Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 2974: Princess Flower Burial is controlled

From when someone threw the soul-returning tree in front of him, to the time when Princess Flower Burial was coming for revenge.

This coincidence is too big.

After thinking about it now, Li Ye naturally knew that some of them were designing deliberately.

And the Princess of Flower Burial is not stupid to become the current master of the Flower Burial Palace.

Because of the loss of her beloved son before, she was a little gaffe, and she was not so calm. Now that he calmed down, he also discovered the strangeness. And this is what she wants to see Li Ye's purpose.

"Jiu Yaodian!"

Princess Funeral Flower is biting her silver teeth, but now, even if she knows that Jiuyao Temple is behind it, she has no way of revenge.

The Flower Burial Palace does have incomparable background, but for millions of years, the absence of a demon emperor was also the biggest reason why the Flower Burial Palace chose to escape the world 100,000 years ago.

The tree attracts the wind, and the status of the flower burial palace is unshakable. However, after millions of years, there are still tigers and wolves watching.

This time she was born, it was Princess Flower Burial who was going to shock the many forces in southern Xinjiang, but she did not expect to suffer heavy losses.

"What does the princess decide to do?"

Whether or not it is Jiuyaodian, it doesn't really matter to Li Ye.

Although he was seriously injured this time, it turned out to be satisfactory.

In contrast, Princess Burial Flower couldn't swallow this breath.

Sure enough, after hearing the words, she took a deep breath, her expression was uncertain, as if she wanted to talk but stopped.

"If the princess is unspeakable, then the younger generation won't bother you anymore."

With retreat as progress, Li Ye smiled secretly in his heart.

Immediately, Princess Burial Flower still sighed softly, "Hold on!"

"Does the princess have any more orders?"

"My palace is looking for you, just asking for something."

Princess Flower Burial's attitude changed from normal, and now so low-pitched and low-profile, it is enough to see that this time the death of Holy Emperor Qingzhu and Burial Zizhi has dealt a great blow to her.

This made Li Ye a little bit unbearable, showing a wry smile, "The princess has broken the boy. I don't know what the princess can ask for? If it can be done, I am naturally obliged."

The subtext is to do what he can. If it exceeds his ability, he is not taken advantage of.

The reason for this is that Li Ye just wanted to repay a favor.

Return to the soul wood!

Although he did not take it with his own hands, nor was it a gift from the Flower Burial Palace, the Three Realms and Nine Realms, everyone who cultivates pays attention to a cycle of heaven, and he does not want to drop a seed of a demon because of this.

"The son of this palace was killed by others. Not many people in Jiuyaodian can do this."

"The princess wants me to find out the culprit, right?"

In fact, Li Ye probably guessed who did it.

Emperor Jiuyao, Li Ye was the first to rule out!

No matter how great the ambition of the Great Emperor Jiuyao is, it is impossible to lower his status to do this kind of thing at all means. As for the entire Jiuyao Hall, there is only one person who can do this step apart from those ancient existences that have fallen asleep in the Jiuyao Hall!

Prince Wuya!

The inheritance of the ancient sages obtained by Prince Wuya is enough to severely injure a supreme sage! If there is mental arithmetic and unintentional, under a sneak attack, it is not difficult to kill the arrogant but no scheming descendants of the emperor.

"No, this palace naturally knows who did this, but this is not what the palace asked for."

"Oh? I wonder what the princess wants the junior to do for you?"

It was not that he found the real murderer, but Li Ye was surprised.

However, Li Ye's body was shocked by the request of Princess Flower Burial, which was completely unexpected.

"My palace wants you to rescue my daughter from my palace!"

The daughter of Princess Burial!

Li Ye's eyes flashed with a hint of light!

Funeral bell! The true descendant of the funeral palace generation!

Compared to the burial of the flower-burial palace as recognized by the outside world, only Li Ye understood that the real successor of the flower-burial palace was not the simple burial of the brain, but his sister, the flower-burial bell!

Only then did he remember that he hadn't seen the funeral bell appear before.

Regardless of whether it was Princess Funeral Flower coming or something that happened later, Funeral Flower Bell never showed up.

"Burial flower bell?!"

Princess Funeral Flower nodded with a tired and worried expression, "Someone kidnapped the daughter of this palace, and at the same time really hurt the person in this palace, it is that person."

This time, Li Ye frowned slightly, "Can the princess describe that person?"

Being able to severely injure the Flower Burial Princess, even if the Flower Burial Princess was injured before, he could still take the Flower Burial Bell away. The cultivation level of this person is even hard to estimate.

Even if it is not the existence of the Great Emperor, it is not far away.

More importantly, this person has been leading the overall situation behind the scenes.

Describe that person?

After hearing the words, Princess Funeral's expression suddenly became a little weird, and even the eyes that looked at Li Ye had an elusive light.


This sound made Princess Funeral Flower recover, but gave Li Ye an absolutely unexpected answer.

"That person is you."

It's you!

These three words, Princess Funeral Flower almost spoke every word, gritted her teeth.

But before Li Ye was astonished, her expression darkened and she shook her head, "Naturally, this palace knows that it is not you, but someone disguised and deliberately approached this palace, but did not expect this palace to see through. This trick."

"Someone changed to look like me? Take away the funeral bell?"

Killed the funeral zizhi, and now took the funeral flower bell, almost let the funeral princess fall! A cold sweat broke out behind Li Ye!

He himself is a master of disguise!

Naturally, I understand that if you want to hide from a powerful person like Princess Burial Flower, the opponent's disguise technique is definitely not simple.

"Why does the princess think that I can help you rescue people?"

The other party did everything possible to take away the funeral flower bell, and naturally he was well prepared.

Although he was involved, Li Ye had no clue.

Unexpectedly, Princess Buried Flower's expression became a little weird after hearing the words, but the expression changed for a moment and was not noticed by Li Ye.

Suddenly, Princess Fang Hua's eyes suddenly became blurred.

Before Li Ye reacted, the whole person seemed to have lost consciousness.


A weird breath appeared directly from Princess Flower Burial, and suddenly turned into an illusory figure.

"Spiritual restraint!"

Seeing this scene, Li Ye blurted out aloud!

This is obviously someone who has hidden a magical thought in the sea of ​​knowledge of Princess Burial Flower with supreme magical powers, and it appears at this time.

"Li Ye! My son is waiting for you in Dongzhou!"

Helan Tianlang!

This voice is clearly Helan Tianlang!

Li Ye will never hear it wrong!

"It's you!"

"It's my son! Li Ye, I have to say that you are an opponent who is truly qualified to fight for the emperor's fate with me after my son's feudal awakening. Unfortunately, this era belongs to my son's era, you either Choose to surrender or become a stepping stone for this son to step on God's life!"

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