Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 2985: Is he the second Hengtian?

The remote legends are only the oral accounts of some ancient existence or the records of some ancient sects.

For example, the invincibility of each era.

Today, however, they suddenly discovered that perhaps they will become one of the luckiest people in this era!

Because of them, will witness the birth of a new generation of legends.


Thousands of miles away annihilated instantly!

That is the obliteration of a certain will from the sky! Nothing can challenge the laws of Heaven's Dao set by the will, but the birth of such a person will cause the complete destruction of Heaven's Dao!

Now everyone has seen this scene!

"Will you die?"

"If this son falls, it would be a pity!"

Some monster races couldn't help but sigh. Today's southern border monster race cannot be regarded as a low period. Although it cannot be compared with the peak period, it can be regarded as guarded by several monster emperors!

However, many of the older generations of demon tribes, and even ancient existences, miss the demon tribe’s glorious years in the world and even the Three Realms.

That was the most glorious day of the Yaozu!

At least today's Sun Yao Great and other demon emperors could not lead the demon clan to its former glory.

Countless eyes!

Emperor Bing Yi sighed slightly, but saw the smile on the corner of her mouth.

"He's not dead!"

"That kid is not dead!"

"He's still alive!"

One by one exclaims!

Those were all ancestor-level powerhouses with noble status as the monster race, and at this moment they exclaimed in exclamation regardless of their status!


When they saw Li Ye still standing proudly in the air, even though his whole body almost seemed to be fragmented!


As everyone exclaimed, they suddenly saw Li Ye explode in the void!

In an instant, everyone fell silent.

The murderous intent that Emperor Sun Yao had originally ignited was suppressed, and he sneered immediately, "It's a price that is beyond his control."


Actually dead?

But the next moment, the countless flesh and blood that exploded suddenly, like a magical power that had been used to freeze the frame, suddenly stopped.

what happened?

Before everyone could react, the exploded flesh and blood seemed to flow backwards in time, piece by piece, all condensed together.

In the end, a figure soared into the sky, looking up to the sky with a terrifying roar!

This long howl almost shattered the huge and incomparable robbery cloud above his head, spreading to the entire southern Xinjiang and even the entire Shenshengzhou!

At that moment, everywhere in Shenshengzhou, eyes that hadn't known how many tens of thousands of years had been asleep opened their eyes from the darkness.

That invincible existence was awakened by this long howl.


North Wilderness!

Zhongzhou Sanctuary!

Even the ancient land of Dongzhou!

Whether it is a strong cultivation base like a holy emperor, or a young junior who has just stepped into the realm of a nobleman, he heard this long roar!


In the ancient place, a pair of dim eyes opened, but it was like the sun, moon and stars covering everything in an instant.

The surprise in that flashed past.

It was another place, deep in the dark underground, an old voice sounded, "For many years, I haven't heard anyone screaming from the sky. It seems that this world is about to rise again."

At the same time, Shen Shengzhou! Everywhere! Countless people were alarmed!

An existence that ordinary people could not imagine was awakened.


That is a roar that provokes the sky! It is a legend that no one can beat!

Sixteen countries in Xizhou!

"Hall Master!"

In the Temple of Killing, Emperor Yinyue looked excited. At this time, a black shadow flickered. It was the mysterious Lord of the Temple of Killing, one of the three great emperors of the Sixteen Kingdoms of Xizhou!

"Decades earlier than expected, it seems as expected."

The voice of the Lord of the Killing Temple is flat and does not fluctuate too much, but only people like Emperor Yinyue who have followed for a long time understand that only a great event can make this mysterious Lord of the house come out of the wooden house, enough to see this How amazing was the sky howl that spread throughout Shenshengzhou.

Baili Mojia! Saint Ancestor was also alarmed!

Jubao Pavilion, Duobaohuang and the others looked different, but no matter what, they couldn't guess that this day's Xiao was the work of Li Ye.

Tiandaomen, Piaoxue Villa...

North Wilderness Snowfield, Ice Wind Valley.

A beautiful shadow is like the snow lotus on the snow mountain, perfect. However, in front of her, there was a river of blood, and countless strong men fell in a pool of blood.

In Ice Wind Valley, an existence who didn't know how many years he had slept was born, but his disappearance could not resist her footsteps.

This time, when she came back, everything would end in her hands.

But at this moment, the sound of howling that day also crossed the sky of the northern barren snowfield, causing her to lift her head slightly, revealing a thrilling, flawless and beautiful face under the white and clean moonlight.

"In this life, I will accompany you, even if the future is the abyss of hell, I will accompany you to finish."


The long howling sound made the Jieyun above everyone's heads slightly collapsed.

But after all, the will in the sky is supreme, and a more terrifying aura descends from the sky, as if deliberately trying to suppress this anger.

I only saw that Jieyun turned into a giant hand and slapped it with a palm.

"Want to suppress me?"

Li Ye raised his head and showed a touch of disdain!

If it was before the body of the five elements, even if he relied on various methods and magic weapons, with the ninth body of the God of Fighting Art, at most he would carry the thunder of Heaven's Punishment along the way, but now!

"The sky will destroy me! Then I will destroy this sky directly!"

Ruined this day!

What a arrogant declaration!

Even the existence of Demon Emperor Cangshui couldn't help taking a breath!

As the Demon Emperor, he didn't dare to overturn the sky! Because he knows better than anyone, what is above the blue sky! Maybe it's nothing, but it's enough to wipe out his demon emperor in an instant!

A punch! Wanlong goes to sea!

He not only wants to cross the catastrophe, but also tears this piece of blue sky!

"This kid is a real lunatic!"

"It is indeed a lunatic! But it is also unique, the number one lunatic for millions of years!"

Many Yaozu ancestors gasped.

One of them couldn't help being shocked, "Throughout the ages, even the rumored Emperor Danwu, Emperor Jinghong and other invincible existences have never been so against the sky! Only the Great Emperor Hengtian swept away with his own power. Heavenly Tribulation, directly ruined the Jieyun to become a generation of invincible body! Is this son going to be like the Hengtian Emperor of the year?"

Emperor Hengtian!

That is an unsurpassable myth!

Even the Emperor Danwu, who was also known as the invincible era, and the female emperor Jinghong, were a bit inferior in front of Emperor Hengtian.

Hengtian! Under the sky, no one dared to stand proudly in this world except that person!

And the most legendary is the legend that the Great Emperor Hengtian resisted ninety-nine and eighty-one thunders of Heaven's Punishment and finally broke through the air!

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