Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 3008: The woman who robbed him?

"What! Jiuyao Hall wants to marry the Saint Demon Gate?"

"Haha, I didn't just hear about it, right? This is the most exciting thing in southern Xinjiang recently!"

The young man looked stunned, while the others around were laughing.

Someone even laughed and said, "Speaking of which, the conflicts between Jiuyaodian and Saint Demon Gate have been constant for tens of thousands of years. If these two imperial gates can marry, it would be a happy event."

Others nodded, "Yes, the Saint Demon Gate is the first emperor of the Demon Race. It has guarded southern borders for millions of years. With the strong rise of the Sun Yaodian, the Jiuyao Palace is now another Demon Race with profound strength. The rising star of the background, if the two great emperors can really contribute to this matter, perhaps for the monster race, the advantages outweigh the disadvantages."

However, as soon as this statement came out, I heard someone scolding.

"Fart! What advantage outweighs the disadvantages! Then Jiuyao Hall is also qualified to kiss the Saint Demon Sect? What a joke!"

At first glance, the scolding man was also a monster, while some human monks were watching coldly.

"What kind of thing do you dare to talk about whether the emperor's Taoism is qualified?"

The people who agreed with the marriage of the two emperors before, suddenly furious.

But the demon cultivator just sneered, "Hmph, that Jiuyao Hall is just taking advantage of the vacancy to enter. If it hadn't been for the previous person who died in the catastrophe and gave Jiuyao Hall ten courage, they would not dare to come and propose marriage!"

That person!

In an instant, the restaurant became quiet.

As for the previous person, he continued, "The princess of the Saint Demon Gate, but she has a heart for a long time, and it is impossible to marry anyone else. This time the Jiuyao Hall has come to propose marriage, it is absolutely impossible to promote this marriage!"

"Hey, who are you? How do you know that it's impossible? You know, this time it was the Emperor Sun from Jiuyao Hall who came to propose marriage personally. What a scene of a demon emperor's personal appearance, even the Saint Demon Gate is impossible. Refuse!"

"Yes, after all, Jiuyaodian is also the second largest emperor of the Yaozu, and it is also the emperor Riyao who proposes marriage personally. It is reasonable and reasonable, and the Saint Demon cannot easily refuse. Furthermore, it is said that the two emperors were originally between the Taoism Gratitude and grievances, if the marriage can be turned into jade, and it is not a good talk?"

Several other monster cultivators all spoke out one after another, and naturally some people were not optimistic about it.

At this moment, there was a sound of footsteps.

Many people in the restaurant suddenly changed their expressions, especially those monster monks who were not too cold with Jiuyao Hall, their eyes flashed a little complicated.

That young man was Li Ye, and he did not expect that so many things would happen in Nanjiang after he disappeared.

At this time, he even saw that the group of people who appeared were full of powerful aura, and even a trace of contempt was revealed in their eyes, which was clearly a huge source.

The corner of his mouth raised slightly, but he didn't expect to say Cao Cao, Cao Cao would arrive.

"People from Jiuyao Hall!"

"Why are they here?"

It turns out that this group of people are the disciples of Jiuyaodian. Although they are all young people, the disciples of the emperor's Taoism are actually superior. What's more, everyone is not a fool. The disciples of Jiuyaodian, the weakest in cultivation are the lower Demon Sovereign, and they are not much better than the strongest among them.

"I heard that Jiuyaodian attaches great importance to this marriage. Not only did the Emperor Riyao personally come forward, but also Jiuyaodian used three imperial artifacts as the betrothal gifts. This kind of handwriting is not necessarily willing even for ordinary imperialism. It seems that this time Jiuyao Palace is really inevitable!"

A well-informed person lowered his voice.

But obviously for this group of people, no matter how small the voice is, it can be heard clearly.

Not to mention the disciples of Jiuyaodian.

Only when the disciples heard the words, there was a haughty look on their faces, but they didn't care about the others.

"Three imperial artifacts!"

Everyone took a breath!

Although the emperor weapon is not comparable to the emperor soldier, but this thing is used by a certain demon emperor or the great emperor, and it contains a powerful treasure of the great will! At the critical moment, it is equivalent to possessing the powerful power of the emperor, which is definitely not something ordinary people can resist.

Even if the supreme holy emperor encounters a strong man holding an imperial weapon, he must avoid his edge.

"It is indeed a generous shot, I don't know how the Saint Demon Gate will choose."

Everyone was cautious, but the disciples of Jiuyao Temple were no one beside them. They ordered a few pots of wine and a few dishes of small dishes and started talking.

One of them said, "Brother, I heard that at the Saint Demon Gate, the princess is out on a trip. The master asked us to come out to find her."

"Hmph, I don’t think I’m going out to travel early, and I’m not going out late. I don’t think the Saint Demon Gate has any sincerity. However, we can’t take it lightly at the master’s instructions. This is a major event for Brother Wuya. As mentioned above, after finding Princess Saint Demon Gate When the news is returned, the division will reward a top-tier imperial weapon."

"Haha, the imperial weapon is still secondary. If Brother Wuya can look at him differently because of this, then it will be a great opportunity for future development!"

"No, Brother Wuya has been in retreat recently. I heard that he is trying his best to cultivate the power of the sage inheritance. I heard from the masters that if Brother Wuya can successfully retreat this time, his cultivation level will definitely be greatly improved. The ancestors of the emperor once said that by then, perhaps under the demon emperor, no one would be an opponent of Brother Wuya, once we wait for Brother Wuya to seize the emperor's life, our Jiuyao Hall will be truly one and three emperors!"

As soon as the people around heard it, they flashed with awe.

"That Young Master Wuya really deserves to be the first genius of the Demon Race today, and he will be ascended to the position of Demon Emperor in the future."

"No, although Qing Cangmen's Indestructible is also very strong, it is ultimately weaker than Young Master Wu Ya."

"It's a pity, if not..."

Someone sighed, and the other person gave him a look, but unfortunately, the person didn’t react and continued, “If it weren’t for the failure of Li Yedu’s Tribulation of the Holy Demon Gate, the situation in southern Xinjiang would be very different now, even if Is the Jiuyao Hall not daring to go to the Saint Demon Gate to ask for a kiss?"

As soon as these words were spoken, everyone changed their faces one by one.

Several of his companions quickly looked at the Jiuyaodian disciples in a panic, with a nervous expression on their faces.

Now in southern Xinjiang, who doesn't know that the most taboo thing in Jiuyaodian is to talk about that person?

Sure enough, the expressions of those Jiuyao Temple disciples sank!

A ray of cold light flashed across one of them!

There was a scream, but what changed everyone's horror is that the person who made the scream was not the screaming monk, but the disciple of the Jiuyao Temple who shot!

The other disciples of the Jiuyao Hall were even more horrified!

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