Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 2978: The ancient legend of crossing the catastrophe

The more the calamity was brewing, even some Saint Emperor-level demon clan powerhouses could only retreat far away.


Finally, above the robbery cloud, a deep purple sky thunder with the thickness of a water tank fell!

"The Thunder of World Destruction!"

Seeing this day of thunder, someone suddenly gasped!

"Sure enough, it's the thunder of the world! And it's such a power when it comes up?"

"Oh, what did the man who crossed the Tribulation do? This power, any demon emperor was instantly annihilated!"

"More than that, looking at the degree, the person who crossed the catastrophe is at least a holy emperor, and even a peerless evildoer who is about to open up his own heavenly avenue!"

Many strong monsters have speculated that the existence of some ancestors of large sects is even more brilliant.

"The battle in Demon City, my demon race can be said to have fully entered its heyday, this time I don’t know which old friend was unwilling to be lonely and chose to be born. Peerless strong man."

Everyone doubted the identity of the person who crossed the Tribulation, but they didn't think that the person who crossed the Tribulation was actually the Li Ye that they had been talking about.

In their opinion, even if Li Ye is a wicked and unparalleled asset, it will take at least dozens of hundreds of years, or even longer, to grow.

How long has this passed?

Under the thunder, a figure suddenly appeared.


"Who is it!"

Countless eyes converged on the figure. You know, such a terrible tribulation has been rare for hundreds of thousands of years. Such a rare adventure, even some old immortals who stepped into the coffin with half their feet appeared one by one. .

And the figure, without dodge or dodge, faced the endless sky thunder and ran into it head-on!

"He's crazy!"

"Madman! What a madman! Actually use his body to resist the thunder of the world?"

When everyone saw it, they couldn't help but inhale.

Even the strong old generations were stunned.

Everyone has endured the tribulation, and everyone who steps into the realm of the demon emperor has experienced the baptism of the tribulation at least once. But no matter who it is, even those peerless geniuses, descendants of the Emperor's Taoism, have never seen anyone so not afraid of death to directly hit the sky thunder.


The terrible deep purple power of heaven's punishment is like the purple light that destroys all things, almost to tear up everything that dares to stop in front.

That kind of power, even if the holy emperor sees him, he must temporarily avoid the edge, let alone other people?

"Without the formation of divine soldiers, nor with any external force! Is this person who crosses the calamity really confident and can't carry it down with his own body?"

A group of people looked suspicious at this moment, because they did not dare to approach, they could barely see a vague shadow, and did not see the true appearance of the person who crossed the catastrophe.

But some of the most peak powerhouses, at this time, have seen a few.

And just like that, they all gasped again and again!

"It's him!"

"This is the one who crossed the calamity!"

"Unexpectedly, unexpectedly, it is actually this!"

These peak powers naturally saw that the person who crossed the catastrophe was Li Ye, and at the same time it made their hearts tremble violently, and it was that moment that they could not be calm for a long time! Li Ye directly used his physical body to withstand the first world-destroying thunder!

"This kid did it!"

"Sure enough, this child has practiced some kind of body refining technique. This physical body is quite difficult."

Although surprised, compared to ordinary monsters, these beings on the pinnacle of the world didn't care.

This is just the first thunder that destroys the world, and everyone knows that the so-called tribulation is not just that simple.

"This is the first thunder. Let's see how many times he can take it down."

Emperor Jiuyao sneered.

As for the other demon emperors, they all looked different at this time.

Above the void, Emperor Bing Yi was also here.

Her gaze is always paying attention to everything, but even she can't intervene in the catastrophe.

Under the heavens, even the Demon Emperor is unwilling to provoke him, especially when he reaches their realm, once he intervenes, he may even cause the heavens to descend a devilish calamity that even them cannot bear!

The devil's calamity is different from the heaven's calamity, which is a test and temper by the heavens for cultivators to go against the sky.

There is a fundamental difference between the two, and even for millions of years, there have been deeds of the great emperor and other strong men who forcibly intervened in the tribulation and eventually got into the devil tribulation and completely fell.


One after another sky thunder fell.

Even to the back, the originally deep purple sky thunder gradually became darker and darker, gradually transforming from deep purple into black sky thunder.

"The seventh heavenly thunder!"

I don't know who said in a low voice.

In a short time, everyone seemed to have spent hundreds of years.

Especially when they saw that figure that seemed like an invincible world, every time it was a picture of a body carrying thunder from the sky, the shock could not be described in words.

"Where is that person sacred!"

"Even if it is a strong body refiner, this is too exaggerated!"

From the initial shock to now everyone is almost numb, and what they are most curious about is the identity of the person who crossed the catastrophe.

"I remember that Emperor Jie is a total of nine heavenly thunders, right?"

"Emperor Tribulation? Looking at the degree of the Tribulation, even the Tribulation of the Holy Emperor is far inferior!"

An ancestor of the monster race couldn’t help sighing, “It took at least a hundred years for the old man to go through the holy emperor’s catastrophe, and it took at least a hundred years to get through. In the end, he barely made it through, but compared to the catastrophe in front of him, it’s far behind. what."

This is a demon clan's holy emperor-level powerhouse, his words made the rest of the demon clan powerhouses take a breath.

The world knows that there are nine sky thunders in the emperor's robbery!

Every sky thunder is combined with the power of the previous sky thunder and appears directly!

For millions of years, I don't know how many people have survived the first few sky thunders, but in the end they couldn't resist the final being smashed, and they would never be overborn.

"There are nine heavenly punishments in the emperor's robbery! And the rumor of the holy emperor's robbery is that a total of eighteen heavenly punishments have fallen, enough to turn a country into scorched earth in an instant, and hundreds of millions of creatures fly into ashes and annihilate!"

Some strong people can't help but sigh, cultivators embarking on this road against the sky, they themselves are prepared to never live beyond life.

Overcoming, it is closer to eternal immortality, once it fails, it will be the end of the soul flying away.

In a short time, nine heavenly thunders fell!

But the robbery cloud above everyone's head did not disperse.

"Sure enough, it's not a simple emperor's calamity! Just looking at this level, the holy emperor's calamity is far inferior, is it really related to that rumor?"

That rumor?

Immediately after someone heard the words, his expression changed slightly, thinking of a legend that had been circulating in the Three Realms and Nine Regions for countless years! About crossing the robbery!

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