Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 3001: Rush to the primordial spirit!

Swallowed the catastrophe!

Everyone was scared and dumbfounded!

Even the Emperor Ri Yao couldn't help but tremble!

That *** is a catastrophe!

Not to mention that they, including Li Ye himself, were almost taken aback.

"Damn, this blood pupil is really overbearing, and even Heavenly Tribulation dare to swallow it!"

Even if Li Ye had forcibly robbed the original force in the tribulation before, he was also cautious, afraid that a flying ash that was accidentally bombarded would never be annihilated.

It's alright now, as soon as the blood pupil came out, a ray of light cut off the Heaven Tribulation, not to mention, and swallowed half of the Heaven Tribulation!

Fortunately, after the blood pupil swallowed Heavenly Tribulation, it shot a brilliance directly onto Li Ye.

"this is?!"

What is called the transformation from **** to heaven, a stream of pure and incomparable original power flooded into him like a flood.

At the same time, in the depths of the Sea of ​​Consciousness, on the soul that originally exuded golden light, the eighth hole was finally opened!

Ba Qiao Yuanshen!

Li Ye directly looked up to the sky and let out a long howl!

The howling sound stretched for hundreds of thousands of miles like a dragon's roar without abating at all. Even hundreds of thousands of miles, countless beasts and even monsters felt the invincible and terrifying aura, one by one was so scared that they surrendered and crawled on the ground. trembling!

The blood pupil was fleeting, as if it had never appeared before.

But the scene just now is enough to make everyone who saw this scene today unforgettable for life!

The robbery gradually stabilized, although it did not disappear, but at this time, all the eyes looking at Li Ye were mixed with a trace of terror!

"God Eye!"

An ancestor of the demon race almost came out of his throat, hoarse and trembling.

God eye!

Many strong monsters trembled!

The legend of the Eight Secret Eyes of the Primordial Eye has been passed down for millions of years, and it has long been familiar. But they didn't expect that they would actually see a descendant of God Eye today!

"Just now, really is the rumored God Eye?"

Some people didn't believe it, but after asking the question, he even shut his mouth.

If it weren't for the God Eye, what is there in this world that can be directly cut off even the tribulation of heaven and swallowed in at once?


At that moment, even the Great Emperor Demon Emperor would surrender to that cunning foot.

"He is actually the descendant of God Eye!"

Countless people are almost going crazy!

Originally, the level of Li Ye's talent and enchantment hadn't been seen in a million years, but now he is still a descendant of a certain God Eye. The gap is enough to make any genius despair!

Indestructible, shaking his head slightly, there is no desire to compete, he is as proud as him, but he is not a fool. Everything on Li Ye was enough to crush him!

How does this make him catch up?

"It's not just as simple as God's Eye! The long scream just now!"

Someone suddenly exclaimed, their expressions flashing with shocked expressions.

The others were taken aback, and then someone exclaimed, "Dragon Yin!"


What that means, as long as it is a cultivator in these three realms, it is clear!

Among the Three Realms, only one race possesses this supernatural power! Even enough to make the beasts surrender!

Real dragons!

"He has true dragon blood on his body!"

As soon as this statement came out, everyone took a breath!

The blood of the monster has always been the biggest factor in determining the talent and origin of the monster! Especially the geniuses of the Demon Race, any one of them has the blood of ancient monsters or even sky monsters!

But no matter what, no one has ever inherited the blood of a beast!

"Impossible! The true dragon bloodline has never appeared in the Three Realms!"


A cold voice sounded, and when everyone looked at it, they realized that it was a holy emperor in Jiuyao Hall. It's just that a mere holy emperor doesn't care at all.


In front of the enchanting Li Ye, the holy emperor is nothing but the ant that will be trampled on the soles of his feet in the future! Even the great emperor, facing a primordial **** and eight orifices, with the support of two holy places behind them, the super geniuses of the Jinghong Empress and the Danwu Emperor will feel the unprecedented pressure!

What's more, now there is one more God Eye heir, the identity of the true dragon bloodline?

It's just that everyone does have a trace of doubt in their hearts.

There is no doubt about the descendants of God Eye, no one is qualified to deny it now!

The scene just now was too shocking!

But the true dragon bloodline is dubious.

"This son has never revealed what kind of blood he is!"

"Is it possible?"

Everyone guessed.

Not to mention everyone's reaction, Li Ye was swept away from the previous weakness at this time, after the Yuanshen Eight Apertures, the powerful Yuanshen power was enough to make him easily squeeze an ordinary Saint Emperor powerhouse!

He glanced at the Black Flame Emperor.

At this time, the Black Flame Emperor had a trace of amazement on his face, and a touch of helplessness.

Li Ye is not dead! Even if he did not hesitate to pay for himself, he did not let Li Ye die in front of the catastrophe!

And he even thought of the words of the Jinghong Empress before.

"Your life is up to him."

Seeing Li Ye's gaze, the Black Flame Emperor didn't mean to beg for mercy, but just smiled coldly.

"The gods are descended from the people, the true dragon bloodline, the world underestimates you, including this seat."

At this time, the Black Flame Emperor also knew that it was not his ability to want Li Ye to die. Even the Demon Emperor, no one dared to act at this moment!

Hei Yanhuang closed his eyes, he knew that the current state was not Li Ye's opponent at all. What's more, Empress Jinghong had always suppressed her murderous aura from just now, once she shot, even in peak state, he had no chance.

"Princess Burial Flower is still alive."

Li Ye just said a little, but he instantly made the Black Flame Emperor tremble.

He opened his eyes awe-inspiringly, bursting out with repeated sharpness!

"It seems that I didn't guess wrong. Someone sent a message to Flower Burial Palace that Princess Burial Flower is dead, and if the guess is correct, I was the one who started it? Even the Saint Demon Gate?"

These words changed the expression of the Black Flame Emperor!

A supreme holy emperor, and the highest supreme holy emperor, is naturally impossible not to hear the overtones, and combined with the cause and effect, the black flame emperor's body trembled and suddenly understood.

"I won't kill you, but next time, if someone in the Flower Burial Palace wants to touch my bottom line, I will never be merciful!"

After speaking, Li Ye flicked out his palm, directly blasting the Black Flame Emperor out of the scope of the tribulation.

The 72nd Heavenly Tribulation had already disappeared before. As long as you get out before the next Heavenly Tribulation comes, you can avoid the lock of the Heavenly Tribulation.

Li Ye looked towards the Empress Jinghong, but the Empress Jinghong had already disappeared.

at the same time!

In the depths of the void, suddenly there was a deafening roar and scream!

"Jinghong! This emperor is at odds with you!"

Emperor Sun Yao! That roar was clearly issued by Emperor Sun Yao! Just listening to his voice, it was obviously frightened, and even a little embarrassed.

At the same time, a demon light instantly tore through the void and escaped away!

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