Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 2977: Less than 10% chance of crossing the catastrophe?

It was him that caused the catastrophe.

But it is not the same as ordinary people's catastrophe!

Because today's Li Ye, really want to count, his cultivation is still in the realm of the king!

Not even Emperor Wu!

"Come on, let me see, God, you thief, can you annihilate the flying ash that I slashed and never live beyond life."

Looking up at the sky, Li Ye's mouth rose.

Even if what he was about to face was an unprecedented terrible tribulation, but he had prepared for so many years for this day.

It's like hearing Li Ye's aggressive and domineering provocation. The cloud above the void turned into a terrifying behemoth, but it did not easily show its fangs, but continued to ferment and brew again and again. .

Emperor robbery!

What Li Ye has to face is naturally the Emperor Tribulation!

But it is different from the emperor's robbery of ordinary people!

His realm is still in the realm of the king, but his strength has already been raised to a level close to that of the emperor.

For millions of years, he alone was so crazy! Only he can do it!

"Boy, this catastrophe is your destiny. If you can get through it, no one will be able to stop you in the future."

At this time, Emperor Tianjian could only stand by and watch.

In the face of the robbery, no one can take a substitute, and even once someone forcibly intervenes, not only can it not let the robber go through it safely, but it will even double the power of the robbery.

Throughout the ages, I don’t know how many powerhouses, in order to survive the catastrophe for others, were finally annihilated by the ashes bombarded by the catastrophe.

Li Ye said nothing, he knew that now only by himself, no one can help him withstand the coming catastrophe.

Jie Yun was still brewing, and even the entire Saint Demon Clan's people could not breathe.

"It's not so good."

Li Ye saw that if this really fell, the Saint Demon Gate had to be half destroyed by him.

Thinking of this, his figure flashed.

At this time, Xuzu's external avatar also appeared. Without Li Ye speaking, Xuzu nodded, "The old man will send the little friend a ride."

In the entire Saint Demon Gate, the most powerful person in terms of mastering space is definitely not Emperor Bingyi, but Xu Zu.

The next moment, Li Ye appeared in a desolate place.

It's just that the Jieyun above his head has not disappeared, as if no matter where he appears, he will always be locked and immovable.

At the same time, countless ancient existences and powerful figures all over southern Xinjiang opened their eyes from the darkness one by one.

"What a terrible breath, is this a catastrophe?"

"Could someone welcome the emperor's robbery?"

Those ancient existences are all doubts in their hearts.

There were even some existences that were still full of blood, coming out directly from the sarcophagus.

Countless eyes, through the endless void, are watching this scene.

When they saw the Jieyun above the void, they were all shocked!

"It's an exaggerated Jieyun, who is going to overcome the tribulation?"

"I've never seen a tribulation of this level. Could it be that some hidden existence has decided to be born?"

A line of eyes, even across thousands of mountains and rivers, can penetrate time and space.

As for those with weaker cultivation bases, they are all here.

The Demon Emperor, the Half Demon Emperor, and even some holy emperors couldn't help but appear.

It's just that when they approached, they all felt the heavy pressure above the void.

Fortunately for the Holy Emperor, the Demon Emperor and Half Demon Emperor trembled with fear all over! Someone couldn't help but vomited blood directly, in shock, where would he dare to approach?

"It's too exaggerated, who caused the tribulation, and now it's thousands of miles away, even the Demon Emperor can't get close!"

There are many kinds of Tribulation, and everyone is naturally familiar.

However, this terrifying aura caused the Demon Emperor to be injured after a lapse of thousands of miles, and one could imagine how much oppression the Heavenly Tribulation had to endure in the center.

"Is this a certain holy emperor who has attracted the tribulation?"

"No! If it were the Holy Emperor, it would be impossible to cause the catastrophe to appear."

Suddenly someone shook his head, and everyone thought it was true that the Holy Emperor was already at the pinnacle of the world and could no longer improve his cultivation.

Even the supreme holy emperor is within the realm of the holy emperor, but those who are known as the supreme holy emperor are the most invincible holy emperors who have the power to fight against the great demon emperor. The repair is irrelevant.

"It's not the holy emperor, is it possible that it's a senior who has passed through cultivation?"

"Looking at this posture, it can be compared with God, right?"

Some powerful older generations couldn't help but sigh.

"Yes, has someone in southern Xinjiang touched that realm? A brand new demon emperor is about to usher in?"

Everyone speculated, but because of the cultivation base, they couldn't get close.

Those who can really approach under pressure are very few people.

These people are all standing on the pinnacle of the world.

The ordinary holy emperor can't get close within a hundred miles, and only the supreme holy emperor and the more terrifying eyes can penetrate everything.

However, even if they are invincible, they will eventually be unable to get close to the center.

There is an absolute forbidden zone!

Only the existence of the Demon Emperor could barely see a figure in it.

"Sure enough, someone wants to overcome the catastrophe!"

"Where is the origin of the person who crossed the calamity? This calamity is not an emperor, but it is almost the same as the emperor! Is there really anyone in this world who can be so evil?"

Terrible divine thoughts are communicating, and in this world, heaven is often fair.

Geniuses have a cultivation talent and speed that ordinary people can't match, but the tribulations and inner demons that ordinary people often have to endure are several times or even dozens of times more than ordinary people.

The more enchanting people are, the more dangerous they are in the level of Heavenly Tribulation.

"Let's see the result, if this person can survive this catastrophe, perhaps he will become one of you and me."

"Hmph, the emperor can't come out, in the end it is just a false name for the Supreme Holy Emperor."

Several terrifying divine thoughts were communicating, and it was just a few demon emperors.

Among them, Leng Hum is the Great Emperor Jiu Yao.

He was the last demon emperor to become emperor in southern Xinjiang, and he was naturally arrogant.

"The emperor's fate is not given, it is indeed difficult for someone to break the shackles, but this catastrophe is really rare, if the person who crosses the catastrophe is a monster..."

Several demon emperors had actually guessed who they were.

Now in this southern Xinjiang, there is only one person with the most enchanting talent.

And it was this person who made the Great Emperor Jiuyao particularly unhappy.

He only heard a cold snort, "This time, the chance of being able to survive this time will not exceed 10%."

Even this chance of success was intentionally stopped by the Great Emperor Jiu Yao, and as expected, several other terrifying divine thoughts were silent.

At their point, it is natural to see how terrible the calamity is.

Not to mention the people who crossed the Tribulation, even if they were far away, they could feel the danger in it.

It can make the demon emperor aware of the danger, one can imagine what the person who crosses the catastrophe will face, in the end.

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