Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 2969: This is the background of Tongtian!

The descendant of Emperor Danwu!

Everyone couldn't help but took a breath!

Compared with the Jinghong Empress, the legendary life of Emperor Danwu is even more brilliant!

For millions of years, the only people who can be hailed as the Invincible Emperor!

And Emperor Danwu is one of them!

Even if there is no such thing as Emperor Hengtian, who truly claims to be invincible in the world, one person dominates the entire era, the world dare not refuse. But the really terrifying thing about Emperor Dan Wu is that his martial art and Dan Dao stepped onto the highest peak at the same time!

This is the place where later generations admire and adore Emperor Danwu the most!

"Really? Isn't it rumored that Emperor Danwu never passed down his own mantle in his life, and that a disciple's successor was confiscated?"

Someone couldn't help asking, there were many legends about Emperor Danwu, but one of them was a pity for countless future generations. He was such a legend, but he never left any orthodoxy, and even his disciples confiscated one.

"It is rumored that the realm of Emperor Danwu is too high, and no one can get into his eyes. There are also legends that Emperor Danwu did have a disciple in his early years, but he turned against him because of something, and he never received it in his life. The second disciple, there are many legends anyway, but he never knew that there are still descendants alive!"

After the shock, everyone's first reaction was suspicion!

Emperor Jiuyao took the lead in sneering, "Emperor Danwu has never heard of a rumor in his life. This emperor is curious. How can this son prove that he is a disciple of Emperor Danwu?

Yes, how to prove it?

Not to mention that Emperor Danwu is a figure hundreds of thousands of years ago. Not to mention that he is still alive, even if he is still alive, how to prove this relationship between teacher and inheritance?

After all, it's the existence of Emperor Guan Danwu that even trembles three times after hearing it. If you make an Oolong and get scared away like this, it is really a big joke.

Even though Yubao Yaozun and the others believed in 70% to 80%, the same eyes fell on Li Ye.

But Li Ye's reaction surprised everyone.

"I don't need proof."

Li Ye smiled lightly, yes, he didn't need proof. Because he is not a descendant of Emperor Danwu at all, and has nothing to do with Emperor Danwu. However, his answer and his calm and calm attitude made many people even more convinced of his relationship with Emperor Danwu!

Especially at the Saint Demon Gate, an old voice sounded at this moment, "In this world, it doesn’t matter who is the disciple of Emperor Danwu, but the person who can refine the pill that Emperor Danwu never passed down is sure There is an inevitable connection with Emperor Danwu!"


Many experts in the Saint Demon Gate were shocked!

Xu Zu, one of the three oldest saint ancestors of the Saint Demon Gate! Obviously showed an attitude at this time!

When everyone heard it, they were shocked!

"Does Saint Ancestor know what?"

"I've heard before that this Li Ye made some kind of pill to increase longevity for several ancestors of this family. Is it that?"

When everyone mentioned it, many people responded.

"Yes, my uncle Shizu also specifically talked about it before, saying that Shizuzu, a master of his old man, personally prepared a generous gift to thank him for this! I heard that because of the pill, Shizu's old man has increased enough. 30 years of life!"

"Thirty years? That's not too much. Can some better life pills be improved for more than a hundred years?"

"You are stupid! Who is my master? What kind of life pills have not been used? The ordinary life pills have no effect, otherwise they won't be sealed in the sarcophagus all the time!"

"That's not it, that pill is incomparably against the sky?"

Everyone exclaimed, you must know that even the peak powerhouse will eventually run out of life as an ancient immortal. And those powerful beings, in order to continue to live, can be said to do everything. The pill that can improve longevity in the world, immortal grass, has already been used.

Even in the end, even the longevity pills made by the most powerful alchemist are just a burden to them, not only will not improve their lifespan, but will even over-consuming their inherently small blood energy.

"What kind of pill is that? So against the sky?"

Everyone is curious.

But the Great Emperor Jiuyao is even more curious!

The demon emperor is not immortal and immortal, so he naturally cares about the pill that can extend his life.

At the same time, he even thought of a legend.

Blurted out, "Longevity Pill!"

Longevity Dan!

Some ancient beings were shocked!

That is a legend about Emperor Danwu, in which there is a record of Longevity Pill.

"Longevity Pill! Is it really a Longevity Pill?"

Even Princess Zanghua's eyes widened. After all, the Longevity Pill has only appeared in some records, and has never been seen before for hundreds of thousands of years.

At this moment, Yubao Demon Venerable directly took out a pill, and a faint medicinal fragrance radiated out. Even if it was just a scent, it made people feel as if the whole body was moisturized, and the blood flowed a lot.

"This pill!"

The Great Emperor Jiuyao was shocked, almost subconsciously about to take it!

But before he could take any action, a terrifying gaze directly shocked his whole body, instantly dispelling his thoughts.

Jinghong Empress! At this time, he didn't want to provoke Empress Hong. The three demon emperors were not opponents when they joined forces. Now that he is alone, he naturally won't ask for trouble.

"Longevity Pill!"

I don't know who screamed, at this moment, who would doubt the origin of Li Ye?

Even if Li Ye himself denies his relationship with Emperor Danwu, no one will believe it!

"It's the longevity pill!"

Yubao Yaozun sneered coldly, but then he also sighed in his heart, "I didn't expect this son to have such a heavenly background. Fortunately, fortunately."

Not just him, but some ancestors in the Saint Demon Gate who had previously complained about Li Ye are all scared at this moment!

A disciple of Emperor Danwu? And they can offend? It's too late for people to fawn, who will offend?

Not to mention, in addition to Emperor Danwu, there is also the existence of the Jinghong Empress!

These two are both truly invincible emperors who are enough to dominate an era, no one can beat!

Even if the Saint Demon Gate is a three emperor with ancient background, it will not be so stupid to offend this kind of enemy.

"It's really a longevity pill! Is he really a descendant of Emperor Danwu?"

"Even the Empress Jinghong protects his way! In this world, who would dare to move him easily?"

Now, then.

Before everyone felt that even if Li Ye was unparalleled in talent, he offended the Flower Burial Palace, and the Saint Demon Gate did not interfere for various reasons, it was definitely a dead end.

But now, let's not say whether the Saint Demon Gate is involved or not, but whether the Saint Demon Gate is qualified to interfere!

How about one door and three emperors!

Emperor Danwu plus Empress Jinghong! This kind of background, let alone the Saint Demon Gate, even the Fenghuo City and even the more powerful Emperor Sect Taoism, can be ignored!

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