Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 2998: Ring by ring

Everyone almost couldn't breathe under the pressure of Heaven.

The catastrophe that Li Yeduo had to overcome was far beyond the imagination of ordinary people. At this time, because of the insidious trick of the Black Flame Emperor, Heavenly Tribulation was directly upgraded!

In addition, the Empress Jinghong also stepped in, which made Heavenly Tribulation strengthen again!

"It's over! This time, no one can survive this time!"

Seeing the appearance of the robbery, many strong monsters shook their heads.

You know, the calamity of the sky is always more terrifying as it goes up.

Now that they have reached the most critical seventy level or more, let alone the power of Heavenly Tribulation, even if it remains the same, it is still unknown whether the demon clan of Southern Xinjiang can find out the success of people to cross the Tribulation.

Not to mention that now, both a supreme holy emperor and a human emperor are involved.

"Such a catastrophe, even for millions of years, can't find a few people capable of carrying it?"

"A handful of them! Perhaps those countless ages ago, those who used to be proud of the world for nine days are possible, but now they are not here! Moreover, the point is that this time it is not just the Black Flame Emperor who has entered, even the Empress Jinghong has entered. Up!"

"Yes, if there is no Empress Jinghong, Heavenly Tribulation will not rise to such a level!"

Many people sighed, and some of them saw a clue.

The Empress Jinghong defended Li Ye, which had long been spread.

That being the case, it is impossible for those who want Li Ye to die. No one dared to find death in front of the Jinghong Empress! Even the Demon Emperor dare not!

In that case, you can only give up!

But obviously, some people don't want to give up the great opportunity to kill Li Ye!

Heavenly Tribulation, gave them such a chance!

"If Empress Jinghong didn't go in, there is hope that people can be rescued. But now!"

"There is no doubt that Li Ye, this young man will die! What a pity, what a pity! If he can survive the next 72 Heavenly Tribulation without dying, he will be the realm of the Primordial God's Eight Apertures! Become the first demon clan in millions of years one person!"

Many demons existed in ancient times, and their eyes were extremely complicated.

From the standpoint of the Yaozu, the birth of such a terrifying evildoer as Li Ye is the best gift for the Yaozu. But standing on their respective positions and the position of the sect behind them, the birth of such a terrifying and invincible evildoer is bound to cause earth-shaking changes in the entire southern Xinjiang.

Change of power, re-division of forces!

Even the rise or decline of some imperialism is closely related.

"It doesn't matter if you die, although the Yaozu lost a peerless arrogant, but at least a **** massacre was avoided!"

A Yaozu ancestor shook his head slightly, but showed a smile.

Naturally, some demon ancestors felt a pity, and couldn’t help but said, “The Black Flame Emperor! If he didn’t intervene, why did he become like this! If Li Ye this son fell, he would be a sinner of the demon race!”

As soon as this statement came out, someone also nodded slightly and said, "Yes, the Flower Burial Palace has been in these years. We respected the Flower Burial Demon Emperor's contribution to the demon clan, but the Flower Burial Palace has become more and more degenerate over the past hundreds of thousands of years. , Even this method can be done! It is simply a shame to the prestige of the Flower Burying Demon Emperor!"

This is the case in the world. When the Flower Burial Demon Emperor was alive and for hundreds of thousands of years after his fall, no one in southern Xinjiang dared to provoke him!

But today's Flower Burial Palace is dwindling day by day, and it is only because of the affection and mutual checks and balances that the Flower Burial Palace still maintains a transcendent status.

There are indeed prescientists in the Flower Burial Palace, and they chose to avoid the world because they wanted to stagger the weakest period of the Flower Burial Palace.

When the Flower Burial Palace cultivates a new generation of demon emperors, it is when the Flower Burial Palace returns to the peak of the monster clan.

It's a pity that all the plans have been overturned because of Li Ye's appearance!

The Flower Burial Palace was born ahead of schedule!

Even suffered a loss at the Saint Demon Gate!

The fall of a descendant and a supreme holy emperor, although not too serious for the emperor's Taoism, it suddenly had a chain reaction!

Countless eyes are exuding terrible greed!

They saw that the Flower Burial Palace was now like a dreadful old man, and the strength on the surface could no longer stop the greed of those people.

However, if you want to do it, you need a reason!

A justifiable reason to start with such an emperor’s Taoism in the Flower Palace!

"The Yaozu's hope was destroyed by the Flower Burial Palace! This charge is enough to make the Flower Burial Palace fall off the altar!"

Silent sneer, everything was designed long ago.

Whether it is Li Ye or the Flower Burial Palace, it is always within the plan of some people.

The only things they didn't expect were the origin of Li Ye and the appearance of the Empress Jinghong.

But now, even if it is the Empress Jinghong, it is hard to protect herself!


The robbery is coming!

And this time is different from any previous catastrophe!

The whole Jieyun was directly reduced from the sky!

As if the sky fell directly!

Countless sky thunder fell violently, as if the legendary gods were furious and attacked and destroyed the sky and the earth!

At that moment, even countless strong monsters changed their colors one after another!

"Damn! Here is the Tribulation! This is the destruction of the world at all!"

"Hurry up! No one can live if you get involved!"

Although it has long been known that the catastrophe would be very crazy this time, no one thought it would be so terrible.

Lian Yunshan Iron Sword, the supreme holy emperor, turned into a sword of light and quickly flee! As for the others, where would they dare to stay?

At this moment, the people hated that they had two fewer legs, and even the ancestors of the monster race, regardless of their image, turned into rays of light, and left quickly.

"Sun Yao, you really are a good way!"

Above the void, several demon emperors also flashed directly into the void.

Under this kind of tribulation, even they can't stay out of the matter, and can only temporarily avoid the edge.

But Cangshui Demon Emperor glanced at Emperor Sun Yao with an ugly expression, with a hint of coldness in his voice.

There is no doubt that all of this is controlled by Emperor Sun Yao, even if it is not for him, it has nothing to do with him!

As for Emperor Sun Yao, he smiled coldly when he heard that, neither admitted nor denied.

The person he fears most is not Li Ye, but the Empress Jinghong! Now that the Empress Jinghong is trapped, what else does he dare not provoke?

The Baiyun Demon Emperor is indeed an old fox, his eyes flashed, but thoughtful.

He did not act like the Cangshui Demon Emperor, too proactively to show Li Ye, but at this time he seemed to want to stay out of the matter, but he still said thoughtfully, "Today's incident is bound to be hard to undo, but I don't know what happened later. How will Emperor Danwu and the two holy places react?"

Although the threat of Empress Jinghong is gone for the time being, the other identities behind Li Ye make them sleepy!

What he said was clearly meant for Emperor Ri Yao to hear.

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