Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 2951: No one can stop

Emperor weapon! It is a killer of the emperor's orthodoxy!

Then the emperor soldier is the final inheritance of an emperor door tradition!

Bu Zizhi's face was pale, his face was cold, and his eyes were full of unwillingness and anger!

Li Ye is not dead, this is the biggest irony to him!

He did not hesitate to use the imperial weapon to hit the imperial explosion twice, and now he needs at least a year and a half to recover. Even if there are countless elixirs in the Flower Burial Palace, it is impossible to repair the true energy he just lost in a short time!

After all, it was two emperor explosions! The moves that only the emperor could play were used twice by his forceful action, and the consumption was unimaginable.

Facing the question, Li Ye did not answer.

Now he is equally murderous!

If the Flower Burial Palace would cause him to die, he would naturally not be able to wait and die!

A wave of imperial might radiated from his body, to be more precise, it was radiated from the Seven-Star Sword that really broke the last layer of seal in his hand.

"Wait, he doesn't want to fight again?"

See Li Ye's soaring fighting spirit and murderous aura! Everyone couldn't help being shocked.

Even while buried in anger, he was shocked.

He now has nothing to fight back! Don't say fight again! Even an ordinary person can push him to it.

"Emperor explosion is indeed amazing! In that case, it is not impolite to come and go!"


Li Ye spouted blood, but he took a terrible step!

The void is crushed!

At the same time, the Seven-Star Sword in his hand is even more like a star, bursting with dazzling light!

How similar is this scene?

As if not long ago, everyone just saw it!

"Wait! He, he doesn't want to, but also an Emperor Blast?"

A disciple of the Saint Demon Clan opened his mouth wide and his face was incredible.

Emperor explosion!

Only imperial weapons and imperial soldiers can be played!

The only difference is that one imperial explosion will consume the imperial energy contained in one imperial explosion, and even many imperial instruments will be completely transformed into a mortal thing or even shattered once an imperial explosion is played.

But the emperor won't!

Even the imperial explosion played by imperial soldiers is even more powerful!

At this moment, everyone was shocked to see that Li Ye's actions seemed to be a direct blow to the emperor with the emperor soldier in his hand!

Come and not be indecent?

In an instant, Princess Burial Flower's face faded!

The Green Bamboo Sage Emperor made an instant shot!

At this time, they didn't care about their identity and other things, Li Ye clearly wanted to kill Fu Zizhi! They can't just sit idly by!

As soon as the figure flashed, Princess Funeral Flower took her away directly!

The green bamboo holy emperor comes directly with the power of the supreme holy emperor!

"Boy, smart people, you should know how to measure! This battle, since you two have evenly split the outcome, let's just give it up."

have equal shares?

Many people in the Saint Demon Gate are showing contempt!

Using the imperial weapon to hit the emperor explosion, such shameless means can be obtained, now that the opponent is not killed, the older generation of the green bamboo holy emperor actually intervened strongly, and even said that the balance is divided?

Li Ye's eyes fell even more!

Even though he was wounded all over his body, the killing intent was not lowered. On the contrary, after the Holy Emperor Qingzhu took the shot himself in spite of his old face, it was even higher!

This undoubtedly made the old face of the Sage Emperor Qingzhu unable to hang on!

"Boy, the old man sees that your cultivation is not easy, and you don't want to kill yourself. If you don't understand, don't blame the old man for being cruel."

Qingzhu Shenghuang's eyes were cold, he could see that Li Ye was now at the end of the crossbow. So don't worry at all!

"What if I say no?"

Li Ye looked up! No fear of the threat of a supreme holy emperor!

"Knowing when you are lost is what the wise man does, so why be aggressive."

The voice of the Holy Emperor Qingzhu has a hint of coldness!

But after Li Ye heard the words, Yang Tian laughed, "Hahaha! You will know when you are lost? Why don't you say a word when your Flower Burial Palace is used to suppress people, why be aggressive?"

Li Ye's words made the Holy Emperor Qingzhu snorted coldly, but he didn't take it seriously, knowing that the arrogance of the emperor's Taoism is famous. Only they have the experience of suppressing others without being suppressed by others.

"Today, the outcome between me and him is undivided, since the end of the battle!"

"Retreat, you can still survive."

Zang Zizhi has been taken away, and Princess Zanghua's cold face has no emotion.

Holy Emperor Green Bamboo sneered.

Li Ye didn't answer, but cut it out with a single sword!

Yes, he can't fight the emperor explosion now! Unless he recovers to a state of more than 70%, even if he holds the Emperor Soldier, he will not be able to shoot the Emperor Burst once!

But it doesn't mean that he will swallow!

Since he wanted to kill him, he would naturally not be polite!

This sword made the eyes of Holy Emperor Green Bamboo flash with cold light!

"Since you insist on seeking death, the old man will do you well!"

The Supreme Holy Emperor! Even the emperor dared to fight!

Now to deal with a seriously injured junior, it can be said that it is completely lost. However, the Holy Emperor Qingzhu did not hesitate at all! Even shot decisively!

He wants to kill Li Ye before the old immortals from the Saint Demon Gate come forward!

The previous dissuasion? Just behave!

His purpose has not changed since he saw Li Ye defeat the burial zizhi that even imperial weapons used!

"This child must be removed!"


Li Ye flew out, but the Sage Emperor Qingzhu also shook his whole body a few times.

This scene immediately caused everyone to take a breath after seeing it.

"Damn, that kid is a pervert! I knew he was so perverted before, but I didn’t expect it to be even more perverted!"

Someone exclaimed!

You know, Li Ye has already been seriously injured, but can almost make a supreme holy emperor in peak state almost retreat with a single sword?

"Even if you are holding an emperor soldier, is this too terrifying?"

The green bamboo holy emperor is more intent to kill!

At this moment, he no longer had any scruples, and he shot out in an instant!


Li Ye roared, and the Seven Star Sword instantly turned into the light of stars!

The seven-star sword that broke out of the seal is now the real emperor soldier!

A terrible force flows from it! And it almost blends with the true essence in Li Ye's body!


Li Ye sprayed blood again and was blown away.

But again!


It was another sword, even more terrifying than before!

It seemed that the more he hurt, the more Li Ye's breath climbed!

"The old man doesn't believe you can stick to it!"

Holy Emperor Green Bamboo was also shot out of anger, a light flashed in his hand, and a magic weapon suddenly appeared!

Although it is not an imperial weapon, it is also a holy weapon that has been refined by the Qingzhu Holy Emperor for countless years!

When Yubao Yaozun and the others saw this scene, they were just about to intervene, but suddenly a majestic voice came from their ears, which directly fixed them on the spot.

"Don't interfere, he won't die so easily."

Emperor Bingyi!

It was the voice of Emperor Bingyi! Obviously, Emperor Bingyi did not leave the Saint Demon Gate, but was concerned about the development of the situation.

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