Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 2970: Who dares to say that he is unworthy?

Emperor Danwu, the Empress of Jinghong!

Anyone is enough to let Li Ye walk sideways in this world!

As long as it is not offending the particularly powerful ancient existence, almost no one will clearly attack the descendants of the two invincible emperors.

When the Great Emperor Jiuyao saw this, his face suddenly changed, "It is difficult for an upright official to break the housework. It seems that this emperor is also not easy to take a trip to the muddy water, so I will leave!"

As soon as the Great Emperor Jiuyao left, the Demon Emperor Cangshui would naturally not stay for long.

Now that the Empress Jinghong is still there, in the entire southern Xinjiang, no demon emperor dares to say that he can kill Li Ye in front of her.

Even though he was not reconciled, he was helpless.

In that **** era 100,000 years ago, people who were stronger than them had been unable to escape from the world because of the Jinghong Empress. They left at this moment and did not lose face.

In this way, Princess Burial Flower was instantly helpless.

The Holy Emperor Green Bamboo is dead, with a severely wounded body, Princess Flower Funeral said bitterly, "This palace will never give up!"

Yes, even if it is the Empress Jinghong and Emperor Danwu standing behind Li Ye, the enemies of murder are not shared!

This enmity is settled.

Li Ye was also speechless, but he naturally couldn't return the Returning Soul Tree. At this time, Princess Flower Burial knew whether to return it.

"The clear one will know what is right and wrong, there will always be a day when the truth will come to light, the princess will do it herself."

Li Ye is also an arrogant person. Although he was not killed by him, since the things were in his hands, the explanation was in vain. And he believes that the people behind the scenes will always show their feet. As for the Flower Burial Palace, if he really becomes an enemy in the future, he won't mind killing them!

Within the Three Realms, this is so cruel.

Princess Burial Flower left with hatred, and a storm was resolved.

The Empress Jinghong glanced at Li Ye slightly, this time she would appear, even Li Ye was surprised.

Now that the matter was resolved, Li Yegang wanted to speak, but the Empress Jinghong disappeared instantly, not staying for long.

After all, this is the Saint Demon Gate, it is impossible for her to stay here.

Only before leaving, Li Ye's mind rang the voice of Empress Jinghong, "Remember, you owe me a favor."

Li Ye smiled bitterly, and couldn't help muttering in his heart, "Favorites? Why didn't you talk about Death Valley last time?"

No one knows why the Empress Jinghong entered the Valley of Death 100,000 years ago, and it seems that there is not much left in her life.

But now, Li Ye clearly saw that the Empress Jinghong was full of blood, and it was obvious that the ancient corpse he had selected for her was not wrong. You know, apart from himself, among those ancient corpses, the one that belongs to Empress Jinghong is the best.

Even the guardian sacred beast of the Saint Demon Gate is a bit inferior.

Seeing the Empress Jinghong leaving, many people in the Saint Demon Gate were also greatly relieved.

Such an enemy-free object puts tremendous pressure on the Saint Demon Gate.

As for Li Ye, who would dare to say a word of gossip at the Saint Demon Gate at this time?

Even the disciples of the elders and even the ancestors who had been strongly opposed before, all changed their faces, and looked at Li Ye with a look of flattery.

"Little friend, can you tell me something."

At this moment, Xuzu called from a distance, and Li Ye also nodded, his figure flashed.

The dark tomb, here, is the forbidden area of ​​the Saint Demon Gate.

Because here are the three oldest holy ancestors of the Saint Demon Gate.

At this time, Li Ye appeared here.

"It's a decision to come to me in the front row."

Li Ye didn't wait for the other party to speak, and took the lead in speaking, with the corners of his mouth slightly raised, as clever as him. Although the previous series of developments were beyond his expectations, there is no doubt that the results are developing in the direction he most wants to see.

"The little friend really understands, and speaking of it, the old man owed him a favor before."

Xuzu sighed slightly, if anyone heard it, he would be surprised.

But Li Ye was not surprised, even as if he knew it a long time ago.

"Little friend seems to have seen it long ago."

"Senior refers to the fact that it was three years ago that Senior was carried into Death Valley. What the outside world knows is the sacred beast of the Saint Demon Gate?"

This sound instantly made the atmosphere become serious.

After a long time, Xuzu sighed, "The old man has never forgotten the kindness of the young friend's reinvention. It's just a matter of Zongmen's luck, I hope the young friend will forgive me."

Guardian Saint Beast!

Who would have thought that Xuzu was the sacred beast protecting the sect from the Saint Demon Gate in the rumor!

It was also because of Li Ye's good intentions that he prolonged a lot of life. Now he is the only one among the three saint ancestors of the Saint Demon Gate who still has energy to appear with thoughts.

"The seniors are serious, and the juniors will naturally not distinguish between right and wrong. Seniors have the difficulties of seniors." Li Ye smiled, but then the conversation turned, and his voice also turned cold. "Naturally, the juniors are also clear about grievances, enemies or friends. , The juniors are naturally distinguished."

This is obviously very meaningful.

Xuzu has lived for countless years, so he can hear it naturally.

"The little friend has complaints, and the old man understands it. But now, between the little friend and the saint of this sect, no one at the Saint Demon Gate will stop him. Little friend can rest assured of this."

Hearing that Li Ye smiled, but there was no smile at all, "The junior, thank you for your kindness!"

If it was before, Li Ye might still be grateful. But now, he just sneered in his heart.

The change in the attitude of the Saint Demon Gate is nothing but a change that has occurred because of his current status.

In the eyes of outsiders, what stands behind him is the Empress Jinghong! It's Emperor Danwu!

The attitude of the Saint Demon Gate was made clear, he and the Flower Burial Palace, whoever can bring greater benefits to the Saint Demon Gate, would lean towards whom. And at this time, there is no doubt that even though the Flower Burial Palace is of the Emperor's Taoism, it can't be compared with him!

Or, it can't be compared with Emperor Jinghong and Emperor Danwu!

This is the point!

Li Ye laughed at himself, although this time, it was the deterrence of the Empress Jinghong, even hundreds of thousands of years ago, from Emperor Danwu that the Saint Demon Gate finally gave in.

But for the results, it is satisfactory.

Li Ye didn't stay long, and waited for him to leave.

"This son does have too many secrets."

An old voice sounded, and the other saint ancestor also sighed, "It is really surprising that the Empress Jinghong will still be born. It seems that the woman from Death Valley before is the Empress Jinghong! The relationship is suspicious."

Xu Zu also revealed a sigh, "The Empress Jinghong was known to the world for that person, but now, it is indeed strange."

Not to mention the confusion in the hearts of the three holy ancestors.

At the same time, Emperor Bingyi also took back the seal that imprisoned Princess Saint Demon Gate.

The entire Saint Demon Gate went up and down, at this time there would be no one, and no longer felt that such a wild kid like Li Ye was not worthy of their princess!

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