Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 2955: People from Beidou Temple?

Beidou Temple!

An ancient place that is almost forgotten by the world.

The Holy Emperor Qingzhu couldn't hide his horror at this moment. Even though he was as calm as him, he had never complained or regretted in order to protect the Flower Burial Palace for 100,000 years, but at this moment, he couldn't help showing a trace of worry.

"Princess, if this son has something to do with the Beidou Temple, things will be difficult to handle."

If a supreme holy emperor can say this remark, if there are other people present at this time, it will definitely be aghast.

The Supreme Holy Emperor! That is an enemy-free thing that can almost stand shoulder to shoulder with the Great!

What kind of existence can make a supreme holy emperor show such a worried expression?

Including Princess Burial Flower, eyebrows are also frowned at this moment.

"This palace is only sixty to seventy percent sure. The Big Dipper Temple has disappeared for countless years, and no one knows the reason. As for the Big Dipper Sword, it has long been missing."

She shook her head, and when she came to the Saint Demon Gate this time, all the plans of the Flower Burial Palace were frustrated one by one, which made her feel a little angry.

Thinking that the Flower Burial Demon Emperor was still alive, the entire Southern Border Monster Clan surrendered in front of the Flower Burial Palace.

As for the Saint Demon Gate, it was the Taoism of Emperor Sect that only appeared later.

"Princess, we still need to find out about this matter. If this son is really related to the Beidou Temple, moving him may cause some trouble for our Flower Burial Palace."

Beidou Temple, the ancient place.

Even the Flower Burial Palace felt a hint of crisis!

And on the other side.

The three oldest saint ancestors of the Saint Demon Gate also woke up from their deep sleep for the same thing.

"Beidou Tiangong!"

The voice of a saint ancestor was mixed with a touch of complexity.

"It's too early to jump to conclusions. Whether it is the Beidou Temple or not is still difficult to judge."

Another saint ancestor's voice revealed a trace of weakness, and in their current state, it was almost impossible to crawl out of the ancient sarcophagus. Unless the Saint Demon Gate suffered the most severe and possibly even annihilated enemy, it might be the moment when they were truly born.

"It's really too early, but since he may have something to do with the Beidou Tiangong, maybe we have to change our plans for some things now."

Xu Zu is the only one standing on Li Ye's side among the three saint ancestors. At this moment, his majestic voice sounded, "There is no need to doubt the talent of this child, and under his current identity, the Flower Burial Palace may be able to give them an explanation."

As soon as this statement came out, it was basically that Xuzu had already made his own decision.

However, the other two holy ancestors of the Saint Demon Gate still held a trace of hesitation.

"If he really is the descendant of the Beidou Temple, he is indeed a more suitable candidate than the Flower Burial Palace. But what if it is just our guesswork?"

The Beidou Temple is too nerve-wracking to relax.

Even though the Saint Demon Gate is extremely ancient, once it gets involved in that place, it is a bit difficult to handle.

"In this matter, perhaps we don't need the three of us to come forward. Since we can recognize the origin of the sword, the Flower Burial Palace can naturally."

In the end, the oldest of the three holy ancestors sighed.

The Saint Demon Gate doesn't want to get over there, why not the Flower Burial Palace?

Even if they had already stood at the top and oldest imperial door in Southern Xinjiang, once they faced that place, they were still a little stretched.

"Let's see if this child is willing to play a play with us for the funeral palace to see it once."

By this time, it can be said that although the three holy ancestors of the Saint Demon Gate had somewhat different opinions, they had already planned to stand on Li Ye's side.

At the same time, the Flower Burial Palace naturally cannot be offended. It’s not that the Saint Demon Gate can’t afford to offend, but when the Jiu Yao Temple and other emperor’s Taoists are watching, if even the allies that have lasted for millions of years have to turn their faces with them, or even stand on the opposite side, for the entire Saint Demon Gate, absolutely Not what they want to see.

Hand over the imperial soldiers? As a dowry?

If they were just ordinary imperial soldiers, the oldest saint ancestors of the Saint Demon Gate could not really dare to speak.

but now?

Give them a hundred courage, absolutely not!

Li Ye naturally didn't know that he had exposed a series of changes caused by the Seven Star Sword.

In a big battle, almost his whole person is on the verge of collapse at any time.

Even though the Battle God Jue Nine Stages were tempered, his body was comparable to an ordinary imperial soldier. But with the power of two emperor explosions head-on, even if the real emperor comes, he will suffer heavy losses! Not to mention him.

"Old ghost, with my current state, can I play the emperor explosion?"

Emperor Blast is definitely the most terrifying ultimate ultimate move in the world today! It can even be used to deal with the existence of the Great Emperor.

But the premise is that there must be imperial weapons, even imperial soldiers!

No one else, but Li Ye is not lacking!

"Boy, the price of playing an emperor explosion is not small!"

"I know, but unless I get the soul-returning wood, the body of the five elements, once I encounter the situation before, I need this kind of move!"

Whether facing the Baiyun Demon Emperor or the burial of the Flower Burial Palace.

Li Ye feels his own powerlessness now!

Unless it is desperate to despise everything in the world with blood pupils and **** eyes! But that kind of move, even he himself is not sure to completely control it, and once it loses control, he doesn't even know what kind of result it will bring.

He always has an intuition, as his cultivation level gets higher and higher, that feeling gets deeper and deeper.

"Blood pupil **** eyes, what is the origin!"

The fear that even he was going to be swallowed in, now became clearer and clearer.

This is the biggest reason why he didn't use this trick as a last resort. He is deeply afraid that one day, including him, will turn into the abyss of becoming that terrible thing.

"Emperor Blast is an instantaneous destruction of all imperial qi in the imperial weapon and imperial weapon. You could not do it before, but now the Seven Star Sword of the Big Dipper is completely unblocked, maybe you can try it."

With a sigh, Emperor Tianjian finally started talking quietly.

Li Ye's eyes flashed, as long as he can do it, then there is no fear of anyone!

Even if the demon emperor's existence is coming, it can't be beaten, and if the emperor explodes once or twice, even if the demon emperor sees it, he must avoid its edge.

Regardless of defeating the demon emperor and other enemyless objects, at least it has the power of a battle.

"The Saint Demon Gate wants the Seven Star Sword, but it's a pity that what I don't like the most is being threatened by others!"

Li Ye knew very well that if he really used the Seven-Star Sword as the betrothal gift, and the meaning revealed by the ancient existences of the Saint Demon Gate, the matter of him and the Flower Burial Palace should also have a good time.

However, he just didn't want this set!

"Boy, are you going to fight the Flower Burial Palace head on?"

Emperor Tianjian took a breath, but then laughed, "The Emperor appreciates you very much! If you are willing to bow your head for a woman, maybe this Emperor will be even more disappointed."

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