Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 2999: He will carry his catastrophe by himself!

Emperor Danwu!

The two holy places, Wushen Mountain and Yaowang Palace!

Emperor Ri Yao fell silent, but soon he gave a cold smile.

"Emperor Danwu hasn't appeared for hundreds of thousands of years, so why be afraid of him! Even if he is still alive, if he really dares to appear, naturally someone will take action against Emperor Danwu without worrying about him!"

The Demon Emperor Cangshui and the Demon Emperor Baiyun were both taken aback when they heard the words. Although the three of them had joined forces to suppress the Holy Demon Gate, many secrets were undoubtedly kept by the two demon emperors. At this moment, the two demon emperors suddenly heard this. Be clear.

Emperor Danwu! What kind of existence is that!

If he was born, not many people in this world can deal with him.

Listening to the tone of Emperor Sun Yao at this time, he was obviously not afraid.

"Sun Yao, you won't really join forces with Dongzhou, will you?"

The two demon emperors looked at each other. Although the demon clan has always fought openly and secretly inside, but outside it is the same enemy. In front of the big right and wrong, even the two monster emperors did not dare to mess around.

However, Emperor Sun Yat just sneered and did not answer.

This caused the two demon emperors' hearts to sink.

"Ri Yao, even if someone on the Danwu side can solve it, how can the two holy places explain?"

Yes, Emperor Danwu did reach the sky, but for millions of years, there has been an existence comparable to him.

Especially the ancient world of Dongzhou, but countless terrifying existences have been born. Even if it is no match for Emperor Danwu, it can still contain one or two.

"The two sacred places are not easy to provoke, and they are really angry. Even on the Dongzhou side, they dare not fight head-on!"

The history of Wushen Mountain and Yaowang Temple can even be traced back to before the appearance of the Three Realms!

The Primordial Era.

"Two sacred places? Humph, whether this son really is the descendant of the two sacred places, who can prove it now! The two sacred places have never made an exception! Emperor Danwu just has the identity of the two sacred places at the same time, but not their descendants!"

The answer of Emperor Sun Yao made the two demon emperors deep in thought.

The reason why they show goodwill with Li Ye is also because of Li Ye's amazing background and his talents.

It is better to have a good relationship now instead of having an evil relationship that will eventually lead to the destruction of the door.

"What if it really came out of the two holy places?"

The Baiyun Demon Emperor was still worried.

The Emperor Riyao laughed, "Whatever it is! A dead peerless genius is nothing but a dead man! The two holy places have never interfered with external affairs for millions of years! Even if they die, this emperor has nothing to do. Do it yourself! I really want to investigate, this time the person who did it is the Flower Burial Palace!"

As soon as these words came out, both the Baiyun Demon Emperor and the Cangshui Demon Emperor felt chills.

The insidious methods of Emperor Sun Yao made them even more jealous.

As if seeing the jealousy of the two demon emperors, Emperor Sun Yao's expression eased at this time, "Don't worry about the two holy places, as long as this child dies today, absolutely no one will avenge him!"

Even so, the Baiyun Demon Emperor and Cangshui Demon Emperor still had doubts in their hearts.

But this is the end of the matter, and they have nothing to do.

Under the catastrophe, no one can reverse cause and effect!

They can't, not even the Empress Jinghong!


The entire southern Xinjiang began to crack slightly, and the earth began to crack everywhere. The sky seemed to be torn apart by people, revealing an endless abyss of darkness.

All this is a chain reaction brought about by the catastrophe!

It can be said that even if Li Ye wanted to give up the Tribulation, it was already impossible!

After the Black Flame Emperor and Empress Jinghong came in, the situation was out of control.

"The 72nd Heavenly Tribulation! This is more exaggerated than imagined."

Li Ye smiled bitterly.

Originally, he was about 60% confident that he could survive these seventy-two catastrophes, but at this moment, he estimated it in his mind.

The success rate will never exceed 30%! Even lower!

Here, the female emperor Jinghong is murderous, she is about to kill the Black Flame Emperor! After all, it was not him, Li Ye could not suffer such a catastrophe.

But at the last moment, Li Ye stopped him.

"Don't kill him."

Empress Jinghong was puzzled, but in this world, no one could stop her from doing anything. But today, she withdrew her hand for the first time.

Although the Black Flame Emperor is not dead, he has a hideous face at this moment!

Even he knew that he had no place to bury his body this time, and his voice was low and low, "Boy, don't be a good person in front of the old man at this time. Since the old man took action today, he is not ready to leave alive!"

After he finished speaking, he suddenly laughed!

"The old man is worthy in his life! Before he died, I could let you such a peerless genius fall with him, and the Empress of the Great King! Hahaha!"

The Empress Jinghong's eyes were angry, and under an angry grunt, the Hei Yanhuang directly sprayed blood, and the internal organs were almost shattered!

Even a supreme holy emperor like him is like an ant in front of the Empress Jinghong.

He laughed miserably, "Jinghong Empress! The old man is not your opponent, but today, you are still going to die here! Even if you do not die! You can't protect this kid!"

His laughter was crazy, but with Li Ye's words, it instantly froze on his face.

"The Flower Burial Palace will also become history with what you do today."

In everything, Li Ye's heart is like a mirror.

After that, he looked up, and the tribulation was going to fall after all, and whether he could survive, he could only fight hard.

"Boy! What do you mean by this!"

The Black Flame Emperor asked in a deep voice, but Li Ye didn't have time to explain to him.

At this time, the tribulation has already fallen, but unlike any tribulation, this time the tribulation seems to have been infinitely slowed down, which can be seen with the naked eye, slowly falling from the sky.

Even the changes in Jieyun can be clearly seen.

But Li Ye couldn't escape. After the involvement of the Black Flame Emperor and the Jinghong woman, the three of them could not escape the shackles of the tribulation. That is the supreme suppression of the Heavenly Dao, including the Empress Jinghong who can only rely on her own tyrannical strength and cultivation base to force her to carry it!

"you will die."

The Empress Jinghong floated to Li Ye, her expression revealing a touch of complexity.

"I know, but it's not my character to wait for death without trying."

Strong intuition, let him know that he has little hope. But waiting to die is not the first choice, and he already has a decision in his heart.

"I will help you carry this heavy catastrophe."

The Empress Jinghong said lightly.

With her cultivation level, although she is not 100% sure, she has a better chance than Li Ye.

After all, she was once an invincible person who had survived the 80th Heavenly Tribulation, even if the 72nd Heavenly Tribulation is far beyond the normal 72nd Heavenly Tribulation, but she is the only one who has hope.

However, Li Ye shook his head.

"No, I will do this by myself!"

Yes, only by himself can he temper the primordial spirit, otherwise, even if he survives this tribulation, his primordial spirit will still be in the realm of seven orifices! Let alone to meet the next few disasters!

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