Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 2954: Use imperial soldiers as a bride price?

The hero does not ask where he comes from, let alone such an invincible evildoer, even if it is a mountain villager?

Princess Flower Burial hummed and left, but everyone could see that the enmity between Flower Burial Palace and Li Ye was settled.

But before leaving, Princess Flower Burial looked at the Seven Star Sword in Li Ye's hand intentionally or unintentionally, her eyes flickering.

Emperor soldiers!

It is impossible for any imperial soldier in the world to be born for no reason, and she has begun to doubt Li Ye's identity.

Not only Princess Burial Flower, but also many people at Saint Demon Gate.

An invincible genius holding an imperial soldier is really just a mountain villager? A casual repair?

And the very few people who knew Li Ye's true identity, such as Yunlan Demon Venerable, also couldn't see through.

After all, Li Ye really emerged in Shensheng Prefecture after the opening of the Thousand Emperors Realm of the Sixteen Kingdoms in Xizhou, and at that time, Li Yeke was still not from a famous sect, let alone holding an emperor soldier!

Emperor soldiers! Usually only the Dimen Taoist has it!

"Is he the heir of a certain great emperor?"

The great emperor did not necessarily create the supreme foundation and leave the Taoist tradition. There is also a great emperor who has come and gone without a trace in his life. Obviously, Li Ye's origin has been regarded by many people as the inheritor of a certain powerful existence!

The more so, the more they find it difficult to draw conclusions about Li Ye.

In the dark.

"The secrets in this child are more than we thought."

"Since there is an emperor soldier on his body, and the emperor soldier who has completely unlocked the seal, perhaps there is a certain emperor behind him."

The three holy ancestors of the Saint Demon Gate also found that they needed to re-evaluate their attitude towards Li Ye, a young junior.

"This son is from Xizhou. Although there is the blood of the monster race in his body, it is not a pure monster race after all. If there is a great emperor behind him, it is not a good thing for our Saint Demon Sect."

In the ancient voice, there is a kind of vigilance.

It was the only Xuzu who was optimistic about Li Ye and couldn't help saying, "The old man's point of view is different. In this son, there is a potential value beyond the Flower Burial Palace. Perhaps the ancient precepts that have been maintained for a million years are time to be lifted."

A million years of ancient motto!

The other two holy ancestors were shocked when they heard this, and one of them suddenly said in a deep voice, "This matter is not trivial. You must not jump to conclusions easily!"

"Indeed, let's take a look at the subsequent changes of this son and the reaction of the Flower Burial Palace for the time being."

The three ancient beings fell asleep once again.

But they were asleep, but someone appeared as the will of the three holy ancestors.

"This is the meaning of the three holy ancestors?"

Jade Demon Venerable was a little surprised. You must know that the three Saint Demon Masters and disciples who are like Saint Ancestors do not necessarily know. At this time, the will of the three holy ancestors was obtained, and Jade Demon Venerable could imagine.

Afterwards, he hurried to find Li Ye.

At this time, Li Ye was retreating.

Suddenly hearing that Yubao Yaozun came, he was immediately surprised.

"Senior came, it should be the noble ancestors of Guizong who have the will."

Li Ye was straightforward, and he said nothing, which made Jade Demon Zun slightly embarrassed.

However, he hesitated and nodded, but he opened his mouth and said with a wry smile, "The little friend really has a good eye, and the three holy ancestors are indeed here today who want to convey something to the little friend."

"Say it."

"My little friend may be unhappy after hearing about this. I hope my little friend will forgive me."


Li Ye raised his brows when he heard this. During this period of time, he could not see the face of Princess Saint Demon Gate at all, which caused a fire in his heart. If it wasn't for the face of Emperor Bingyi, he would have been separated from the Saint Demon Gate a long time ago.

"Okay, I'm listening."

Suppressing his anger, Li Ye knew it was not the time to turn his face with the Saint Demon Gate.

"Well, the holy ancestors mean that if the little friend is willing to use the imperial soldier on the little friend as the betrothal gift, the holy ancestors of this sect are willing to call the shots and try their best to deal with the funeral palace for the little friend. "


Li Ye Huoran got up!

It can even be said that terrible anger rose to the sky!

Yubao Yaozun was not surprised at all, he had expected it before he came!

It's just that this wicked person can only do it, and only he can do it.

"Is this the meaning of Xuzu, or the same idea of ​​the three holy ancestors?"

Li Ye's eyes were extremely cold!

Take the imperial soldier as the bride price? !

He directly looked up to the sky and laughed, making Jade Demon Venerable even more embarrassed.

"This is the meaning of the three holy ancestors."

"What a Saint Demon Clan!" Li Ye smirked back, "Take the emperor soldiers as the betrothal gift! The Saint Demon Clan's appetite is really not small!"

It's not small indeed!

Emperor soldiers! How many are there in the entire Upper Three Realms? It is impossible for any great emperor to refine a few emperor soldiers in his lifetime! Not to mention that what he was holding was the natal soldier of the Great Beidou!

"Little friend is not angry, this is actually an opportunity for him."

"Oh? Opportunity? I'm curious, how do you interpret this?"

"The little friend waits a little longer to get angry and exchanges imperial soldiers, but the three holy ancestors clearly stated that it is only an explanation to the Flower Burial Palace. After all, if you want to break the ancient precepts, even the three holy ancestors dare not make this decision lightly. , And also need to agree from the Flower Burial Palace. If the little friend is willing to use the imperial soldier as the betrothal gift, it also reflects the sincerity of the little friend. By then, several holy ancestors will naturally have reasons to let the Flower Burial Palace retreat. "

Having said so much, Li Ye could naturally understand. He took the imperial soldier as the betrothal gift, which was naturally equivalent to a huge change in Li Ye's identity. The Emperor's Taoism all pays attention to the right person, and unless the Flower Burial Palace also uses the Emperor's soldiers as the bride price, how can the world be convinced?

But an imperial soldier! It is impossible for any imperial sect to take it out easily, let alone give it to other sects as a betrothal gift.

"My little friend may think about it."

Both the pros and cons, the Jade Demon Lord spoke frankly.

After Li Ye calmed down, he could actually see the intention of the three holy ancestors of the Saint Demon Gate.

Covet his imperial soldiers?

It doesn't make much sense, given the background of the Saint Demon Gate, there is no need for it. And also frankly, the imperial soldier still remained in Li Ye's hands, but was given to the Saint Demon Gate as a betrothal gift.


"The Beidou Temple?! Princess, really is the Beidou Temple?"

After the battle between Holy Emperor Qingzhu and Li Ye, although the injuries were not serious, he looked surprised at this time.

Princess Burial Flower was silent, but her phoenix eyes shone with sharp sharpness.

In the end, he closed his eyes, and there was a hint of coldness in his voice, "I can't get it wrong, the imperial soldier in that kid's hand is the thing of the Beidou Heavenly Palace!"

The green bamboo holy emperor shook all over, and then thought of something, exclaimed, "Big Dipper Seven Star Sword?!"

Even if it is his existence, after speaking out, his face is full of shock!

Especially, this matter actually involves the Beidou Temple!

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