temple was so violent and shouted!

Another disciple of the Jiuyao Hall was also on the verge of an enemy, and even showed his own weapon.

"Who didn't open his eyes just now dared to hurt my junior brother!"

Everyone was still worried just now, because the topic they were talking about made the disciples of Jiuyaodian lively and brought themselves a murderous disaster. However, he did not expect that someone would make the disciples of Jiuyaodian suffer.

Everyone in the restaurant has a strange expression. Although these Jiuyaodian disciples are not very strong in cultivation, those who dare to plot against the Jiuyaodian in the crowd are bold in themselves!

And the screaming disciple of Jiuyao Hall, got up at this moment, vomited blood, and a terrible cold light broke out in his eyes, "Which animal just attacked this uncle! Get out!"

He was so angry, who would not give Jiuyao Hall a bit of face while walking outside? Even some big sect powerhouses, seeing them will be a little bit thin.

When were they suppressed by others outside?

Who is it?

Not to mention that the several disciples of Jiuyaodian glanced in the restaurant with amazement, even the others were curious.

"Damn, I didn't know which hero made the shot just now, it's really relieved! But this person should be out of luck!"

"Shhh, no one saw it just now. As long as there is no sound, how can the people of Jiuyaodian fail?"

A human monk gestured to his companion. In fact, no one had noticed who had injured the person in the Jiuyao Hall just now, but he and his companions saw him.

He looked at the young man who was only drinking himself and was not far away, and a strange light flashed in his eyes.

Because just moments ago, it was this young man who casually popped a finger, a seemingly simple shot, but instantly injured a disciple of the Demon Emperor in Jiuyao Hall!

The two looked at each other, both surprised.

"This kid is also a bear-hearted leopard."

"Hey, Jiuyao Palace has been too arrogant during this time, and there is a tendency to not put other sects in southern Xinjiang in their eyes. It is time for someone to take a lesson.

The two of them communicated with their eyes, and they were inexplicably hostile to the monster clan, not to mention the disciples of Jiuyaodian, one of the best emperors of the monster clan, if it weren't for the two of them who would not dare to shoot, they would have no strength. If you shoot, you won't get anyone else.

The restaurant is quiet.

Just when everyone thought that the person who shot secretly would leave quietly, they suddenly heard a voice.

"Where is the mad dog, disturbing people."

As soon as this sound came out, there were puffing voices in the whole restaurant.

In an instant, everyone looked in the direction of the sound, and it was the young man who was pouring himself.

Before this, no one had noticed him. After all, there was a mixture of fish and dragons, there were disciples from large sects, and there were also casual cultivators. Unless it was the disciples of Jiuyaodian who were so brave and prestigious, no one would care about a young man.

The few Jiuyaodian disciples looked over in an instant, and one of them had a cold look!

"You made it?"

In fact, he didn't need the young man to answer at all. Whether it was or not, a cold killing intent was already in his eyes!

What everyone didn't expect was that the young man shot faster!


A crisp voice came out, and then I saw that the disciple of Jiuyaodian directly smashed the wall and was blasted out of the restaurant!


Everyone almost forgot to breathe!

Only the young man drank a glass of wine, put it down gently, and took a bite of a side dish leisurely.

But just now, everyone had seen it. It was this young man who waved his hand at random and instantly blasted the disciple of Jiuyaodian out of the restaurant!

So casually, it's like slapped to death a disturbing fly, where is the disciple facing the imperial door?

"Junior Brother!"

A disciple of the Jiuyao Hall shouted, and his gaze bloomed with a terrifying edge!

"Little beast! You are looking for death!"

Just a few moments ago, all of them were caught off guard, and it could even be said that no one would dare to deal with them as disciples of Jiuyao Temple!

At this time, he recovered, and several other people suddenly shouted and took out their weapons directly!

Demon King!

These people are clearly the cultivation base of the Demon Emperor! One of them is even the middle Demon King Realm!

This is the gap between the Dimen Taoist school and the ordinary inheritance school!

The few disciples who came out randomly were at least the Demon Emperor's cultivation base!

And in some common inheritance sects, the demon emperor is even a group of elders and even suzerain!


Several figures were directly drawn out, without exception, they were all disciples of those Jiuyao Hall.

With a few screams, everyone saw with horror that the young man was still not hurried, drinking small wine and eating small dishes. He didn't even move his sleeves, and the wine table in front of him didn't move.


Everyone gasped!

"Who is this person?"

"God, just threw the people from Jiuyaodian out of it lightly?"

I have to say that this scene scared them.

Although this is a relatively prosperous area in Southern Xinjiang, there are even more monks, but after all, there are not many true peak powers.

The appearance of a strong man who cultivated the Demon Emperor was considered rampant. But at this moment, the demon emperors in the restaurant were shocked, shrank their necks, and looked at the young man with a trace of fear.


Without waiting for everyone to consider the identity of a young man, outside the restaurant, a terrible breath rose to the sky!

"Little beast! Get out!"

It was the disciples of the Jiuyao Temple who were thrown out. Although they were thrown out, they were not seriously injured, but they couldn't hold back their face!

The disciples of the dignified emperor sect were just thrown out of the restaurant as rubbish. If this spreads out, let alone being laughed at, they can't imagine the consequences when they return to the sect!

Losing Zongmen's face is even more terrible than killing them!

This face must be saved by themselves!

"Brother, that little beast is weird, be careful!"

"Humph! No matter who he is, if you dare to make a move today, you will wait for death without a place to be buried!"

However, the senior brother just finished speaking, with a sneer on his face, he suddenly felt black on the top of his head, and subconsciously raised his head, but only felt the blackness in front of him, and the next moment he lost consciousness.


Above the ground, the flesh and blood were blurry, and a disgusting smell came out, which directly caused many people who saw this picture to vomit and vomit.

It was clear that among the group of people in Jiuyao Hall just now, the disciple with the highest cultivation base and the middle Demon Emperor cultivation base! At this moment, he was smashed into pieces by someone in an instant, and he couldn't die anymore!

Even the spirits didn't have time to escape, and they flew into ashes and annihilated!

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