Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 3000: Reappearance

"Even if you will die in front of the robbery?"

The Empress Jinghong didn't ask the reason, but gave Li Ye a faint glance. At that glance, there were too many complicated emotions, which were also some secrets that Li Ye had been unable to understand.

"A cultivator, from the moment he stepped into this world, isn't he ready to die?"

Yes, any cultivator who takes that step and starts, is actually ready to one day, fly ash annihilation and never exceed life.

If you want to go against the sky and pursue immortality, naturally you need a price!

It's just that when the time comes, how many people dare to face the consequences?

Li Ye's calmness made the Empress Jinghong speechless.

No one can guarantee that she will live forever, even if she hadn't been arranged by Li Ye, she would now be hiding in Death Valley, sleeping forever.

"Boy! If you didn't kill the descendants of this family, perhaps you really are the future hope of the Yaozu! It's a pity..."

Hei Yanhuang couldn't help but say something, but Li Ye just glanced at him, but didn't speak.

"If he dies, the Flower Burial Palace will bury him!"

These words soared to the sky! Only the Empress Jinghong has such confidence!

But the Black Flame Emperor didn't care at all!

Hearing this, he smiled, "Jinghong Empress, although you have stood at the pinnacle in this world, it does not mean that you can really despise everything! Even if the Flower Burial Palace is now in decline, it is not you alone that can destroy it!"

However, the Empress Jinghong closed her eyes, it is impossible for Tianjie to kill her today.

But she wanted to take Li Ye away without any hope.

That being the case, everything depends on God's will.

God willing!

Li Ye opened his eyes, he didn't need providence, in other words, he himself was a man against the sky! Challenge the sky!

Providence is not on his side, and what he has to do is break the shackles of Providence.

"I was planning to stay in the last few tribulations, but it seems to be ahead of schedule."


The five-color divine light erupted from his body, but this time it was not condensed into a five-color armor but turned into the world and the five elements, complementing each other!

A piece of heaven and earth came to life!

Even faintly, there is a rule of heaven and earth that is completely different from that of the Three Realms today, slowly evolving in it!

"That is!"

The Black Flame Emperor opened his eyes in horror!

Even the Empress Jinghong was a little surprised! But soon, she seemed to understand something!

This is clearly a world! But it is different from any strong side of the world!

Everyone, including the Great Emperor's world, is formed within the current Three Realms, and evolved from the rules of heaven and earth derived from the way of heaven, and finally becomes a real small world!

Even if he is the owner of a small world, he has supreme creative possibilities, but there is only one thing that cannot be changed!

That is, any small world needs to rely on the rules of the world to exist!

Even in a small world, it is still bound by the way of heaven!

But at this moment, the world that Li Ye showed was completely isolated from the Three Realms, and everything in it was self-evolving!

"Do you want to resist the catastrophe with the power of one world?"

The Empress Jinghong's eyes flashed, but she quickly shook her head, "Although your world has detached beyond the Three Realms, it has not yet been fully formed. If you want to use this to resist the catastrophe, it will not last long."

The greatest horror of Heavenly Tribulation comes from this world-destroying power derived from the Heavenly Dao! In these three realms, no matter who it is, is subject to the destruction of this power.

Even the Empress Jinghong had to carry it abruptly.

But if it is different from the Three Realms, what about another rule of heaven and earth?


Another law of heaven!

A smile appeared on Li Ye's face, "If you don't try it, how do you know if it works?"

Yes, he is not sure! It was originally intended to stay at the final impact of the eighty-first heavy tragedy, the hole cards used only.

But obviously now it has to be used in advance.

"Impossible! After all, the power of the One Realm cannot be compared with the Three Realms of Heaven!"

The Black Flame Emperor sneered.

However, Li Ye closed his eyes directly!

The whole person is directly integrated with the five-element world that he has just recently enlightened to create.

At that moment, he was not alone, but the entire Five Elements World!

And at the same time!


The robbery is down!

There is not even any sound!

But in an instant, the Black Flame Sovereign flew into ashes and annihilated, leaving only a strand of Yuanshen that had not disappeared, but it could not last long.

The next moment, a force enveloped him in, avoiding the tragic ending of his soul flying away.

It was the Empress Jinghong who rescued him!

However, the Empress Jinghong didn't just act to save him!

"Your fate, let him decide by himself."

She just wanted to let Li Ye settle this period of cause and effect by herself. The Black Flame Emperor was also silent. Now he is actually waiting for death, and it makes no difference whether death or death is in Li Ye's hands.

"He can't live!"

I don't know if I said this to myself or to others.

After everyone fled, they saw a ray of colorful light from a distance that turned into a piece of heaven and earth, directly making the speed of the fall of the tribulation slower and slower, and even finally stopped.

"what is that?"

"One world! How could it be possible! Who has such strength to resist the way of heaven with the power of one world?"

Everyone thought of Empress Jinghong for the first time! Only the Jinghong female emperor with the Eight Auras of the Primordial God has this ability.

But soon, they were shocked to discover that in that colorful light, it was not the Empress Jinghong who appeared, but Li Ye!

"That kid!"

"Impossible! How could that kid be possible!"

Countless exclamations one after another!

Including Emperor Sun Yao was shocked!

Because he felt an unprecedented strangeness in that colorful light, his face suddenly sank, "A breath outside of the Three Realms! Does this little beast still carry some strange treasure outside of the Three Realms on his body? No! It is a strange treasure from the outside world, it is impossible to resist such a powerful tribulation!"

The multicolored rays of light are falling apart, after all, it is a world just born.

However, as the colorful rays of light disperse, the robbery is being weakened step by step! At the same time, Li Ye is more like a black hole, frantically devouring the power of the origin in the catastrophe!

However, this speed of offsetting each other obviously cannot be supported by Li Ye!

At this moment, above the sky, a terrifying God Eye suddenly appeared!

"what is that!"

The terrible breath and the gaze that looked down on the people like a **** made everyone tremble! Including Emperor Sun Yao, all felt a kind of primordial spirit trembling!

"Prime God Eye!"

I don't know who said something.

After the God Eye appeared, terrible rays of light were directly emitted from it, even though it was the power of Heavenly Tribulation, it seemed fragile in front of the God Eye, directly as if it was forcibly cut from the middle!

And the half of the tribulation that was cut off was captured by God Eye in an instant! Swallowed in!

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