Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 3002: He wants to attack the Nine Apertures of the Soul?

Everyone didn't dare to speak out, the Emperor Sun would undoubtedly choose to escape when he was injured!

A demon emperor actually ran away. Who would dare to imagine this before?

And the long roar of anger before Emperor Sun Yao escaped, let everyone know who shot the Great Emperor Sun Yao severely.

Jinghong Empress!

In the depths of the void, both the Baiyun Demon Emperor and the Cangshui Demon Emperor were slightly pale.

"Jing Hong, the emperor did not intervene in this matter."

The Baiyun Demon Emperor is an old fox after all, so he quickly clarified the relationship. Indeed, this time he was also kept in the dark, but seeing the scene where the Sun Yao was hit hard in an instant, at this moment, whether it was him or the Cangshui Demon Emperor, they were all drumming in their hearts!

A **** arm was directly thrown away by the Empress Jinghong, it was an arm of the Great Emperor Sun Yao!

Everyone gasped!

Emperor Sun Yao was torn off an arm in an instant! And at first glance, it was torn from the shoulders abruptly!

What kind of overbearing and powerful power would it take to tear off a demon emperor's arm in an instant?

"Damn! How powerful is this Jinghong Empress?"

Although the female emperor Jinghong had become famous 100,000 years ago, many juniors only heard legends.

At this moment, all their faces were pale!

Emperor Sun Yao! That's Emperor Sun Yao!

After being torn an arm in front of him, he could only flee! Looking at this scene, the Empress Jinghong did not chase him down, as if she just tore his arm on purpose!

Especially Baiyun Demon Emperor and Cangshui Demon Emperor, the two demon emperors knew best at this time.

At that instant, Emperor Sun Yao almost certainly died!

The strength of the Empress Jinghong is even more invincible than they thought! There is absolutely no chance of survival for Emperor Sun Yao!

But the Empress Jinghong did not kill! Just tore off an arm and let Emperor Ri Yao escape.

The two monster emperors looked at each other, and they all saw a touch of terror in each other's eyes!

This is the rumored Empress Jinghong!

He is also the guardian behind the genius of Li Ye now!

Compared to killing the Sun Yao, the terrifying image of the Empress Jinghong at this time is even better in the hearts of many monsters!

"Fortunately, fortunately, this person is the guardian of my demon genius. If he protects the way for a certain genius of the human race, this era will surely be the catastrophe of my demon race!"

Feeling the terrifying gaze of the Empress Jinghong, the two demon emperors were aware of current affairs and quickly expressed their views.

"This son is the master of the revival of the Yaozu, and this emperor will naturally support it."

"After today, Qing Cangmen will focus on the great cause of the monster race."

The expression of the two demon emperors also meant that Qing Cangmen and Lushuiyuan's two imperial sects officially launched the whirlpool of the power struggle of the monsters, and even the people of these two emperor sects were relieved.

It's not that they have no ambitions, but that Li Ye was born out of nowhere. Rather than being found and destroyed one day for the enemy, it is better to stay out of the matter now.

For millions of years, there have been countless imperial door traditions, but they can be passed down for countless years. The origins are those who have stood in the right team at the right time.

As for the rest, many have long since disappeared in the long river of history.

The Emperor Sun Yao escaped, and the Demon Emperor Baiyun and the Demon Emperor Cangshui expressed their views.

Nowadays, in Southern Xinjiang, almost no one would stand up and be an enemy of Li Ye. No one dares to do this!

Many demonic ancestors sighed, but looking at Li Ye, they knew better that unless someone was able to suppress the Empress Jinghong, they would directly kill Li Ye before he grew up.

Otherwise, who can compete with it in this era?

Suppress the Jinghong Empress? Someone just imagined it and shook their heads.

Because that possibility is too low!

For millions of years, although the Empress Jinghong was not the strongest in the ages, she was still in the top ten! The hope of suppressing the Empress Jinghong has long since passed away or disappeared for thousands of years!

Only one person can be suppressed!

Emperor Hengtian!

"Now, even if the Great Emperor Hengtian is alive, it is difficult to suppress the growth of this son."

Someone sighed.

There are two legendary emperors guarding the way behind, the two holy places are related, and their own incomparable talents are against the sky!

At this moment, someone suddenly exclaimed!

"Wait a minute, why hasn't the robbery dissipated yet?"

After being reminded by him, everyone discovered that the calamity was still there!

And it seems...still brewing the next time?

"God! That kid, shouldn't have wanted..."

Even the person who exclaimed, some can't imagine it! Because that's crazy!

There is only one reason why the robbery has not disappeared!

Everyone knows this!

Because the people who cross the catastrophe still exist!

"The Tribulation is still there! The person who crosses the Tribulation must continue to cross the Tribulation! God, is this going to the Nine Apertures of the Primordial God?"

The exclamation sounded one after another, no one thought that Li Ye would want to continue to cross the calamity after the 72nd Heavenly Tribulation!

"Crazy! This kid is either irrational and lunatic, or he wants to challenge the Nine Apertures of the Primordial God like Emperor Hengtian back then!"

Every time the robbery is divided into nine layers!

And after the 72nd Heavenly Tribulation, the only thing left is the last Nine Heavenly Tribulation!

Once you have successfully passed it, you will have the Nine Aesthetics! Comparable to the Great Emperor Hengtian!

"Does he really want to become the second Hengtian Emperor?"

The Great Emperor Hengtian, in the true sense, was regarded by the world as the first person in the Three Realms for millions of years, truly without any opponent, truly invincible!

Even if it is the invincible existence of the emperor Jinghong, Emperor Danwu, etc., in front of Emperor Hengtian, it is a bit inferior.

One of the most crucial points, only Hengtian Great Emperor reached the realm of the Nine Apertures of the Primordial God!

It is also the biggest reason why he is truly invincible in the Three Realms.

The Saint Demon Gate, the powerhouse of the Demon Race, and even the Great Emperor Bing Yi, all raised their hearts.

Nine Aesthetics of Yuanshen! For millions of years, the world has known that only one person succeeded!

That is Emperor Hengtian!

In addition, even the Jinghong Empress failed in the end!

No one stopped, or that they couldn't recover from the shock.

At this time, the catastrophe was also brewing.

"This kid, really dare to challenge!"

Emperor Tianjian took a breath. From the beginning, he actually didn't expect Li Ye to be able to truly match Emperor Hengtian! After all, three people have succeeded for millions of years! Two of them were even more ancient times before the appearance of the Three Realms.

No one can stop, and no one can stop it.


Li Ye was directly knocked down from the void! Directly shattered the earth thousands of miles away!

Even the physical body of Dou Shen Jue Nine Layers, under this tribulation, was shattered! The five-color armor disappeared instantly!

Seventy-three Great Tribulation! Enough to destroy the world! That was the thunder of the world that even the emperor had seen and fled!

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