Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 2989: This is no way to survive

At this point, almost countless demon races in southern Xinjiang have almost bowed to the ground.

Even some strong men of the imperial sect have been convinced by the young man Li Ye.

Emperor Bing Yi showed a smile even more. In her opinion, Li Ye had done enough!

Seven Apertures of Yuanshen! For millions of years, few of the countless emperor realm powerhouses can reach this level, and anyone who can reach the seven orifices of the primordial spirit has almost dominated the existence of an era.

"Master, he, he will be fine, right?"

I don't know when, Princess Saint Demon Gate appeared beside Emperor Bingyi with a worried look.

"Don't worry, although the tempering of the soul is more dangerous, with his talent and strength, there is still hope that he can attack the soul of the soul. Even if it doesn't work, there is a chance to retreat."

In fact, Emperor Bing Yi didn't think that Li Ye could really rush to the eight orifices of the primordial spirit. After all, being able to rush to the seven orifices of the primordial spirit could be regarded as one of the few people unique in southern Xinjiang for millions of years!

Before Li Ye, only the Flower Burying Demon Emperor and the Gu Shi Great Emperor had reached the realm of the Seven Apertures of the Primordial God, and they almost unified the many demon tribes and emperor traditions in southern Xinjiang.

As for the Eight Auras of the Soul?

Emperor Bing Yi shook his head. Although she also hoped that Li Ye could succeed, the possibility was very slim.

"Master, what chance does he have?"

"Girl, I know your thoughts for the teacher. However, there are less than ten people who have succeeded in millions of years."

Less than ten!

You know, for millions of years, without talking about the other two realms of the Three Realms, on the side of Shen Shengzhou, I don't know how many emperor realm powerhouses were born.

Millions of years ago, the emperor realm powerhouses were not as rare as they are now, but there are fewer than ten people who can really refine the eight orifices of the soul!

"Isn't there any hope?"

Princess Saint Demon Gate bit her cherry lips slightly, her eyes revealed a touch of complexity.

Seeing her like this, Emperor Bing Yi also smiled bitterly and shook his head, "The chance is not great. In fact, he can be tempered to the realm of the Seven Apertures of the Primordial God, even if it is a miracle. You should understand this."

Yes, Princess Saint Demon Gate understands what this means!

Seven Apertures of Yuanshen! In front of Li Ye, the door to the Emperor Realm was half opened!

The only thing missing is to finally take the emperor's life! Incorporate into your own soul!

"After all, the eight primordial orifices are not what ordinary people can extravagantly desire. Even if it is the seven primordial orifices, as long as he seizes the emperor's life in the future, there will be few opponents in these three realms."

The Great Bingyi didn't lie on this point, a great emperor of the Qiqiao, enough to sweep the entire Shenshengzhou!

Regardless of whether it is an imperial family or an ancient family, they can only crawl under their feet.

Even if it is a sacred place like Wushen Mountain, they will never be stingy and personally give a piece of Wushen order!

"Master, I heard that as long as the emperor of the Six Apertures of the Yuanshen can get a piece of the Martial God Order from the Wushen Mountain?"

The Princess Saint Demon Gate suddenly thought of something and asked.

And the Great Emperor Bing Yi nodded, "There is indeed such a statement, but it is a pity that the current strength of the teacher is not enough to make the existence on the Wushen Mountain take a look."

With a long sigh, even though she is a demon emperor, she is still so small in front of Wushen Mountain.

The world only knows that Wushen Mountain is supreme, and any emperor of Wushen Mountain is enough to make ordinary emperor's Taoism obedient existence.

I never know why.

But now, the mystery has obviously been solved.

Those who can become Wudi Wushenshan and possess the decree of the Wushen are at least the great emperor of the Six Apertures of the Yuanshen!

After Li Ye carried the thunder of punishment from the sky and succeeded in tempering the primordial spirit again, the face of Emperor Sun Yao was already green.

Even in the depths of the jealous anger, a deep fear emerged more and more!

Yes, at this moment, Emperor Sun Yao felt a kind of fear.

Seven Apertures of Yuanshen! Once Li Ye seizes the emperor's life, let alone him and the entire Jiuyao Palace, all the emperor Dao Tongs in southern Xinjiang will definitely not be Li Ye's opponent.

At that time, it was really one person sweeping the entire monster clan, even if someone was unwilling to accept it, they could not prevent Li Ye from ascending to the throne of the monster king.

The Demon Emperor Baiyun and the Demon Emperor Cangshui also felt similar fears.

They are all just ordinary monster emperors, the cultivation base of the four orifices of the Yuanshen, perhaps in the eyes of the world, but the great emperor who has encountered the seven orifices of the Yuanshen makes a dead end!

"That's why the woman Jinghong didn't kill us last time! It's not that she suddenly became soft-hearted, but that she wanted to leave us to this kid to deal with it personally!"

The Baiyun Demon Emperor suddenly realized that the last time the three of them teamed up to fight the Jinghong Empress. What everyone could see was that they were still defeated after joining forces, but only they and Emperor Bingyi knew that in the depths of the void, the Empress Jinghong could kill all three of them one by one! Even their souls have no chance to escape!

But the Empress Jinghong did not! Just injured them seriously and let the three of them escape!

Before they had suspected that the Empress Jinghong had been sleeping for 100,000 years, and her cultivation base had fallen to secretly glad.

Looking back at this time, I felt a burst of icy cold rising leisurely.

"Sun Yao, this son cannot stay. Either kill him today, or after today, my Qing Cangmen decides to escape from the world. When this kid is alive, he will never be born!"

Suddenly, the Baiyun Demon Emperor seemed to have made a certain determination.

Not only him, but Cangshui Demon Emperor also shook his head and smiled bitterly, "This emperor's thoughts are the same. If this son cannot be removed, we will eventually be wiped out in the future."

It's just that Li Ye is going to be killed at this moment, but there is no way to start.

Even a terrifying gaze fell on them unconsciously.

Jinghong Empress!

From the beginning, the Empress Jinghong did not show up. But it does not mean that you left southern Xinjiang!

"Jing Hong! Who is this kid! You want to protect him like this!"

Emperor Sun Yao asked in a deep voice, because he knew that as long as the Empress Jinghong was still there, they would not have any chance. Once they make a move, it is their death date.

There is the Empress Jinghong guarding the way behind the scenes, she is also the descendant of Emperor Danwu, and the mysterious background of the two holy places of Wushen Mountain and Yaowang Temple, and now she is tempering herself through the tribulation, the realm of the Seven Apertures of the Primordial God!

This is simply not giving them a shred of survival!

At that moment, both Baiyun Demon Emperor and Cangshui Demon Emperor regretted it! Why did they credulously believed in the bewitching of Emperor Sun Yat-sen and got on this thief ship!

The two demon emperors regretted extremely, but the Emperor Sun Yao did not give up! Because he still has a hole card!

"Jinghong! It's someone else who wants to kill this son, so why bother to hold onto this emperor!"

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