Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 2984: Where is his talent?

Emperor Sun Yao!

Southern Xinjiang has been the only strong man who has stepped into the imperial realm for nearly 100,000 years!

It was also because of Emperor Sun Yao that the ambition of Jiuyao Hall was out of control! He even wanted to challenge the throne of the Holy Demon Gate, the supreme demon clan's first emperor.

"The rumors are true! At that time, Emperor Sun Yao was originally among the many geniuses of the monster race, and he did not show the mountains and dews. It can even be said that he could not be regarded as the top enchanting Tianjiao. However, he became famous in the first World War and has since suppressed the great emperors. The peerless evildoer of the Orthodox tradition has directly become the first person of the younger generation!"

An ancestor of the demon clan who was the same age as Emperor Ri Yao couldn't help but sigh.

Back then, the ancestor of the demon race was also an arrogant demon genius, but it was a pity that he didn't open up his own heavenly avenue and missed the emperor's fate.

"Master, let's not say that this kid named Li Ye might become the invincible existence of the second Sun Yao?"

A demon clan junior couldn't help but gasped and exclaimed.

The second Emperor Sun Yao?

The ancestor of the monster race shook his head with a wry smile, and he still remembered the scenes of the year. However, what he saw today, he could not judge at all.

"Emperor Riyao was indeed talented in the past, no one is invincible, and very tolerant, no one paid attention to him before that time. But even so, Emperor Riyao’s tribulation was dangerous."

The meaning of the words, in fact, everyone can understand.

The Great Emperor Riyao had indeed survived seven or forty-nine thunders of Heaven's Punishment through the Tribulation, and only then did he become an invincible demon emperor.

However, everyone who had seen the Great Tribulation of the Sun at the time was clear in their hearts!

"Compared to the Emperor Sun Yao, this child is three points perverted! Perhaps, this is definitely not as simple as the second Emperor Sun Yao! It is the second ancient stone Emperor!"

Yunshan Iron Sword!

There are few in southern Xinjiang who are truly qualified to be called the Supreme Holy Emperor!

The supreme holy emperor, what an honorable name, but not all the supreme holy emperors are truly the kind of powerful people second only to or even comparable to the great emperor.

Some ordinary holy emperors would dare to claim to be the supreme holy emperor as long as they were able to sustain a few moves in front of the demon emperor to survive and flee.

But Yunshan Iron Sword is different!

He is truly a supreme holy emperor! Even a madman who has truly fought **** battles with the Demon Emperor!

Even he couldn't help but sigh at this moment.

"Brother Yunshan, you had a battle with Emperor Sun Yao back then. Naturally, it is clearest. Do you think this son can surpass Emperor Sun Yao back then?"

A strong monster from far away couldn't help but bend and ask.

In southern Xinjiang, the status of Yunshan Iron Sword may not be as supreme as the demon emperor, but it is absolutely the same! Even compared to the immortality of the Qingzhu Holy Emperor 100,000 years ago, his prestige today is even greater!

"With the Emperor Sun Yat-sen?"

It turned out that the reason why Yunshan Iron Sword was regarded by the world as the supreme holy emperor was precisely because he challenged the history of Emperor Sun Yao.

After he heard the words, he pondered slightly but did not immediately answer.

After hearing the words, other people sneered.

"Huh? Compared with the existence of Emperor Sun Yao, he exalts this junior too much."

Everyone saw that the person who made the sound was equally terrifying. It was the old monster Heishui. At this moment, he was only seen shrouded in black clouds. The horrible aura that was no weaker than Yunshan Iron Sword passed by. Many strong monsters have evaded one after another.

This is a murderous demon, and the blood shed by the strong monster of the monster race who died in the hands of the black water boss in southern Xinjiang can be gathered into a river!

More importantly, the Black Water Boss became famous earlier than Yunshan Iron Sword!

"Damn, this old black water monster has been alive for at least seventy to eighty thousand years, and he is still vigorous. It seems that the blood of many powerful men he has killed over the years has been swallowed by him with a demon method. Otherwise, how to maintain his physical body?"

"Hush, don't talk, this old monster is not easy to provoke. It is rumored that 40,000 years ago, this old monster killed several elders of the Saint Demon Sect, which directly caused the anger of several Saint Emperor ancestors of the Sage Demon Sect and joined forces to chase and kill him. , But he did not expect to be injured and fled after killing two people."

"This incident was indeed a sensation back then. I heard that even the Great Emperor Bingyi had to make a move and cut his arm directly on the cliff, but he was forced to escape with a secret method, and finally he was nowhere to be found."

Everyone talked about the Black Water Boss, but everyone was cautious.

This kind of murderous demon who doesn't blink, who knows whether it will cause trouble to the upper body.

"Stay away from this old demon. Although this old thing is weaker than Yunshan Iron Sword, it is also a well-deserved supreme holy emperor, except for the demon emperor and the supreme holy emperor who is more powerful than him. Most people can't afford him."

Yunshan Iron Sword shook his head slightly. Although both he and Old Monster Heishui were the supreme sacred emperors of the Southern Frontier Monster Race, they did not agree to each other.

At this moment, his eyes were firmly locked on a figure in the void.

The rest of the people are also looking at it at this moment.

"If he can carry the forty-ninth thunder of heavenly punishment, at least it will be an invincible genius comparable to the existence of Emperor Sun Yat-sen."

In a short period of time, Li Ye had already taken down several thunders of Heaven's Punishment one after another, which was even more unbelievable. Although Li Ye was crackling like being enveloped by electric arcs at this moment, he did not have any decadence at all!

Even under the thunder that day, in that endless lightning flash, it was like an ancient **** of thunder!

"This talent is rare in millions of years!"

"Does it really mean that a second ancient stone emperor will fail?"


The forty-ninth way of heaven!

At that moment, even Emperor Jiuyao's eyes burst out with an extremely bright edge!

Back then, when he was crossing the catastrophe, he became famous in one battle, and since then opened his own heavenly avenue! One step through the sky, and finally seized the emperor's life to become the invincible monster emperor!

Now tens of thousands of years later, he is another person, almost the same as he was before!

But compared to what he experienced back then, there is no doubt that the catastrophe that Li Ye encountered was even more terrifying! More spectacular!

Countless people, including Emperor Jiuyao, thought of a legend, an ancient legend!

"In this world, the more enchanting people are with their natural talents, the more horrible they will experience, and the more dangerous it will be several times or even dozens of times more than ordinary people!"

"For millions of years, all the existences that have been invincible in one era or even in several eras have been so enchanting that they have even caused the fear of the heavens, and the thunder of the world will be completely wiped out!"

Those legends are far away, and no one knows the source. But everyone firmly believes this! An evildoer that even the heavens can't tolerate, if he can survive this catastrophe, he will become the true invincible powerhouse in their era!

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