Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 3010: Something big!

Instant kill!

And not even a trace of resistance!

It's completely crushed!

A few other Jiuyao Temple disciples all broke out in a cold sweat, where is the arrogance and arrogance just now? There was panic in his eyes.

Unfortunately, before they wanted to escape, they stepped into the same fate as their companions.

All were smashed into pieces, and their body and spirit were destroyed.

"God! Killed all?"

"It's over! Something big will happen!"

When everyone saw it, they all took a deep breath.

Is this okay?

Although the Three Realms and Nine Regions die every day countless people! But the disciples of the Emperor's Taoism were killed, and the killing was so clean and neat, it was simply unheard of.

Immediately afterwards, thinking of the monstrous anger on the side of Jiuyaodian after the news came out!

"It's over! It's over! It's all over!"

Some people couldn't help but want to cry, and some were scared that there was no blood on their faces and their whole bodies were trembling.

More importantly, even if no one saw that the young man did anything just now, but a fool could guess that, who else killed those Jiuyao Hall disciples besides the young man?

That iron blood means, that calmness!

The young man was naturally Li Ye. For him, the disciples of the Jiuyao Temple who had been cultivated by the Demon Emperor were not even qualified to make him take it seriously. You can pinch to death at will!

In addition, he and Jiuyaodian originally had old hatreds, but now they just came back from the catastrophe and heard that someone wanted to pry him into the corner? Is this okay?

As a man, some people want to be green!

"Jiuyao Hall! Emperor Sun Yao! Lord Wuya!"

After drinking the last sip of wine, the corners of Li Ye's mouth rose slightly, but it made people feel a chill with all the hairs on his body.

Just about to get up and leave, he didn't expect someone to stop in front of him.

"Xiongtai, you are in big trouble!"

The man sighed, but it was a pity that Li Ye looked at him coldly, his eyes were a little embarrassed, his eyes dodged.

I don't know when, there are other people around who seem to be staring at him.

However, this group of people is obviously with deep fear.

"It's just a few **** from Jiuyao Hall."

The waste of Jiuyao Hall!

These words made everyone gasp, but when they thought of the fate of the Jiuyao Temple disciples just now, the corners of their mouths twitched slightly. Yes, this young man does have this arrogant capital.

"Brother, the disciples of Jiuyaodian usually leave their natal wick in the sect when they go out. Once they fall outside, the wick will go out. Now Jiuyaodian must have known that a disciple was killed."

In fact, this is not a secret. Many sects will be like this. Some important disciples and strong men will leave their life wicks or life cards representing souls at the division gate. If they fall outside, they will alert the strong elders inside the division gate.

"so what?"

so what! Hearing Li Ye's indifferent tone, the man's expression froze.

In fact, Li Ye naturally knew what he and even the other people in the restaurant were thinking at the moment.

The people of Jiuyaodian were killed here. According to the usual practice of the emperor's orthodoxy, especially the overbearing emperor's orthodoxy of Jiuyaodian, if no murderer is found, everyone here today must do it for him. Funeral!

Unless someone has a huge background, at least it is also not easy to offend Jiuyaodian, such as other people from the emperor sect, otherwise, they will not escape!

Therefore, the only way is to keep Li Ye!

But none of them dared to do it, and no one wanted to be a pool of flesh.

"This, Xiongtai, the powerhouse of Jiuyaodian should be here soon. Are you not as good as their grudges?"

This is the state of the world, or in these three realms and nine realms, this is the most normal reaction.

Even if this group of people are in private, they can't wait to see Jiuyaodian's bad luck, and they clap their hands and cheer when they see that the disciples of Jiuyaodian are killed, but when this time comes, they can't wait to run away or get rid of the relationship.

Feeling Li Ye's smiling eyes, the person was also slightly embarrassed.

More importantly, he is the one who angered the disciples of Jiuyaodian by talking about it before! If it weren't for Li Ye, it was not someone else who died here at this moment, but him!

Unfortunately, Li Ye wants to leave, no one can stay!

Now that Du Jie has come back, he has heard that Jiuyaodian wants to pry him into the corner, so he will naturally not sit idly by.

A few disciples of Jiuyao Temple were not enough to make him spend a lot of time.

With a flash of stature, Li Ye has already left.

However, all the people in the restaurant turned pale.

"It's over!"

They could almost see the fate of tortured to death by the strong from Jiuyao Hall soon after.

Suddenly at this moment, a cold voice came from the void, "Tell the people of Jiuyaodian, ten days later, I, Li Ye, will visit the house personally!"


A horrible aura enveloped the entire city, as powerful as a demon emperor, and shivering like an ant.

This breath quickly disappeared, but everyone could not calm down for a long time.

"Gang, I heard it right, right?"

Someone couldn't help but pinch himself, as if thinking he was dreaming.

"What did he just say?"

"Li, Li Ye? Who does he say he is? Li Ye?"

In an instant, everyone in the restaurant felt that a heart was about to jump out of their throats!

Li Ye!

This name is now almost unknown to everyone in Southern Xinjiang!

Compared with the demon emperor, it's not too much!

Everyone looked at each other, and they all found that other people were just like themselves, with a confused look that seemed like a dream.

Suddenly someone patted the thigh!

"Damn! This time, something big will happen!"

When he yelled, everyone else shivered.


This is really going to happen!

The big thing!

Li Ye! That Li Ye! Actually not dead? came back?

"Will someone pretend to be?"

Suddenly someone asked, but everyone else looked at him with a stupid look, even he touched his nose, knowing that it was impossible!

In the entire southern Xinjiang, who would dare to kill the Jiuyaodian disciple so blatantly? And a few kills? The demon emperor's cultivation base is slapped to death?

Still so young?

"Something is going to happen! However, if this matter goes out now, the Jiuyao Palace will definitely have a lot of fun!"

"Damn! It must be! That person didn't die! He's back! The recent actions of Jiuyao Hall can't be indifferent to anyone!"

"Kill your father and steal your wife! There is no more hatred than this!!"

Who doesn't know that Princess Saint Demon Gate is in love with that person? Love each other? Even the Saint Demon Gate has acquiesced!

Now the Emperor Sun Yaodian of Jiuyaodian has personally come forward to propose marriage, this is undoubtedly to pry the corner!

It's good to say that the man died, but now he is not dead!

Are you back?

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