Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 2988: Seven Apertures of Yuanshen!


The voice of Emperor Tianjian sounded at this time.

"Old ghost, do you want me to try the path that Emperor Hengtian took?"

The Great Emperor Hengtian is definitely the most powerful person in the Three Realms and Nine Realms in history! His invincibility, even the existence of Emperor Danwu and Empress Jinghong, could not be denied.

It can be said that any person who is in the same era as Emperor Hengtian is a kind of sadness.

Because no one can surpass him! No matter how enchanting Wushuang, or brilliant, in the era of Emperor Hengtian, he was truly standing on top of the world.

Ninety-nine Supreme, heaven and earth!

"Nine orifices of the soul, for millions of years, countless people have wanted to achieve Ninety-Nine Consummation, supremacy, and detachment from all things in the world. However, there are only three people who have truly achieved it for millions of years."

"Three people? Old ghost, besides Emperor Hengtian, has anyone succeeded?"

Why the Great Emperor Hengtian is so against the sky, it is because of the nine orifices of the soul, he has all successfully integrated into the origin of the world! Really detached from everything!

Unexpectedly, in addition to the Great Emperor Hengtian, there are people who have done it!

"Naturally some people do it. Hengtian is just the only existence that the world knows about today, but before Hengtian, there were actually two supreme beings who also achieved the Nine Apertures of the Primordial God."

"who is it?"

"Blood Ancestor and King Daming."

Li Ye was stunned by the two people spoken by Emperor Tianjian.

"Blood Ancestor and King Daming? Why have you never heard of it in the world?"

Not only have I never heard of it, but there is no record of these two people at all!

"Hahaha, boy, these two people actually only learned a little bit because of chance and coincidence that the emperor went to a few ancient and incomparable places. After all, these two characters even before the appearance of the Three Realms and Nine Realms. They already exist, and it is naturally impossible for the world to know them."

"These two people are as invincible as Emperor Hengtian?"

The life of Emperor Hengtian is a combination of countless legends, so far no one can surpass it.

But the Heavenly Sword Great Emperor laughed, "Just like Hengtian? Boy, you underestimate these two, Hengtian is indeed invincible, and even no one can surpass him for so many years. But even if it is him, in those two In front of him, it is also extremely small."

An existence that even the Great Emperor Hengtian can't match!

"Of course, this emperor is only guessing whether those two really exist, but at least for one thing, if you want to transcend this world, the Nine Apertures of the Primordial God is the best way."

The nine heavenly thunders have only one chance to absorb the origin of heaven and earth!

However, as the number of thunders of Heaven's Punishment increases, the power of geometric times increases, and few people can carry it.

Today, Li Ye has endured fifty-four thunders of Heaven's Punishment, and the entire soul is surrounded by six golden lights. If anyone sees his soul at this time, he will be extremely shocked!

Yuanshen Six Apertures! Even the ordinary Demon Emperor, at least in the soul, is far inferior to the current Li Ye.

It was a kind of comprehension of the origin of heaven and earth, even if he hadn't improved his cultivation level today, he had almost paved the way for his cultivation in the future.

"If you want to step into the emperor realm without being torn apart by the imperial destiny, at least you have to reach the four orifices of the primordial **** to be perfectly integrated into the emperor’s life. This kid's talent and his origins are just a waste of the Emperor Realm. Let's see if there is a chance."

The Heavenly Sword Great Emperor sighed secretly. Back then, he barely reached the realm of the Seven Apertures of the Primordial God, but still made him almost invincible within the Three Realms. The normal emperor Demon Emperor is definitely not an opponent in front of him.

It's just that he knows better that he wants to break through the shackles that no one has broken through for thousands of years and get out of this world. It's far from enough.

"Hengtian is one step away. Perhaps for so many years, this kid is the only candidate who has a chance. It just depends on whether he can survive this level."

Obviously, Heavenly Sword Great Emperor had no bottom in his heart. It's not that he doesn't believe in Li Ye, but how many tyrannical peerless enchantments have been born for millions of years? No one has ever succeeded.

Not to mention that even a peerless figure like Emperor Hengtian was ultimately defeated.

"Six Auras of Yuanshen!"

Most people don't understand that there is the origin of heaven and earth in the tribulation, but the existence of Emperor Sun Yat-sen is very clear.

At this time, his eyes bloomed with killing intent, and he was hailed as the master of the demon clan in the past, and he was full of spirit. However, only he knew that he had not even succeeded in the five orifices of the soul!

He is just the most common Demon Emperor Realm!

At their level, there is no simple division of strength at all! Because the entire Emperor Realm has only one realm!

The only thing that distinguishes the strong from the imperial realm is the level of the soul!

And the strength of the primordial spirit can only be tempered when crossing the catastrophe!

Once the tribulation is over, unless it is the fate of heaven, there will be no chance to temper the soul!

Unlike the jealousy of Emperor Sun Yao, Emperor Bingyi was somewhat relieved.

She was also only in the four-aperture realm of the primordial spirit, so she naturally knew more about how much risk it would take to temper the primordial spirit under the catastrophe.

Only when the primordial spirit is tempered, can you have the final qualification to fight for the emperor's life!

Otherwise, even if he opened up his own heavenly way and became a generation of emperor princes, once the primordial spirit could not support the emperor's fate, in the end it would be nothing more than a dream and annihilation of flying ash.

Naturally, Li Ye hadn't opened up his own Cangtian Dao, or he simply took another path of cultivation.

The five-element body has made him open up his own avenue, and now only the final soul tempering!

But this is what the supreme will above the sky cannot tolerate!

The thunders of Heaven's Punishment almost made the entire southern Xinjiang hundreds of millions of creatures tremble.

A certain will in the sky is enough to destroy everything in the world.

"The 62nd Thunder of Heaven's Punishment!"

I don't know who exclaimed!

At this time, Li Ye was surrounded by a layer of five-color divine light, which was the purest power of the five elements after the five elements were formed! The same source of power, at this time, seemed to be the greatest irony to that heaven.


The five-color divine light turned into a piece of armor, and under the thunder of punishment that day, it uttered a groaning sound, but it never broke!

And Li Ye was madly absorbing the origin of heaven and earth in the thunder of punishment that day!

"The Seven Apertures of Yuanshen!"

In the sea of ​​consciousness, a golden light flashed once again on Li Ye's soul!

Only this time, a trace of cracks appeared in the colorful armor on his body. Even though his body of the five elements was great, he still couldn't resist the obliteration of the purest original power above the sky!

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