Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 2971: Refining Soul Returning Wood

Return to the soul wood!

The treasure of innate wood properties!

At this moment, lying quietly in Li Ye's hands.

"Although it took a lot of work, but finally got it."

His biggest purpose in coming to Southern Xinjiang is to find the Returning Soul Tree. Although who killed the Young Palace Master of the Flower Burial Palace and put things in his hands, it didn't matter.

"Boy, this thing belongs to the Flower Burial Demon Emperor back then, and there is still a trace of the Flower Burial Demon Emperor's will on it. It is not easy for you to refine it directly."

Today's Li Ye, the body of the five elements is only the last innate wood spirit that has not yet formed, and the soul-returning wood in front of him is just the best nourishing treasure. The only obstacle was the remaining strand of the Great Emperor's will in the soul-returning wood in his hand.

"The will of the Flower Burial Demon Emperor, if it is the Flower Burying Demon Emperor himself, maybe I really can't help it. But a mere will! Can't stop me!"

If you want to refine the Returning Soul Wood, you must first erase the will of the Flower Burying Demon Emperor.

But if you want to erase the will of a demon emperor, most people simply can't do it!

"But I want to thank the idiot Zong Zizhi. If he hadn't played the Emperor Blast twice in succession, it would have greatly consumed the essence of the will of the Flower Burying Demon Emperor. It would be impossible to refining successfully without three or five years. ."

Li Ye naturally knew how amazing the will of a demon emperor was.

However, before Bury Zizhi fought with him, he did not hesitate to lose the will of the emperor and played two imperial explosions, and he had already used the Returning Soul Wood as the only capital of the imperial weapon.

Those wills still remaining at this moment, although more troublesome, are not difficult to deal with.

"This time, we need the help of Nine Dragon Cangding."

The ordinary Danding is naturally not suitable for refining, Li Ye's heart moved!

Suddenly the ancient bronze pill cauldron appeared directly, and even if no one was urging it, it exuded an ancient aura.

"Your kid also has a deep blessing. Even this emperor didn't have the chance to get these things."

Nine Dragon Cangding, one of the ten ancient gods!

This thing, even if it is not obtained by the alchemist, is definitely the best refining material for the gods!

Especially when it fell into the hands of some great emperors, once they were refined to cost the emperor soldiers, they would definitely be regarded as a class above the emperor soldiers.

Li Ye kept silent, in order to refine the Soul Rebirth Tree, he needs to be in the best condition, otherwise, if he fails, it will not be so easy to find a second Soul Rebirth Tree.

With spirit and energy, it took Li Ye a whole month and a half before he was at an absolute peak.

The wounds on his body healed, but at the same time, the heart was still like water, and there was no wave in the ancient well.

During this period, he directly deployed hundreds of formations around him. Although they were all simple formations, they contained at least thousands of changes and combinations!

Heavenly Saint Sect's formation path is definitely not something that some formation masters can break now. And this, because Li Ye didn't have enough formation cultivation base, he could barely arrange these. Otherwise, based on the inheritance of the formation path left by the Heavenly Sacred Sect, there are three formations among them. Once they are successfully deployed, even if the Great Emperor comes, they can stop a moment!

"I'm still inadequate in the formation, this little three thousand-thousand-volt magic formation, now I can only learn a little."

Heavenly Sage Sect has three major formations, the most powerful of which is naturally the Suppression Devil-Zhuxian Formation that trapped the Heavenly Demon back then. It’s just that those formations cannot be touched by Li Ye today, unless one day he achieves it in the formation. An unprecedented height, and the cultivation base must be at least at the peak of the Emperor Realm!

In addition to the Zhenmazhu Immortal Formation, I have to talk about the other two terrifying formations of the Heavenly Saint Sect.

The small three thousand Volunteer Demon Array, and the big three thousand Volunteer Demon Array.

Even if it is just a small three-thousand-thousand-volt demon formation, it is enough to make any formation craftsman get lost in it, and even trap a great emperor alive!

It's a pity that Li Ye can barely place a hundred formations of evil spirits drawn by gourds. The power is not even a small three thousand evil formations, but it is enough to prevent anyone under the emperor from approaching.

Even the supreme holy emperor wants to break the formation, there is no magic weapon to break the formation, do not spend a few months, and absolutely never want to come in.

Once the formation was completed, Li Ye began to refine the Soul Returning Wood with peace of mind, slowly refining it with thunder and fire for seven or forty-nine days.

And during this time, earth-shaking changes have taken place in the outside world.

"The Young Master of the Flower Burial Palace was killed by someone!"

About the birth of the Flower Burial Palace, there has already been a lot of turmoil, and now it is even reported that the young master of the Flower Burial Palace was killed by someone, and a huge earthquake occurred in the entire southern Xinjiang.

"I heard that the Young Palace Master of the Flower Burial Palace was killed at the Saint Demon Gate."

"Could it be that a certain supreme holy emperor of the Saint Demon Gate made a secret move? But no, these two great emperors have maintained their traditions for millions of years. How could they stabbed a knife in the back."

"You don't know this. The two great emperors are indeed ancient allies, but now they have killed Cheng Yaojin in the sky. Last time there was a pilgrimage ladder in the demon city, it was not that a young demon clan overpowered the emperors. Is the descendant of the sect, known as the first genius of the demon race in southern Xinjiang?"

"Yeah, I did hear it. It seems that I was born in a casual cultivator. It is simply a myth! A casual cultivator directly crushes so many descendants of the emperor's Taoism. I really don't know how to do it."

"Hey, things are not that simple. This time the Flower Burial Palace was born, and it has a direct relationship with that kid. It seems to be the princess of the original Saint Demon Gate, but it is a pair with the Young Palace Master of the Flower Burial Palace. The ancient precepts left by the demon emperor and the demon sky. But suddenly an invincible genius who was born in the sky was suddenly killed, and now he has taken the heart of the princess of the holy demon gate, what will happen if you change you to the flower burial palace miss you?"

"Then it goes without saying that killing a father and stealing a wife has always been the greatest hatred in the world! If it is me, I will definitely kill you!"

"This is not the end, Liangzi is the end."

"Why did the Young Master of the Flower Burial Palace die? It can't be killed by the rumored genius, right?"

Many people are a little unbelievable, and even think this is a rumor.

"I don't know exactly how, but it is said that the Flower Burial Palace has fallen out with the Saint Demon Gate, and the situation is the same. In addition, the more shocking thing is not that the Young Palace Master of the Flower Burial Palace was killed by someone!"

"Oh? Not this, is there any more amazing inside story?"

"Hey, you don't know what, this time the Flower Burial Palace has suffered a big loss! Not only the young palace master died, but even the strong like the Green Bamboo Sage Emperor fell to the Saint Demon Gate!"


As soon as this news came out, it definitely caused a sensation throughout southern Xinjiang!

A descendant died, and a supreme holy emperor died?

This has indeed not happened in tens of thousands of years.

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