Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 2972: Three cultivation geniuses in Danwu formation?

In a short period of time, there was a lot of rumors about Li Ye's birth in southern Xinjiang.

Heir to the Great!

The Empress Jinghong was born!

The legendary disciple of Emperor Danwu!

All kinds of rumors flew up, making Li Ye even more mysterious.

Some monster clan inheritances looked at each other face to face, and any one of them was pulled out, but it was enough for people to walk sideways in southern Xinjiang. Now that there are people who have these identities at the same time, this suddenly scared the people who were still paying attention to Li Ye before half to death.

"That kid is so big!"

"The descendants of the emperor are indeed amazing, but I never thought that they would be the invincible descendants of Danwu emperor, etc., this matter should be said to spread, and it is not a sensation in the entire Three Realms?"

Regardless of what kind of existence Emperor Danwu was, whether it was a human or a monster, it was all in awe.

Moreover, Emperor Danwu was the only one who was recognized by both Wushen Mountain and Yaowang Palace as a peerless powerhouse, and he represented the two holy places.

Now that his descendants were born, they immediately caused all the powerful forces to reexamine them.

"I heard that the Empress Jinghong is still alive! And it looks like she protects her way."

If Emperor Danwu is more of a kind of invincible prestige and prestige accumulated over hundreds of thousands of years, then the emergence of the Empress Jinghong made some powerful people such as Emperor Jiuyao dare not act rashly.

"Jinghong Empress! She is really still alive! With her protector, who would dare to touch a hair in this world?"

Many powerhouses are embarrassed, and on the other side, the top humanoid powerhouses in southern Xinjiang have gathered again.

"Old Wu, do you think this is the situation now?"

The uproar of the Yaozu spread, they naturally heard of it.

One of the half-emperors of the human race sighed, "This time, several ancestors in the sect have heard the idea of ​​sealing the mountain gate and avoiding the world."

The other half-emperors of the human race heard this, and instead of being surprised, they nodded one by one, "The ancestors in this door also thought this way. Now that the monster race is so powerful, in order to avoid unnecessary conflicts, it is better to go back separately. Avoid the world."

To avoid the world is not to be timid.

For millions of years, the ups and downs have always pursued a law of heaven. Since this era is not destined for their rise, they naturally wait quietly for the arrival of the next era.

"Speaking of which, why did the Empress Jinghong defend the way for a monster genius?"

A human half emperor couldn't help complaining, "If there is a powerful person like the Jinghong Empress who protects the way, no matter how powerful the monster race is, it can reach the peak in this era!"

"Yes, although the Empress Jinghong has always had a strange temperament, she is also a member of the human race, alas!"

"I heard a news."

"Oh? Brother Gu, please say."

"As far as I know, this young man named Li Ye is not from southern Xinjiang."

As soon as this remark came out, the others were taken aback.

"Brother Gu's meaning, is it possible?"

"No, you are misunderstood. This child is a monster. This is what I have seen with my own eyes. It is not that the monster is impossible to set foot on the land of the monster. But he did not appear in southern Xinjiang, but first appeared in Xizhou!"

"Xizhou! Why did a monster race appear in Xizhou?"

Although Yaozu has a strong presence in southern Xinjiang, it is difficult to move out of southern Xinjiang. Unless it is a particularly powerful existence, such as the monster emperor and the supreme holy emperor, it is difficult for ordinary monsters to walk outside.

Even being killed!

For millions of years, the hatred between the human race and the monster race has actually slowly accumulated in this way.

"It actually appeared in Xizhou! Is it possible that this child's life experience has a lot of background?"

"Emperor Danwu is also a human race. If it is his descendant, this is indeed a bit weird."

"Yes, this matter does need to be investigated."

Throughout southern Xinjiang, there are rumors of Li Ye's various amazing origins.

Even some of Li Ye's previously unknown past were dug out.

For example, the experience in the Sixteen Kingdoms of Xizhou, and even what happened in the realm of Thousand Emperors.

A group of talents suddenly realized that such an evildoer would naturally not appear out of thin air. They had already become famous for a while before they came to Southern Xinjiang!

Thousands of emperors counted the geniuses of all emperors, and the young master of Fenghuocheng Fengyang had a happy drink, which directly caused the two ancient descendants of Dongzhou to suffer!

No matter which aspect it is, it is enough to make the descendants and geniuses of the great emperors in southern Xinjiang shame.

Such a generation of evildoers, it is naturally impossible to force them.

What's more, if the female emperor Jinghong really protects the way behind him, the emperor Danwu is a descendant of generations, then his identity! Not to mention the heirs of ordinary emperor sect, even the princess of Saint Demon Sect is absolutely incomparable.

The more it spreads, the more fascinating, and at the same time, Jiuyao Temple and other emperor Taoist traditions, but they can't swallow this breath!

Just before that, another thing happened.

For three full months, no one at the Saint Demon Gate could approach the hall where Li Ye was.

Today, it seems to be a forbidden place.

Not to mention the elder disciples of the Saint Demon Gate, even the Jade Demon Venerable, can't easily enter.

"It's been three months."

"This Young Master Li Ye is really weird."

Everyone talked a lot, but what happened afterwards made Jade Demon Lord decide to take a risk.

It's just that with his holy emperor cultivation base, after stepping into the formation, he was instantly lost.

Fortunately, just as the dangers of Jade Demon Venerable were all around, all the surrounding formations disappeared instantly, and he also appeared from it embarrassed, with a trace of blood still hanging on the corner of his mouth.

In that way, many of the experts in the Saint Demon Clan were shocked!

"What kind of formation is that! You can't even enter the Jade Demon Venerable!"

"That kid, too evil! The martial arts and alchemy are passed down from Emperor Danwu, the world is unparalleled, and now he still knows a formation? What else does he not understand?"

Naturally, Li Ye himself was the only one who could withdraw the Hundreds of Demons.

When Yubao Yaozun stepped into the formation, he was awakened.

It's just that it was the most critical moment at that time, and it delayed a little time. But in such a small amount of time, Jade Demon Lord almost lost half of his life.

"Little friend, you can come out."

Seeing Li Ye, Yubao Yaozun was greatly relieved.

"what happened?"

He closed the door, but informed the Saint Demon Gate in advance. Now that the time is not up, to disturb him directly, naturally there is a reason.

He even saw the princess Saint Demon Gate coming together, obviously something big happened.

With a quick wave, everyone immediately found that Li Ye, Yubao Yaozun and others had disappeared together.

"One thought forms an array! God, this can only be done by an array master-level array mage! Isn't he already..."

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