Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 2953: Emperor Bingyi shot again


The void is broken and annihilated again and again, and finally put into nothingness.

At the same time a figure appeared full of blood, it was Li Ye!

At this time, he has almost become a blood man, but his fighting spirit has not decreased but increased! Especially the breath on the body has even climbed to a terrifying point!

The even more shocking scene was the moment when the Holy Emperor Qingzhu appeared!

The supreme emperor is also full of blood!


The gasp sounded one after another, no one thought that Li Ye's severely injured body would actually injure a supreme holy emperor? And is he still a supreme holy emperor who was invincible one hundred thousand years ago?

The Sage Emperor Qingzhu, who was undefeated in front of Emperor Wuxin, was actually injured by a junior?

The flower-burial princess's phoenix eyes condensed slightly, and the green bamboo holy emperor's injury was definitely beyond everyone's expectations.

As for the burial who was rescued by her, where is there a trace of arrogance and domineering just now?

Seeing the scene where the Holy Emperor Green Bamboo was injured, the whole body trembled even more!

His pride! It is his identity as the young master of the Flower Burial Palace and the son of the Princess of the Flower Burial Palace! It is his incomparable talent and blood!

But no matter how proud he is, Holy Emperor Qingzhu is an existence that even he must look up to. But at this moment, the powerful existence he looked up to was injured?


Burying Zizhi is frightened and stupid, but more terrible killing intent appears! In his opinion, since Li Ye, a person who is against the sky, has become his enemy, his stumbling block! That must die!

Otherwise, he will have trouble sleeping and eating!

No one can make him feel this fear!

Even though the Flower Burial Palace had stayed away from the world for 100,000 years, he challenged several descendants of the emperor's Taoism, because he wanted to prove that he was the most enchanting genius in southern Xinjiang!

Knowing the son Mo Ruomu, the Princess of Flower Burial naturally saw the thoughts of Burial. In fact, she had a murderous intent at the same moment.

Just as the funeral of the funeral was mainly taking action, suddenly the void was completely sealed off by a supreme force.

Whether it was Li Ye, the Sage Emperor Qingzhu, and even the Princess of Flower Burial, suddenly felt a bondage.


This sigh changed Li Ye's expression slightly. On the other side, Princess Flower Burial's face sank, she knew who had acted.

"Emperor Bingyi!"

There was a hint of anger in her voice.

However, no matter how high her cultivation level is, she still dare not do anything in front of Emperor Bingyi.

It was an absolute suppression, unless Princess Flower Burial used the imperial weapons or even the imperial soldiers on her body, she would not dare to threaten a demon emperor at all costs.

As for Li Ye, the whole person finally relaxed.

"Finally, I am willing to make a move. I thought I really didn't care about my young master's life or death."

Li Ye had been injured before, and during the battle with the Baiyun Demon Emperor, his injuries had not yet healed. He abruptly suffered two explosive blows from the burial of the emperor, even more injuries.

In the end, fighting against the Sage Emperor Qingzhu almost exhausted all his energy.

If it hadn't been for Emperor Bingyi's move at this moment, he didn't have much chance of winning in his heart for the battle against the Holy Emperor Qingzhu.

"Princess Flower Burial, he is a distinguished guest of my Saint Demon Gate, and the grievances between you and the Saint Demon Gate can not get in. But within the Saint Demon Gate, he is protected by the Holy Demon Gate."

The cold and quiet voice of the Great Emperor Bing Yi sounded as if indifferent. But the Princess Funeral Flower listened, and her pretty face became even colder.

All the fools knew that the grand-sounding emperor Bing Yi said was actually trying to save Li Ye's life!

As long as you are at the Saint Demon Gate, you are protected by the Saint Demon Gate. This undoubtedly tells Princess Burial Flower that if you want to kill Li Ye, at least it will not work at the Saint Demon Gate.

As for Li Ye after leaving the Saint Demon Gate, the Saint Demon Gate would not interfere. But with this guarantee, Li Ye can stay in the Saint Demon Gate forever! The Flower Burial Palace also took him helplessly!

The Flower Burial Princess who understands this, can imagine the anger in her heart!

But a demon emperor personally came forward, even if the Flower Burial Palace was in charge, he couldn't openly dismiss the face of a demon emperor.

After all, it is really going to be torn apart, once the Saint Demon Gate breaks with the Flower Burial Palace, it will not benefit both parties.

"Okay! This palace is in the face of Emperor Bingyi, so let's stop today's affairs!"

Princess Flower Burial is a powerful hero. When her eyes flickered, she said loudly, "But once this child leaves the Saint Demon Gate, my Flower Burial Palace will definitely not tolerate it!"

Li Ye heard nothing, the threat of the Flower Burial Palace didn't sound any strength to him. Even he is confident that as long as he healed from his injury, unless there is still a demon emperor alive in the Flower Burial Palace, he will not be able to take him personally.

On the contrary, it was the Great Emperor Bing Yi who appeared this time and seemed to have saved his life, but it also made Li Ye understand.

"It seems that the old ghosts' desire to let me worship the Saint Demon Gate hasn't stopped."

Undoubtedly, Emperor Bingyi only promised that Li Ye's safety would be guaranteed in the Saint Demon Gate. It was nothing more than a secret call to Li Ye. Only the Saint Demon Gate could protect him. This was not the same as suggesting that he worshipped the Saint Demon Gate. Because only in that way, the Flower Burial Palace has nothing to do with Li Ye.

However, Li Ye is a wise man, but at the moment he is pretending to be stupid.

"Thank you, Senior Bingyi, for your shot."

Without mentioning the intentions of the Saint Ancestors behind the Saint Demon Gate, the superficial gratitude made the Great Bing Yi in the dark shook his head and smiled bitterly.

In the gloomy hall, Emperor Bing Yi sighed slightly, "Sure enough, he still has the same temper."

The thoughts of the three holy ancestors of the Saint Demon Gate were also clear to Emperor Bing Yi, but she did not personally come forward or say that the so-called conditions for Li Yebai to enter the Saint Demon Gate were just casual.

Because only the Great Bingyi knew that if Li Ye was really that person, then it would definitely not be a small temple like the Saint Demon Gate.

Although Li Ye was seriously injured in a great battle, it also made him burn an invincible shadow in the hearts of countless disciples of Saint Demon Gate.

Even though some people thought that the saint of the sect had been taken away by an outsider, envy and hatred, she disappeared without a trace at this moment.

A demon who can carry the emperor with his physical strength and undead!

A peerless genius who dared to be seriously injured and wounded an invincible Supreme Holy Emperor!

What qualifications do they have to be jealous?

Instead, he has become the object of worship in the hearts of countless Saint Demon Sect disciples!

"This is truly a peerless style! Only this kind of genius is qualified to be worthy of your Royal Highness!"

Many elders murmured to themselves, obviously at the moment, the hearts of the Saint Demon Gate were tilted to Li Ye's side.

Compared with the young palace master of the Flower Burial Palace who bullied others, even if Li Ye's background was not as good as others, after the First World War today, most of the Saint Demon Sect powerhouses were on Li Ye's side!

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