Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 2983: Hi shoulder Sunday Emperor?

Nowadays, no one dares to openly attack a person who has the courage to defend the way of Emperor Danwu and Empress Jinghong.

There is no determination to offend the two holy places at once.

Demon Emperor? That's not OK!

"The Fortieth Thunder of Heaven's Punishment!"

I don't know who exclaimed!

When everyone saw it, they all started to become numb.

From the initial dumbfounded, to the unbelievable, and then to the numbness now.

But today, it is destined to be an unforgettable historical moment that constantly refreshes their three views.

"It's the fortieth thunder of Heaven's Punishment! This kid is going against the sky!"

"This is beyond the realm of the Supreme Holy Emperor, right?"

"Nonsense, the supreme holy emperor? The supreme holy emperor is rumored to be able to withstand only thirty-six sky thunders! This is the fortieth sky thunder!"

Beyond the existence of the Supreme Holy Emperor?

In the past, everyone had the impression that only existences such as the Demon Emperor and the Great Emperor were truly invincible beyond the Supreme Holy Emperor. But today, they have witnessed the birth of an invincible evildoer who is clearly not a demon emperor and a great emperor, but has achieved the birth of an invincible evildoer that even the Supreme Holy Emperor cannot.

"Our monster race, we are going to change the sky!"

An ancient existence of the Yaozu couldn't help sighing from the ancient coffin.

The catastrophe caused by Li Ye completely shocked countless of those ancient existences, and even some people who had been dead for countless years were once invincible and ancient holy emperors. At this time, they were carried away. come out.

Even if they were still sealed in an ancient coffin, their will almost made countless people except the demon emperor feel a terrible pressure.

"God, isn't that the coffin ancestor of the eight hundred tomb house! He is still alive!"

Only saw eight extremely powerful half-demon emperors carry a huge ebony ancient coffin from far away, and the cold atmosphere in it made many monsters retreat again and again.

Eight hundred tombs! This is an ancient and mysterious inheritance that is no less weaker than the Dimen's Taoism.

It can even be said that although the family of the Eight Hundred Tombs is not the Dimen Daoist, even if the Dimen Daoist meets them, they will be courteous three points!

Nothing else, but for the eight hundred tomb house is an ancient place that appeared in the same era as the Flower Burying Demon Emperor!

"Damn, these inhuman and ghostly things have also come out!"

"Shhh, don't let them hear. Eight hundred tombs are not easy to provoke! The Emperor Dao Tong saw them and would rather take a detour."

"Yes, these eight hundred tomb families have a secret technique. Even if a person is dead, as long as the secret technique is used, the three souls and seven souls of the dead can be forcibly left in the flesh and will not dissipate. It is an incomparable evil."

"Don't let the three souls and seven souls dissipate? Isn't that immortal?"

Some Yaozu juniors couldn't help but exclaim.

"Living forever? If that were the case, these eight hundred tomb families would have dominated southern Xinjiang and even the Three Realms! That is just a demon technique! The strong man who was forcibly left behind has lost most of the power he had in his lifetime. With all the consciousness and memory, it is not the person at all, but just a puppet controlled by the 800 tomb family!"

Corpse control!

The most daunting magic of the Eight Hundred Tombs!

At this time, someone discovered that the eight powerhouses who came with the ancient black sandalwood coffin were clearly not alive! Although it looks the same as a living person, he is pale and bloodless, and his eyes reveal a deathly black color, and his body reveals a cold breath like an undead!

That is clearly eight dead bodies!

but! When these eight dead bodies appeared, they were enough to make everyone afraid to approach, or even to look around at will!

Because they are the most powerful puppets of the Eight Hundred Tombs!


The ancestors of the demon clan frowned secretly. Few schools in southern Xinjiang came close to the 800 tomb family. Even if there was no conflict of interest, they all had a trace of fear and embankment towards the monsters and the evil tomb family.

Everyone was afraid of being careless, hitting the Tao of the 800 tomb house, and being refined into a corpse puppet that was manipulated without emotion.

There was even a rumor that the powerful corpse puppets of the eight hundred tombs who hunted and killed various sects were brought back and refined into powerful corpse puppets, which made countless people fear the ancient corpse control clan.

In addition to the appearance of people from the 800 tomb house, there are also many ancient existences that have emerged.

There are some that even 800 tomb families dare not act rashly, and some are the ancestors of the Emperor's Taoism who have not been born for tens of thousands of years. At this moment, their disciples are carrying the ancient coffin.

"Jie Jie Jie, I did not expect that this seat has not been out for tens of thousands of years. There is such an interesting junior in the world. If he can drain his blood, maybe it will make this seat more magical!"

A low, gloomy voice came out.

Everyone was shocked!

"It's Blackwater boss!"

"Why is he here!"

I only saw a black cloud floating in the distance, which immediately made many people panic.

"Jie Jie Jie, after seeing this seat in retreat for tens of thousands of years, someone still remembers it."

There seemed to be a figure in the black cloud, and bursts of harsh laughter.

"Boss Heishui, you dare to come out if you are not hiding in your black python pool?"

Another loud and energetic voice came from afar, and a middle-aged man carrying an ancient sword came from the sky. Before he arrived, the terrible sword aura already made people know his identity.

"Yunshan Iron Sword!"

Someone recognized his identity and couldn't help showing a look of wonder.

Blackwater boss! Yunshan Iron Sword! These are the peerless powerhouses who are now numbered in Nanjiang, and they are all the pinnacle existence of the name of the supreme holy emperor!

Now, all because of Li Ye crossing the catastrophe, enough to see how amazing this catastrophe is.

An ancient existence, a sturdy genius, and a supreme holy emperor.

"Is this kid really jumping out of a crack in a rock?"

Yunshan Iron Sword, with a hint of surprise in his expression at this time, Li Ye was still in retreat when he was in the first battle in Demon City, and he did hear that an invincible evildoer had appeared in Southern Xinjiang after he left.

"It is already forty-seven thunders of Heaven's Punishment! This kid is a bit more domineering than I was back then!"

When everyone heard it, their faces were strange.

Yunshan Iron Sword has only been famous for nearly ten thousand years, but he, ten thousand years ago, was also one of the most invincible evildoers in southern Xinjiang!

"I remember that Yunshan Iron Sword suffered thirty-nine thunderbolts of Heaven's Punishment back then? It was still hailed as the only candidate who was expected to attack the demon emperor after Emperor Sun Yao!"

"Yes, it's a pity that he still didn't succeed in the end, so he could only turn to practice reincarnation and become a generation of supreme holy emperor."

"Yes, it's a pity."

"If I remember correctly, it was the forty-nine thunders of Heaven's Punishment that Emperor Sun Yat took before finally stepping into the Emperor Realm, right?"

Suddenly, I don't know who exclaimed, and instantly silenced everyone.

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