Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 3007: Nine Aesthetics of Yuanshen!

Failure under that arrogance!

Some people sighed, some were happy, and even others showed a deep smile.

Li Ye Hengkong was born, but short-lived.

Countless demon clan forces are sighing, after all, for many demon clan forces, it is a good thing for the demon clan to be able to give birth to an invincible demon emperor.

And those imperial door traditions, one by one, fell down.

They lacked a potential enemy that could threaten their status.

The Saint Demon Gate suddenly became silent, and even began to restrain the disciples.

As if accompanied by Li Yedu's catastrophe and annihilation, Nanjiang once again returned to its original orbit.


"Am I dead?"

Awakening from the endless darkness, Li Ye found that he was in an endless chaotic world.

What surprised him even more was that in front of him, there was someone who was absolutely impossible to appear!

"how is this possible!"

Looking at himself who stood in front of him, no matter his appearance, temperament or even his eyes, Li Ye almost thought that he had hallucinations.

But soon, he noticed some differences!

"This is my soul?"

The "self" in front of me has a special atmosphere.

The soul is out of the body! This can only be done by the existence of the Great Emperor! Even some powerful emperors, primordial spirits are enough to cover the rain and clouds, overwhelm the mountains, sweep everything with supreme magical powers.

However, he did not step into the emperor realm, but his own soul appeared in front of him.

"Nine orifices of the original spirit, nine or nine into one."

The primordial spirit in front of him made a cold voice, and at the same time he shot Li Ye directly!

This is not some kind of illusion, this time, it is really going to fight against your own soul!

More importantly, Li Ye found that he had lost all his power here! Including the blood pupils seemed to be silent!

But his soul is different!

A single palm is enough to display the power of the Supreme Holy Emperor!

"What a joke! Are you going to be killed by your own soul?"

The thought of laughing and crying flashed through my mind.

The soul is transformed by a person's soul, and is as powerful as an emperor realm. As long as the soul is immortal, even if the body is destroyed by humans, it can reshape the body! It can be said that the soul is the root of everything.

But now, he wants to fight with his soul!

"If I die, will that count as death?"

Li Ye almost relied on instinctive reaction, even without any power, but as if there was a connection in the dark, he avoided several attacks from his own soul.

The soul is a person's soul! The immortality of the soul is equivalent to no death!

But now if he is dead and the soul is alive, is he still alive or does the soul be another him in another way?

Li Ye's soul didn't stop, but Li Ye's mind kept echoing the words from the previous soul.

"Nine Apertures of the Primordial Spirit, Jiujiu Guiyi? What does that mean?"

There is no doubt that he has not been wiped out in the ashes under the calamity of the Nine and Nine Worlds, at least not yet!

It's just that some kind of power separates him from his soul, and his soul actually has his own consciousness!

What a creepy thing, but after careful observation, Li Ye's eyes lit up!

"Nine and nine return to one! Return to one! Could it be?"

A terrible thought came to mind. Why have only three people successfully reached the realm of the Nine Apertures of the Primordial Spirit for millions of years?

In addition to this, the emperor Jinghong and Emperor Danwu did not succeed in the final step?

Suddenly, Li Ye gave up dodge!

Even as his soul approached, he stepped out directly!

"Nine Nine into One! This Ninth Aperture does not exist at all!"


At that moment, Yuanshen and Li Ye merged together, and at the same time they bloomed with endless brilliance!

Nine Aesthetics of Yuanshen! It's a big joke!

There is no such thing in this world!

In the next moment, the wind and clouds changed color, this illusory world gradually disappeared, and from it, a person stepped out!

"Sure enough! The Nine Apertures of the Primordial God! The real Ninth Aperture lies in itself!"

The person who stepped out was Li Ye. At this moment, he seemed to have an extra look on his body, with ancient formations walking around him. Now he is his own soul, and the soul is him!

Regardless of each other!

But the sea of ​​consciousness that had appeared before, now disappears!

If anyone saw it at this time, they would be horrified!

A person does not even exist in the sea of ​​knowledge! It's like no soul!

Because the soul can only exist in the sea of ​​knowledge! And once the sea of ​​consciousness disappears, it means that even the soul has completely disappeared!

But Li Ye was standing here right now, and even the powerful primordial power was enough to allow him to do anything he could not do before.

"Nine-Nine into One! It turns out that this last step is a fusion with the soul!"

Fusion with the soul!

If this were to be spoken out, it would definitely make the entire Three Realms into an uproar!

No one can imagine, no one even mentioned it!

Because there are only three people who truly blend with the soul!

Of course, Li Ye now becomes the fourth person!

In the next moment, Li Ye disappeared directly.

And once again, it is already between the green mountains and green waters.


A few days later.

A city in southern Xinjiang.

In the restaurant, fish and dragons are mixed, and many monster monks and human monks are talking at this time.

You can hear some quarrels between each other from time to time.

On one of the clean tables, a young man is pouring himself a drink.

"Hey, you said, is that Li Ye a human race or a monster race?"

A monster monk drank a drink and couldn't help asking.

"Regardless of whether he is a human race or a demon race, the catastrophe is truly unforgettable in a lifetime, but it is a pity that he ended up in an ashes and annihilation in the end."

In addition, some people from the monster race sighed.

At this time, a human cultivator couldn't help saying, "Hmph, if it wasn't for your Monster Race's repeated shots, that person would not have come to this point."

At this moment, the monster monk in the restaurant was annoyed, "Fart! We are the monster, why should it be your human trash to talk aside!"

"Haha! What about the monster race? There are rumors that Li Ye came from the Sixteen Kingdoms of Xizhou and belongs to our human race!"

"Fart! Xizhou Sixteen Countries? Who can prove it?"

"This is from the Saint Demon Gate!"

For a while, no one noticed that the young man who was pouring his own drink obviously had a trace of interest after hearing their talk.

But at this moment, a clan elder stopped, "Whether it is the human race or the demon race, they have all been wiped out under the tribulation of the world. It is a pity that a peerless genius."

"Yes, it's a pity. But I heard that some time ago, the Great Emperor of the Jiuyao Temple went to the Saint Demon Gate personally to propose marriage, in order to facilitate the marriage between Prince Wu Ya and Princess Saint Demon Gate."

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