Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 2976: Who is crossing the robbery?

Princess Burial Flower's injuries are too serious to be easily rescued.

In the end, Xuzu showed his terrifying side as a void beast in front of Li Ye.

Sealing with the supreme space directly sealed Princess Funeral Flower in a world where time and space were completely still.

"The Void Beast is indeed well-deserved! It's a pity that even if the Void Beast can control a part of the power of space and time, it will not be able to resist the fate of the reincarnation of Heaven."

The Heavenly Sword Great Emperor couldn't help but sigh, in fact, the void beast is definitely dozens of times and hundreds of times longer than ordinary people.

A void beast that has lived for at least three million years has changed to an ordinary person, even if it is the Supreme Holy Emperor, it doesn't know how many generations it has changed.

If so, there are still people at the Saint Demon Gate who can be older than Xuzu, and Li Ye was the first to believe it.

Even the other two ancestors.

"My little friend is going to Dongzhou this time, maybe he can find a kind of immortal medicine. If there is it, the old man is about 60% sure that the Princess of Flower Burial can be cured."

Princess Burial Flower must not die, at least not at the Saint Demon Gate.

"What kind of medicine?"

"Nioh Ginseng!"

Li Ye heard that, almost the first reaction was to shake his head, "Senior joked, Renwang ginseng is a legend. Whether it exists is unknown."

What is Renwang ginseng? Li Ye also read some records in a classical book.

The ginseng in the ordinary people in the world is actually a kind of elixir, but the general ginseng is not of great significance to the cultivator, that is, it has the effect of strengthening the body and nourishing the skin.

But in the monastic world, there is a legend!

Nioh Ginseng! When the world was first opened, it already existed and absorbed the essence of countless years, and possessed a ginseng in the true sense of self and intelligence.

It can even be said that even the gods must covet the god's elixir.

"Indeed, Nioh ginseng only exists in legends, but the old man once met him in Dongzhou, but unfortunately, he escaped."


From Xu Zu's words, it can be seen that Renwang ginseng is different from the general elixir and immortal grass.

The general elixir and immortal grass, even if it has grown for a million years, it will only have a hint of spiritual wisdom, but this king of ginseng has almost become refined.

"Senior, even if Nioh ginseng really exists, but according to classical records, Nioh ginseng is ever-changing, and even if it is by your side, you may not recognize it."

The wound of Princess Burial Flower, perhaps only Renwang Ginseng has the chance to heal in this world. After all, it was the **** grass that even the gods coveted. As long as there is a breath, it can naturally be saved.

"Oh, the old man just mentioned it casually, but the blessings and luck of the little friend are not something ordinary people can have. I don't know why, but the old man feels that if the little friend goes to Dongzhou this time, it may really be possible to capture this king. Ginseng."


Most people definitely don't believe it, but when he reaches the realm of Xuzu, his intuition is often a symbol that he has a secret secret.

Even the Void Beast itself is a kind of strange beast born of heaven and earth. It is not impossible to be able to spy on some secrets.

"I do my best."

In fact, Li Ye was also very interested in this king of ginseng, and nodded after hearing the words.

"Little friends only need to take a small piece of roots from Nioh Ginseng and bring it back."

In front of the heaven and earth treasures like Renwang ginseng, let alone ordinary people, the emperor may not take advantage of it if he goes. Xuzu didn't expect Li Ye to capture the entire Renwang ginseng, as long as a small piece of roots was obtained, it would actually be enough to save Princess Flower's life.

In the end, Princess Burial Flower was directly sealed by Xuzu.

But this time, it can't be too long.

"My little friend, with the current strength of the old man, it can only delay Princess Flower Burial for about fifty years at most."

Fifty years, a mortal has nearly a lifetime, but it is not long for them.

Even if Li Ye went to Dongzhou this time, even if the ancient Taoist platform of the Saint Demon Gate teleported him, it would take at least a few years or even longer to come and go.

As for how to explain to the funeral palace, this is not an issue that Li Ye needs to consider.

"Hey, the Saint Demon Gate has a good calculation. But since you kidnapped someone's heir, you are still reincarnating and rebuilding the Demon Sky Great Emperor back then. It is reasonable to pay a little price."

The Heavenly Sword Great Emperor was gloating, and Li Ye naturally needed something to deal with before setting off.

Return to the soul wood! Has been refined by him 90%!

Now, only the last innate wood spirit that blended with his natal spirit platform was left and gave birth to the last innate wood spirit of the five elements.

"This time I went to Dongzhou. Life and death are unpredictable. With my current strength, although I have no fear of the average Saint Emperor or even the Supreme Saint Emperor, it is indeed a stronger enemy, but it does not necessarily have the capital to confront."

From the time he embarked on the path of cultivating the body of the five elements, he was actually destined to not be able to follow the path that most cultivators in this world took to change their fate.

Even the future of this road is uncertain, but it must go down.

For half a year!

Li Ye closed for half a year!


Half a year later, the void was torn apart and the gate of heaven opened! !

"what happened?"

Many people in the Saint Demon Gate were frightened by the changes in the world before them. You know, they have never experienced such a terrible change in the world.

Even several ancestors were shocked.

"This is a catastrophe? Is there someone who has broken through the realm and is ready to cross the catastrophe?"

Many powerhouses frowned slightly, and it was not uncommon to cross the catastrophe. As the realm rose to a certain level, they naturally had to bear the anger of the sky. After all, cultivation is against the sky, and it is originally an enemy of the heavens. Once the heavens cannot be overcome, it will be the fate of annihilation.

But on the contrary, once he has passed the catastrophe, he can make a qualitative leap in his lifespan, and his cultivation level can be improved by hundreds of thousands.

"Could it be that a certain elder in this school broke through?"

"It doesn't look like it, but it's a bit like a robbery?"

Someone couldn't help but said, but they were quickly refuted, "Imperial Tribulation? How could it be possible, depending on the posture of the Heavenly Tribulation, the upper demon emperor was instantly annihilated. I think this is clearly the Holy Tribulation! There will be another demon lord."

Not to mention the reaction of the people at the Saint Demon Gate, at this time in the area shrouded by the heavens.

Here, it was already like a vacuum, everything disappeared without a trace at the moment when the calamity was formed.

The way of heaven cannot be violated, and those who violate it fly into ashes and annihilate.

It's just that there are people who want to challenge the majesty of heaven!

This person is Li Ye who has been in retreat for half a year! It was also after he successfully cultivated into the Innate Wood Spirit, he could no longer suppress his own cultivation realm.

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