Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 2979: Self-destructing Sanhua Jinlian

That rumor!

A few ancestors of the demon race even heard that their eyes burst out with an invincible and terrifying edge.

One of the ancestors expressed feelings even more, "It is said that in the ancient times, geniuses appeared in large numbers, the evildoers were all over the place, and the Three Realms and Nine Realms were unprecedentedly strong. In that era, some invincible evildoers often exceeded the realm of heaven because of their talents. When welcoming his own catastrophe, descending far beyond the terrible wrath of the heavens encountered by ordinary people!"

"Yes, the ordinary emperor's calamity is nothing more than nine heavenly thunders, and it has no such power at all. Even if it is a holy emperor's robbery, it is only eighteen heavenly thunders. It is rumored that if someone can see through the heavens and seize the fate of heaven, it will Lower the power of the emperor's robbery, but that is nothing more than thirty-six heavenly punishments."

Another demon clan ancestor nodded slightly. To know the ordinary emperor robbery, he would almost cut off more than 90% of the cultivators, and countless people were wiped out in ashes, let alone the holy emperor robbery and the emperor robbery.

"Only those geniuses who are evildoers in the world, beyond the scope of common sense, can cause the fear of the heavens and directly want to destroy them with the supreme punishment! Looking at the posture, the person who crossed the catastrophe may be equivalent to the evildoers in the ancients. , It has already gone against the sky to make Heavenly Dao feel uneasy, and then this catastrophe has been brought down!"

Everyone looked different, including several demon emperors, who were watching all this closely at this moment.

No one will intervene, including the Demon Emperor.

This is a catastrophe brought down by Heaven, and the consequences are unpredictable once it intervenes.

"Who is this!"

"In the entire southern Xinjiang, there are only a few imperial Taoist schools. Almost all of the enchanting evildoers that are enough to be on the top of the world can be calculated. But no matter how you calculate it, you can't think of which of them this crosses the calamity. Bit."

"Look at that shadow, it should be a young man!"

One of the ancestors of the demon race dared to approach slightly for a few miles, but quickly couldn't resist defeat and retreated. There was blood on the corners of his mouth, but he was surprised and exclaimed.

"Young man! Isn't it true that such evil evildoers are born in Southern Xinjiang?"

"Looking at this posture, once the triumph is successful, it will be truly invincible and the world!"

Every strong demon race is shocked, and some human sects in southern Xinjiang also have strong presence.

Compared with the last time in Demon City, this time the half-emperor powerhouses of the human race did not need to hide their bodies.

Anyway, everyone's attention is no longer on them.

"What the **** is going on with this monster race, there are enchanting people born one after another, why did this good thing fall on their monster race?"

"Yes, the Yaozu has almost shown signs of rejuvenation over the years. If you really want to go on like this, in the future, the teachers of you and me will either completely avoid the world, and never ask for everything in this world. Or just leave South. Territory, far away from the world of this monster race."

Above the void, the eyes of Emperor Sun Yao turned into invincible sharp edges, and only his existence can barely resist the destructive power of heaven's punishment in the catastrophe.

"This son has already experienced seventeen heavenly thunders."

Seventeen sky thunders!

You know, to become the holy emperor is nothing more than experiencing eighteen thunders.


Another sky thunder fell, but this sky thunder was different from before. It was not as thick as a water tank and as dark as ink. On the contrary, it was like a clear spring, and even some colorful light could be seen.

However, seeing this scene, Emperor Ri Yao's expression suddenly sank.

"Colorful Xiaguang!"

Obviously, this kind of sky thunder is different from any time he impressed the public!

Even the Emperor Sun Yao was puzzled, let alone other people?

"what is that?"

"Colorful Sky Thunder? Is it my dizziness?"

"There is such a vision of heaven and earth in this world?"

When everyone was shocked, they saw Li Ye jump up. It could even be said that if someone saw the look on Li Ye's face at this time, they would definitely not believe their eyes!

Because at this time, Li Ye's eyes were full of surprises!

Do not!

It's ecstasy!

"Colorful Xiaguang! I didn't expect it would really appear!"

Colorful Xiaguang!

The colorful spring in front of him is said to be the sky thunder transformed by the punishment of heaven, rather than the colorful glow of light he dreamed of!

That is the purest and richest essence of the Five Elements in the world!

For him, it is the most important thing to truly take that step!

In an instant, three flowers bloomed on Li Ye's head!

The five-color light directly transformed into five vivid five-color villains. The facial features looked like Li Ye. It's just like a three-year-old baby, but between the eyebrows, you can see the connection with Li Ye.

"Success or failure in one fell swoop!"

Everyone didn't know what that meant, but he knew it!

He was waiting for this moment!

Colorful Xiaguang! The purest power of the five elements! It is also the only opportunity for his five-element body to be truly successful and reincarnate!

"Give me!"


The colorful glow came quickly and disappeared faster, almost appearing for an instant, as if it touched a certain existence or a certain will between heaven and earth, and it would directly split the void and engulf it directly.

But Li Ye had been prepared, and dared to roar directly before!

The three flowers on the head burst directly!

The countless monsters who watched this scene were shocked!

"He's crazy!"

"Self-destruct Sanhua! That is completely abolishing all my spiritual roots and Daoji!"

"Damn! Crazy! Does he want to die?"

Three flowers on top! It is the only foundation of any cultivator. All the spiritual roots are in it. It can even be said that the soul is the soul and breeds the soul. Then the three flowers on the head are the second lifeline of the cultivator! It is also the prerequisite for whether to escape from the ordinary and become holy in the future.

Seeing Li Ye destroying Sanhua at this time, in the eyes of everyone, this is even more incredible than suicide!

"Three flowers are destroyed, and it is impossible to save the **** Daluo in the world! Since then, he has become a mortal without spiritual roots, even if he is reincarnated and rebuilt, he will never have the opportunity to embark on the path of cultivation again!"

It can be said that Li Ye's move completely shocked a group of people and couldn't understand it.

Including Emperor Sun Yao, there was a moment of loss of consciousness for a while.

The Great Emperor Bing Yi was even more unstable, but finally calmed down.

Because she knew that it was absolutely impossible for that person to make such a low-level mistake.

Is Li Ye crazy?

of course not!

At the moment when the three flowers were broken, countless little golden rays of light gathered into a huge golden net!

"He wants to swallow that colorful glow!"

Seeing this scene, everyone finally understood!

Understand the purpose of Li Ye's self-destruction and shattering of Sanhua! Actually, at this price, to capture the entire colorful glow!

Only this price is enough to make a peak powerhouse fall into **** in an instant! Never be overborn!

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