Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 2990: The two monster emperors were once beheaded

The murder in the dark did not affect Li Ye.

Under the catastrophe, he was calm and composed, even though the armor of the five elements on his body had been completely shattered just now, for him, the cards in his hand were far from exhausted.

He wants more than the Qiqiao Yuanshen!

"Does this kid continue?"

"He's crazy! This is the Qiqiao of the primordial spirit, and if you continue like this, it is very likely that you will fly ashes and annihilate directly under the tribulation and will never be superborn!"

Seeing that Li Ye was still standing proudly in the void, he didn't even evade, and the ancient existence of many monster races was amazed.

The terrifying eyes that came through the void one after another were shining with extremely strange light.

Seven Apertures of Yuanshen! Today's Li Ye has actually achieved a level that few people can do for millions of years!

"If you see a good one, you are a wise man. Why should a little friend insist on the supreme state and put himself in danger."

There was a voice of persuasion from the void, and the expressions in everyone's eyes were exceptionally wonderful when they heard it!

Because this persuading person is not someone else, it is Cangshui Demon Emperor!

The demon emperor of a generation, with such a tone of voice, was enough to see that today's Li Ye has been tempering the soul to the seven orifice realm, even if the demon emperor meets him, he must show some face.

After all, once Li Ye seized the emperor's life and stepped into the emperor realm in the future, with the strength of his primordial spirit, it would definitely be the kind of existence that swept the ordinary demon emperor.

It's better to befriend Li Ye now, unless someone takes action to kill Li Ye!

"The Cangshui Demon Emperor deserves to be an old fox! This is intentional to show good!"

Some ancestors of the demon race had a glimmer of splendor in their eyes. The previous conflict between the Cangshui Demon Emperor and Li Ye and the Saint Demon Gate spread throughout southern Xinjiang.

Although it was mainly led by Jiuyao Hall, Cangshui Demon Emperor did not make little effort.

Now that his attitude has changed 180 degrees, it is enough to see that the Cangshui Demon Emperor is actually somewhat guilty.

"Whoever changed it would make such a decision now. This kid is a perverted evildoer, and several times, several great emperor sects have suffered in front of him, and even the Baiyun Demon Emperor himself did not suppress this boy before. After tempering the primordial spirit to such a realm, if he continues to be an enemy, even the Cangshui Demon Emperor will be able to take care of himself in the future, but the emperor's line behind him cannot escape."

"Yeah, when you meet such a perverted kid, even the emperor or even the demon emperor must consider one or two, whether it is really profitable to be an enemy."

"Haha, in fact, it's not just this kid himself, there have been rumors before, besides his own evildoer, this kid's origin is also amazing!"

An older generation of powerful monster smiled mysteriously.

However, in fact, the rumors have spread throughout southern Xinjiang, and other monster ancestors all nodded slightly after hearing the words, "It means that the story behind this son is the story of Emperor Danwu hundreds of thousands of years ago?"

"This is indeed the case, I learned from Emperor Danwu! This really makes no one think that the origin of this son is so terrible! Some people have ridiculed that this son is a mountain villager and can't get on the table, even if his talent is against the sky. After all, it is incomparable with those geniuses of the imperial family. Now, it is not this kid who really can't make it to the table, but the ignorant fools who mocked him in the first place!!"

This voice is not low, and some strong men and disciples of the imperial sect are all listening.

However, at this moment, their faces were not uncertain, and some people showed a touch of shame.

Yes, they are in the emperor's Taoism, they are indeed aloof, and the world is in awe. But all their pride and self-esteem looked so pale and ridiculous in front of Li Ye today.

On talent? Li Ye even surpassed or even surpassed the ancient stone emperor back then!

On the background?

Even though Li Ye still claims to be a casual cultivator, who dares to despise such a casual cultivator?

The descendant of Emperor Danwu!

A heir of a great emperor is enough to have the status and status of any emperor's Taoist heir! And Emperor Danwu is a terrifying existence that has been ranked in the top ten among countless emperors for millions of years!

His descendant? And is it comparable to ordinary people from the emperor door?

"Everyone, it's more than that! This child has both pill and martial arts, and he is a descendant of the emperor Danwu. It is rumored that the emperor Sun Yao, the demon emperor Baiyun and the demon emperor Cangshui were going to continue to ask the guilt of the Saint Demon Gate in the Flower Palace. The situation, let’s suppress this one! But what do you guys know?"

Some Yaozu powerhouses have actually heard of it, but they are still doubtful after all.

Some of them couldn't help but asked, "Is it rumored... 100,000 years ago?"

The man laughed and said, "It seems that you have indeed heard about it, indeed! At that time, this son was actually dying in the hands of Princess Flower Burial. A generation of arrogance almost fell! But at a critical moment, someone shot and directly injured Princess Flower Burial. Even his three demon emperors, Sun Yao, had to leave the Saint Demon Gate and never dared to take action against them again!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone was quiet.

Afterwards, one person took a deep breath and said tremblingly, "Is it really the Empress Jinghong?"

As soon as the four characters of Empress Jinghong came out, almost everyone gasped!

Especially the strong of the older generation, even more feel the icy cold.

"The old man also heard some rumors before, but still couldn't believe it! Could it be that the Empress Jinghong was born again?"

Jinghong Empress! That terrible existence that was invincible in the world one hundred thousand years ago, I dare not obey!

Actually still alive!

"That devil is not dead yet! God, is she really going to wash southern Xinjiang again this time?"

An ancestor of the demon race trembled. His disciples and grandchildren had never seen him like this. You know, the ancestor of the demon race is a supreme holy emperor! Even if it is to meet the demon emperor in person, it only requires a slight salute, which is considered to be highly respected in Southern Xinjiang.

What makes him so scared?

"Bloodbath! One hundred thousand years ago, two demon emperors of our Demon Race died in the hands of this devil!"

The demon emperor of the demon race, the great emperor of the human race, are all known as invincible existences.

But for millions of years, there is still a Demon Emperor who has finally fallen because of an unstoppable enemy!

In southern Xinjiang, in these hundreds of thousands of years, two demon emperors have unfortunately fallen in their prime of life!

And the person who caused these two monster emperors to fall back then was the Empress Jinghong!

Why did Sun Yao, Baiyun Demon Emperor, and Cangshui Demon Emperor not dare to join forces to fight the Jinghong Empress? It's not that they have a ghost in their hearts, but that the three of them know at all that if they really want to do it, there may be one or two of them who are going to fall into the Saint Demon Gate!

Faced with a terrifying existence that had once killed two demon emperors, the three demon emperors undoubtedly chose to be soft.

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