Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 2973: Who is behind the scenes

Regardless of everyone's horror, Li Ye and Yubao Yaozun appeared directly on a mountain peak, surrounded by clouds and mist, like a fairyland.

"Little friend, is this place?"

Yubao Yaozun looked surprised, knowing that if all these were illusioned before his eyes, it would be impossible to hide from his eyes!

"A little trick is not surprising."

little tricks?

Yubao Yaozun almost didn't spit out a mouthful of old blood. If this was all a trick, then he wouldn't have to mix in these three realms.

"Illusory combined formation!"

However, the Princess Saint Demon Gate knew more about Li Ye, and she guessed it after a little thought.

Magic combined array!

Yubao Yaozun took a deep breath. He knew that Li Ye still knew a formation, but he didn't expect that Li Ye still knew illusion!

More importantly, although the illusion and the formation are of the same origin, they have never heard of someone who can merge the two, and it is so seamless.

"My little friend's method makes the old man amazed!"

"Senior is absurd, don't know if you are coming today?"

Li Ye glanced at Princess Saint Demon Gate and saw a hint on her face.

Before Yubao Demon Sovereign could speak, Li Ye smiled slightly, "Is it at the Flower Burial Palace, something happened?"

This sound surprised both Jade Demon Lord and Saint Demon Gate Princess.

Yubao Yaozun even exclaimed, "How did the little friend know?"

"Sure enough, is it from the Flower Burial Palace?"

Li Ye didn't answer, but pondered slightly. In fact, he was just guessing, but he didn't expect to be hit by him.

After all, he is a strong Saint Emperor. After Jade Treasure Demon Sovereign calmed down, he looked serious and nodded, "As the little friend expected, something did happen during your retreat."

"Princess Burial Flower is still alive?"

Li Ye asked back, but his expression revealed a bit of weirdness, while Yubao Yaozun smiled bitterly when he heard that, "The little friend is like a god, Princess Flower Burial is indeed alive, but..."

It turned out that during the months of Li Ye's retreat, Princess Burial Flower left the Saint Demon Gate with hatred, but unexpectedly was attacked by mysterious people on the way.

Just when he was about to die, he was saved.

And it was Emperor Bing Yi who saved the lives!

"It was you who let the master follow in secret. You knew someone was going to attack Princess Funeral Flower?"

Princess Saint Demon Gate couldn't help asking, this matter was not just for her, the ancestors of Saint Demon Gate were all scared for a while after learning about it!

The Young Palace Master of the Flower Burial Palace died at the Saint Demon Gate, which has caused the relationship between the two schools to become the same.

If Princess Burial Flower died halfway, even if the Saint Demon Gate had ten thousand mouths, it would be impossible to tell the suspicion.

"Since someone killed Burial Zizhi and blamed me, naturally I wouldn't miss such a good opportunity."

There was a glimmer of light in Li Ye's eyes. From the beginning, he realized that the person behind the scenes could never let go so easily. What makes him strange, or has been puzzled, is the purpose of the man behind the scenes.

Fight the Saint Demon Gate?

Or are you coming at him?

But after several incidents, although he was dangerous, after careful consideration, Li Ye came to a very absurd conclusion.

Every time the beneficiary is not others, but him!

It's him! Li Ye!

Whether it was the princess of the Saint Demon Gate who lost her life to him, or the return to the soul wood this time, the advantages to him outweigh the disadvantages! As if in the dark, there was a black hand pushing all this, seeming to calculate him, but every time he became the final winner.

This is the guess, he will naturally not break it.

At least, before finding the identity of the person behind the scenes.

He pondered slightly, "If Princess Flower Burial dies, the Saint Demon Gate will naturally be irrelevant. At that time, as long as someone climbs up and shouts, the Saint Demon Gate will face is definitely more difficult than the last time in the Demon City."

This truth can be seen by the few immortal existences in the Saint Demon Gate.

And he knew that someone had calculated the Saint Demon Gate, but there was no way to deal with it.

"What the little friend said is extremely good. Fortunately, the little friend asked the Emperor to secretly protect in advance, and this did not make the black hand plan behind the scenes succeed."

Jade Demon Queen nodded in fear.

"Where is Princess Burial Flower now?"

"Heal in the Saint Demon Gate, just..."

"She doesn't appreciate it, right?"

Li Ye heard that he knew the answer without guessing, and Yubao Yaozun looked embarrassed as expected.

Later, after Li Ye pondered slightly, he knew their purpose, "Is the Princess Funeral who wants to see me?"

Yubao Yaozun nodded, but then he stopped talking.

"Senior, don't be embarrassed. Since she wants to see me, I see her."

Seeing that Li Ye actually agreed, the Princess Saint Demon Gate suddenly objected, "You are undoubtedly adding fuel to the fire when you see her now."

"It's okay. I didn't kill people. Now that she can live is equivalent to owing me a favor. With the wisdom of Princess Burial Flower, she knows how to choose."

Seeing Li Ye insisted, the two were not opposed.

Soon, Li Ye saw the seriously injured Princess Flower Burial.

Unlike the previous impression, the flower-burial princess today is very weak, and it can even be said that she can maintain that last breath only with the treasures of the flower-burial palace.

"It seems that the princess should understand the cause and effect."

Seeing Princess Funeral Flower, Li Ye couldn't help sighing.

The current Princess Flower Burial is extremely delicate, with no blood on her pretty face, but she is still so noble and inviolable, but with a trace of weakness that she didn't have before.

Of course, it was only an instant, after seeing Li Ye, the whole popularity changed in an instant.

"You don't have to force yourself, now you, it is a miracle to be able to save your life. If you want to kill me, you should wait until the injury is better."

"How dare you come to see me!"

Seeing Li Ye's calmness, Princess Flower Burial gave a deep voice.

"The princess doesn't need to be like this. Since you want to see me, you have naturally figured out that I am not the murderer of your son. Even you already have the object of suspicion. You just want to finally get a positive answer from me."

After Li Ye finished speaking, she saw Princess Funeral's pretty face change again and again, and finally the original strong hostility disappeared, and her eyes closed weakly.

"My palace wants to know who it is."

Sure enough, the weak voice of Princess Funeral Flower revealed sea-like hatred.

"I want to know who it is more than the princess, but it's a pity that this person is hidden deeply."

"You do not know?"

"Princess, although I don't know who the real black hand is behind the scenes, but this time, Li has guessed one or two things."


Li Ye smiled, "The princess has already guessed it, so why bother to ask me?"

Princess Funeral was silent, further confirming Li Ye's guess.

"Presumably I told the princess at first that I killed the people, and they should also be from the Jiuyao Temple?"

As soon as these words came out, Princess Funeral Flower finally changed her face.

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