Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 2952: Only state officials set fire?

The entire Saint Demon Gate was shattered by a surge of supreme aura.

"The Sage Emperor Qingzhu, he had no rivals in Southern Xinjiang as early as 100,000 years ago. Even the Great Emperor Wuxin once said frankly that if he hadn't had good luck, he would have damaged his foundation because of a devastation and he would not be able to cultivate heaven. Instead of practicing Taoism, there will be another invincible demon emperor in this world!"

The terrifying power of the Green Bamboo Holy Emperor shocked many young disciples of the Saint Demon Gate.

You know, many of them are still staying in the realm of the Demon Sovereign, facing this peerless power, it seems like a lone boat in a storm.

Not to mention having the courage to make a move, or even being rubbed by the breath of a supreme holy emperor casually, it is the end of the soul flying away.

"The Flower Burial Palace is really bullying!"

There were disciples who couldn't stand it, but now the elders and even the demon sovereign holy emperor did not intervene, and they could only stare.

The supreme place of the three emperors is so unscrupulous by other powerful sects.

Only the Yubao Yaozun and others understand that the Flower Burial Palace is not an ordinary imperial tradition.

The intricate relationship with the Saint Demon Gate cannot be reversed unless the three Saint Ancestors come forward.

"Everything can only depend on this child's good fortune."

Yubao Yaozun let out a long sigh.

Yes, they cannot save Li Ye.

In other words, now the entire Saint Demon Gate has the strength to save people, only a few.

Several holy ancestors, even Bing Yi the Great!

However, the sacred ancestors were obviously watching from the sidelines, and the Great Bing Yi refused to let them intervene, as if deliberately observing whether Li Ye could survive this adversity.

The endless sword lights are intertwined, as if they have turned into stars under the starry sky, and the bright light shines out!

Seven Star Sword! This is the most powerful emperor soldier in the life of the Big Dipper! Even if Li Ye's cultivation base is unable to exert the true power of the Seven Star Sword, when the last seal is unlocked, the emperor's strength is finally revealed to the world!

"Seriously wounded! Fight against an invincible Supreme Holy Emperor!"

No one believes that Li Ye can support him in front of the Sage Emperor Qingzhu!

After all, the two imperial explosions that I just abruptly endured were already defying the sky!

However, everyone underestimated Li Ye, including the Sage Emperor Qingzhu!


The holy emperor in the hands of the green bamboo holy emperor talked directly, emitting a terrible demon light.

However, immediately a sword light drew across, directly flying his holy emperor weapon out again!

This is no longer a simple fight between Li Ye and the Sage Emperor Qingzhu, but also a collision between two powerful gods!

Holy Emperor Artifact! The world's mighty divine weapon, second only to the imperial army, has no power to parry at this time!

"The emperor really suppressed the holy emperor weapon!"

Before seeing Li Ye holding an imperial soldier, everyone was shocked! But no one believes that Li Ye can exert the true power of imperial soldiers!

Not to mention Li Ye as a junior, even a supreme holy emperor like the Qingzhu holy emperor, is not enough to exert the power of an emperor soldier!

Emperor soldiers! It is a weapon used by the emperor! Only the great emperor can truly show the terrifying fangs of the emperor soldiers.

"Even if it only exerts 10 or 20% of the power of the emperor's soldiers, this is enough to be proud of the world!"

Inhaling sound after another, this is a battle that can subvert the world's three views!

Holy Emperor Green Bamboo! A symbol of invincible generation! The supreme holy emperor that even Wuxin the Great has praised!

Can't take a junior genius?

The more the fight goes on, the horror in the heart of the Qingzhu Holy Emperor is deeper!

"What is the origin of this son!"

The supreme holy emperor is almost suffocating internal injuries at this moment!

He had already lost face when he bullied a badly injured junior! And also used his own natal holy emperor!

Now not only has his face lost, he can't beat a badly injured junior?

Where does this put his face?


Li Ye spit out a big mouthful of blood again, but he was more brave as he fought!

Even the Holy Emperor Qingzhu felt a little regretful, even if he wanted to stop fighting, he found that he could no longer do it!

"Relying on the strength of the emperor's soldiers is just an external force that does not belong to oneself!"

With a cold snort, a trace of contempt and sarcasm flashed across Princess Flower's face.

However, as soon as she made a sound, she suddenly heard an extremely misty voice, and sighed faintly, "Emperor Armaments are external forces, but they are also part of their strength."

The sound made Princess Fanghua's face cold, and she turned her head and looked at Yun Lan Demon Venerable.

In the Sacred Demon Gate, Li Ye is the most optimistic, than the two of Yunlan Demon Venerable and Yubao Demon Venerable.

It's just that they are powerless, not only lacking in strength, but also afraid to intervene.

But the words of Princess Funeral Flower made Yun Lan Yao Zun unable to listen.

As for many disciples of the Saint Demon Gate, there was also a hint of mockery.

"That is, although the imperial weapon is an external force, people are capable of holding an imperial weapon! I didn't know who it was just now. Isn't it the same as using the imperial weapon to press people? Is it only allowed for them to use the imperial weapon to press people? Don’t allow others to hold imperial soldiers for a battle?"

"Yes! I have long heard that there is a saying in the secular world of the lower realm that only the state officials are allowed to set fires and the people are not allowed to light the lights. I didn't expect it to be a wise saying!"

"Hey, don't say that, they are the ancient emperor sect, claiming to be more qualified to be the leader of the demon clan in Southern Xinjiang than our holy demon gate! Natural status is unusual."

Various mocking voices sounded, the disciples of the Saint Demon Gate were indeed arrogant, but they were even more uncomfortable with the behavior of the Flower Burial Palace these few days!

"It's a joke, the style of the Flower Burial Palace is really breathtaking. First, the imperial weapon was used to press people, but the supreme holy emperor was able to bully the minor if he couldn't. Now, why do you still say that holding the emperor is unfair?"

Princess Burial has a pretty face, but she did not break out.

After all, this is the Saint Demon Gate. The ancient existence of the Saint Demon Gate may be due to the ancient teachings. Some things are open and closed, but it does not mean that you can really indulge the Flower Burial Palace to do whatever you want!

The Flower Burial Palace can deal with Li Ye by any means, because Li Ye is not a disciple of the Saint Demon Gate!

But if the disciple of the Saint Demon Gate, the Flower Burial Palace would dare to be so unscrupulous?

Yubao Yaozun and others knew this point well, and the Princess of Flower Burial knew it too!

The reason why the Saint Demon Gate chose to remain silent was only because Li Ye rejected the kindness of Emperor Bingyi! A response made by not willing to join the Saint Demon Gate.

Since you are not a disciple of the Saint Demon Sect, the Saint Demon Sect will naturally not be an enemy of an emperor who has been in a good relationship for millions of years for an outsider.


Li Ye can prove his worth, far above the entire Flower Burial Palace!

As Xuzu said, profit is the most important aspect of the Saint Demon Gate! Everything else can be given up!

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