Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 2996: Add fire to the robbery

For millions of years, the Flower Burial Palace has made many emperors dare not make a mistake. Naturally, it is not just relying on the prestigious name left by the Flower Burial Demon Emperor.

Even if it was the Flower Burying Demon Emperor, it was an ancient figure millions of years ago, and how many years have passed since now.

It is precisely because of the terrible existence that is still alive in the Flower Burial Palace that many Emperor Dao Tong and Xiao Xiaozhi dare not offend the Flower Burial Palace.

The Demon Emperor may not have such a strong one, but the Supreme Holy Emperor!

The former Sage Emperor Qingzhu was a terrifying generation, but apparently the Black Flame Emperor who appeared today is even more ancient than the Sage Emperor Qingzhu.

Similarly, the strength is stronger.

"It seems that the previous rumors of an accident in the Flower Burial Palace seem to be true. The Holy Emperor Green Bamboo is dead, but now it has alarmed the old monster Black Flame Emperor to wake up!"

"Emperor Black Flame, I didn't expect him to be alive! It seems that in order to allow him to live longer, the Flower Burial Palace should have consumed a drop of the Phoenix blood left by the Flower Burial Demon Emperor, otherwise he would not be able to. Let him persist until now."

When everyone saw the Black Flame Emperor, their expressions changed slightly.

Especially the ancestors of some monster races, even more shocked.

Even the Emperor Sun Yao in the depths of the void, his eyes condensed!

"Black Flame Emperor!"

Feeling the demon emperor's gaze, Hei Yanhuang just glanced flatly.

In an instant, two powerful auras clashed together, and everyone was shocked!

But what made them even more horrified was that in the face of a demon emperor's gaze, the Black Flame Emperor didn't seem to be let down.

Although it wasn't really fighting against each other, this was enough to crush countless so-called supreme holy emperors in this era.

"This is the real supreme holy emperor! The existence that can stand side by side with the demon emperor!"

Someone couldn't help but say.

"Yes, in today's era, some people who can easily support a few tricks in front of the demon emperor dare to say that they are the supreme holy emperor, but they do not have the ability to truly supreme holy emperor."

"Emperor Black Flame, if you really want to count it, he should have been alive for at least 800,000 years now! The blood of the Phoenix is ​​indeed the strangest Shoubao fairy blood in the heavens and the earth! Let him persist until now. not dead!"

"Hmph, even if he didn't die, he could only wait for death in the sarcophagus in the dark. But this time, what happened to make the Black Flame Emperor, an old monster, take a huge risk to wake up? Even if he has been baptized in the blood of a phoenix at this level, he has blood qi that ordinary people can't imagine, one birth is enough for his vitality to be seriously injured."

There is no eternity in the world, even the emperor will die of old age, let alone the supreme holy emperor.

However, there are some special races that are born with a life span several times or even more than that of ordinary people.

Obviously, the Monster Race is somewhat longer than the Human Race, but there is absolutely no such thing as a person who can live for 800,000 years without dying!

"Blood of the Phoenix! The Flower Burial Demon Emperor had been rumored in his early years to be lucky enough to get three drops of the blood of the Phoenix and one drop of the original essence blood. It seems that the rumors back then were not groundless!"

"Hmph, if it wasn't for a drop of essence blood of the phoenix, the Flower Burial Demon Emperor was just a body of ordinary blood, how to achieve the legend of a generation of invincible monster emperor. Unfortunately, after all, his blood is too low, otherwise there is a drop of Phoenix origin. The essence of blood blending into his own blood is enough to allow the Flower Burial Demon Emperor to reach the realm of the Nine Apertures of the Primordial God, and even attack the higher Heavenly Demon!

The Black Flame Emperor's gaze had wisps of sharp sharpness, but his attention was all on Li Ye.

When everyone saw it, some people had thoughts.

"Looking at the appearance of the Black Flame Emperor, isn't it because it was reported that the Flower Burial Princess and his party were at the Saint Demon Gate?"

"Haha, there is a good show to watch! This Black Flame Emperor was a famous short-guard back then! Even the Demon Emperor has challenged a few, and now he wakes up, it will definitely not be as simple as watching a lively event!"

"If the Black Flame Emperor takes a shot, even if the Demon Emperor wants to suppress it, it will have a headache. I don't know if the Black Flame Emperor will wait until the end of the catastrophe before taking the shot, or will directly block it at this moment!"

Although it is impossible for ordinary people to intervene in the Tribulation, it is not completely impossible to reach the cultivation base of the Black Flame Emperor.

Maybe he couldn't kill Li Ye directly, but he was completely capable of making the already terrifying Heavenly Tribulation suddenly more violent! As long as he makes a move, Li Ye will definitely have no place to die!

Upon seeing this, Emperor Ri Yao showed a sneer.

He didn't dare to make a move because Empress Jinghong made him unable to make a move.

But Black Flame Emperor can!

And the most important point is that the Empress Jinghong can kill him unceremoniously, but she will not necessarily surrender her status to deal with the Black Flame Emperor!

Sure enough, as soon as the Black Flame Emperor appeared, he didn't care about the others at all.

The terrifying aura swept wildly, directly turned into a monstrous wind, and headed towards Li Ye in the tribulation.

Everyone was surprised!

"The Black Flame Emperor really dare to do it!"

"Sure enough, the visitor is not good! But doesn't Black Flame Emperor know the origin of that kid?"

Seeing that the Black Flame Emperor really started, many people took a breath!

Not to mention that the attitude of the Saint Demon Gate is to stand on Li Ye's side, just talk about the Jinghong Empress behind Li Ye and everyone who heard the rumors about the relationship between Emperor Danwu and the two holy places, and Li Ye!

Just for this, who would dare to attack the young man Li Ye easily now?

The demon emperor dare not!

But the Black Flame Emperor dare!

"Black Flame Emperor! You are crazy!"

Some Yaozu ancestors couldn't help but exclaim.

However, the Black Flame Emperor just kept his face cold, and a terrifying killing intent passed through his eyes!

Even the ancestors of the demon clan wanted to stop, but they snorted in an instant, let alone stopping the Black Flame Emperor, they couldn't even get close to the Black Flame Emperor.

You know, those demon clan ancestors are all powerhouses at least at the Saint Emperor level!

But he was vulnerable to the Black Flame Emperor!

"The enemy of the Flower Burial Palace, no one can live in this world!"


When everyone heard it, they understood why the Black Flame Emperor appeared!

The Young Palace Master died unexplainably, and the Holy Emperor Green Bamboo fell again! This hatred, it is impossible to laugh at any sect on which it is placed. Not to mention the Taoism of Emperors like the Funeral Palace.


Li Ye crossed the robbery, the Saint Demon Gate would naturally not sit idly by.

Suddenly, Yubao Yaozun and the others flashed and blocked the Black Flame Emperor.

"Black Flame Emperor! What are you doing!"

However, after all, they appeared late, and with the action of the Black Flame Emperor, the robbery changed instantly!

It was as if a stronger aura was interfering with Heavenly Tribulation, instantly expanding the already terrifying Tribulation Cloud!

At this time, everyone also discovered that the Black Flame Emperor did not move towards Li Ye at all!

It is heading towards the robbery cloud above his head!

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