Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 2997: The catastrophe escalated again

Li Ye opened his eyes!

Because of the secret attack of the Black Flame Emperor, Heavenly Tribulation has already accelerated!

"It's really worthy of me."

Feeling the change in the catastrophe, Li Ye gave a wry smile.

At the present level, every step he took was dancing on the tip of a knife, and any wrong step would be forever and annihilated, and even the end of the day was worse than that of the Heavenly Sword Emperor.

The Heavenly Sword Great Emperor can still retain a trace of the remnant soul, and one day may be able to see the sky again, resurrect and rebuild.

But he? If the catastrophe cannot survive today, what awaits him is the way of never going beyond life.

"Boy, someone intervened, the plan has changed! Now stop!"

Emperor Tianjian hurriedly reminded that although he wanted to see Li Ye able to create the same miracle as Emperor Hengtian back then, the situation has changed now.

In other words, no one thought that the Black Flame Emperor would actually take such a big risk to let the robbery kill Li Ye!

At this time, it's not just Li Ye himself!

Even the Black Flame Emperor was shrouded in Heavenly Tribulation!

No one can retreat after intervening in the catastrophe!

"Black Flame Emperor! What the **** are you doing!"

Seeing that the Black Flame Emperor couldn't escape the catastrophe, Jade Demon Venerable couldn't help sighing.

After all, the Flower Burial Palace has a very close relationship with the Saint Demon Gate, and the Black Flame Emperor is the most ancient existence of the monster clan today. Not necessarily someone can be older than him.

"The old man's life should have been turned into a pile of loess. It was the gift of the Flower Burial Demon Emperor that year, and it allowed the old man to survive until today."

The Black Flame Emperor's tone was very calm, but it made people hear that one of them was decisive.

Li Ye turned around, looking directly at the Black Flame Emperor.

"Boy, old man, no matter who you are a disciple or who is behind you, but you must never be an enemy of the Flower Burial Palace!"

Looking at Li Ye, the Black Flame Emperor actually showed a hint of appreciation, but he was quickly swallowed by the chill.


Finally, the Thunder of Heaven's Punishment, which was far beyond the normal power of the Seventy-One Heavy Tribulation, descended directly!

Without any words, neither Li Ye who crossed the Tribulation nor the Heiyan Emperor involved at this time could have a leisurely sentiment.

However, the Black Flame Emperor did a move that no one had expected!

"Today, the old man will use his remains to do the last thing for the Flower Burial Demon Emperor."

Hei Yanhuang's whole body, fierce blood qi burst out almost instantly!

It even makes people feel that there is an illusion at that moment, this is not an old immortal who has lived for 800,000 years, but an invincible holy emperor in the most peak state!

Even Li Ye was taken aback!

Because the Black Flame Emperor actually took advantage of the fall of the 71st Heavenly Tribulation, and directly shot him to kill him!

This is obviously to let Li Ye fall here today regardless of any consequences.

The void was completely shattered, and a jade hand appeared instantly, even the terrifying Jieyun could not stop the master of that jade hand!

Jinghong Empress!


When everyone saw it, they couldn't help trembling!

Especially after I heard that the Empress Jinghong is still alive, and those strong monsters who still appeared in southern Xinjiang, only then did I really see the Empress Jinghong actually appear!

However, even if the emperor suddenly intervened in Heavenly Tribulation, he would also face the risk of Heaven's backlash, but that jade hand directly suppressed the Black Flame Emperor in an instant.


The Black Flame Emperor, who even Sun Yao had no confidence in that he could easily suppress, was instantly crushed underneath the pure white jade hand without any resistance.


A burst of inhalation sounds came out!

"Jinghong Empress! This is the real Jinghong Empress!"

Ba Jue Wushuang, invincible in the world!

Even the Supreme Sacred Emperor who was truly close to the Emperor Realm like the Black Flame Emperor did not have any resistance in front of him, and he suppressed it with one hand, unable to move.

However, the Heiyanhuang had just been suppressed, but he heard a deafening laughter!

"Hahaha! Empress Jinghong! You still can't help but save people!"

Everyone was surprised when they heard it.

Someone's mind was shocked, and his face suddenly changed!

Many experts on the Saint Demon Gate also knew about the Black Flame Emperor's plan, and almost yelled at them one by one.

A peerless figure slowly appeared in front of Li Ye. There was no emotional color on that flawless face, only the coldest killing intent was brewing.

Jinghong Empress!

Everyone took a breath!

"This is the Empress Jinghong! It is as beautiful as the rumors!"

"Hush! Even if it is as beautiful as the Nine Heavens Goddess, the Jinghong Empress is a existence that even the Great Emperor dares to kill!"

The Black Flame Emperor was covered in blood at this time, and he might be able to fight an ordinary emperor, but he was only able to protect himself. Facing the Jinghong Empress, he has no chance of winning. But his goal is still achieved!

Because at this time, because of the intervention of the Empress Jinghong, the calamity, which had already gone violently, heated up again!

Li Ye sighed.

"You shouldn't have shot."

Yes, the Empress Jinghong should not make a move!

Not only did the Tribulation not end, but even with the appearance of the Empress Jinghong, the Tribulation was directly subject to changes that no one could predict.

Moreover, there has never been a change in millions of years!

A master of the eight orifices cultivation base, the supreme emperor! Li Ye can't imagine what the catastrophe will become.

Even if the 71st Heavenly Tribulation was directly resolved by the Empress Jinghong.

But Li Ye's face showed a wry smile.

"If I don't take action, you will be dead."

Empress Jinghong's indifferent voice, but Li Ye did not hear the slightest concern for him. Although he still doesn't know why the Jinghong Empress has a different attitude towards him, there is at least one thing.

"Yes, if you didn't make a move just now, I couldn't hold it all the time. But now, I feel that besides me, you can't avoid this disaster."

This is the purpose of the Black Flame Emperor!

Even the real purpose of some people!

The ordinary Heavenly Tribulation Li Ye was carried down one by one!

But what if it is the current catastrophe?

"Emperor Black Flame, is it worth it to kill me as a junior?"

Li Ye didn't want to answer. Since the Black Flame Emperor did this, he naturally already knew the result.

Although he died nine times under the tribulation of the sky, but the Black Flame Emperor is now bound to die!

Not being hacked to death by heaven! Instead, she would be directly bombarded and killed by the Jinghong Empress, without even a trace of soul remaining.

Above the void, Emperor Sun Yao finally showed a smile.

He couldn't afford the Empress Jinghong, but it didn't mean that he had no means to kill Li Ye!

Even at this time, he showed a crazy color!

Li Ye is dying! The Empress Jinghong may not survive either!

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