Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 2950: Who are you!

"Impossible! How could he have emperor soldiers!"

Princess Funeral Flower's eyes flashed coldly. You know, although Li Ye's origins are mysterious, she didn't inquire about anything before the Funeral Flower Palace came to the Saint Demon Gate!

A boy born in a casual cultivator, even though he was talented against the sky, but in terms of his background and background, he couldn't compare with the descendants of the emperor like Bu Zizhi.

And the development result is just as she expected!

But at this time, she found that something was wrong.


A completely unfamiliar imperial might appeared directly from the sword in Li Ye's hand and turned into an illusory figure.

"The Great!"

Someone exclaimed!

In the next moment, that imaginary figure was like a random shot, but turned into the most invincible palm!

Zang Zizhi let out a crazy roar!

"What about the imperial soldiers! You can't stop my imperial explosion!"

He exhausted all his power in almost an instant! With the madness of burial, the emperor explosion has expanded several times!

Even the illusory figure was swallowed and annihilated.

After all, it was just an illusory figure, or just an emperor's energy, not the emperor himself.

But what Li Ye wants is just that!

Once again blocked for a moment, he disappeared directly in place.

In the place where he disappeared, a series of terrifying formation patterns appeared, forming a huge ancient formation directly in the void!

"what is that?"

"Formation? One step! He is a formation mage!"

Everyone couldn't help but gasp again and again!

There is no need to doubt the talent of Li Ye's martial arts for a long time, and there is no demon genius who can beat Li Ye in talent in the entire southern Xinjiang!

In addition, many people know that Li Ye is still an alchemist, which adds a lot of mystery to Li Ye's identity!

Now, you still know the formation?

"Form a formation in one step! This can only be done by a strong formation at the level of a large formation division!"

Under countless horrified eyes, that terrifying ancient formation directly turned into a piece of heaven and earth, which seemed to contain ancient rules that ordinary people could not imagine!

On one side, it is the emperor explosion that destroys the world!

On one side is the world transformed by the ancient formation!

Both of them destroyed everything almost instantly!

Two silhouettes appeared almost at the same time, and Li Ye spurted blood on one side, but he drew a series of formation patterns in front of him, forming a terrible formation!

On the other side, Zang Zizhi has already fallen into madness!

The same with blood stains on his body, but holding the soul-returning wood, like a ghost, blasting out terrible powers.

Carrying the power of the emperor explosion, it is enough to make the supreme holy emperor escape.

In this scene, there is no doubt that everyone can see that whoever can't hold on is the first one to lose!

If Burial Zizhi takes the lead to run out of oil and dry out all his power by the emperor's explosion, it will be the moment he loses everything. On the contrary, Li Ye's formations appeared one by one, and one by one was annihilated. Once he could not support it first, then it was his death date!

This battle evolved into this result, beyond everyone's expectations.

Including Princess Burial Flower, the three ancestors of Saint Demon Gate and other ancestors.

No one thought that Funeral Zizhi and Funeral Flower Palace would disregard the attitude of the Saint Demon Gate and directly take out the imperial weapon to hit the emperor explosion! Also kill Li Ye!

What was even more unexpected was that Li Ye actually carried the emperor explosion abruptly and did not die. Now, facing the second emperor explosion, he is still holding on!


Li Ye spouted a big mouthful of blood.

At the same time, on the other side, buried Zizhi almost exhausted all his power!

In the end, the formations laid down by Li Ye were almost completely destroyed, and he was blown out one last time!

But at the same time, the imperial explosion station gradually disappeared.

After all, it wasn't the emperor who shot it himself, even if he played the emperor explosion regardless of the cost, it still couldn't last long.

For a while, the whole was quiet.

"That kid, he's not dead!"

The eyes of the Green Bamboo Holy Emperor flashed with murderous intent.

Li Ye is not dead!

After enduring two emperor explosions, they didn't die!

Who would have expected this result before?


At the same time, what made them even more angry was the imperial soldier in Li Ye's hands!

It was the emergence of the imperial soldiers that blocked a moment that Li Ye had a chance to breathe! Otherwise, you will die!

"Emperor Bingyi!"

Princess Flower Burial snorted. In her opinion, only Emperor Bing Yi at the Saint Demon Gate had the ability to save Li Ye's life at that moment!

And only the Saint Demon Gate has the ability to come out with an emperor soldier!

Otherwise, how could a kid who was born in casual cultivation hold an imperial soldier?

Not an emperor! In today's battle, Li Ye had already died!

"Holy Demon Gate, what does this mean? Is it because you are planning to openly tear up the ancient teachings with my Flower Burial Palace?"

"Princess Burial Flower! That is not the emperor soldier of the Saint Demon Gate!"

Yubao Yaozun said coldly, but it was also more surprising!

Yes, that is not the Emperor Soldier of the Saint Demon Gate!

At this point, he will never admit his mistake!

And Princess Funeral also calmed down at this time, and after a closer look, it was true. She was somewhat impressed by the number of imperial soldiers in the Saint Demon Gate, and indeed there was no such sword!

Each of the three demon emperors of the Saint Demon Gate is good at using swords. The emperor soldiers are often refined by the weapons that a great emperor and a demon emperor are best at. Perhaps a great emperor demon emperor has more than one emperor soldier refining in his life, but it is absolutely impossible to spend a huge price to refine oneself. Take advantage of the weapon!

Since they were not the imperial soldiers of the Saint Demon Gate, everyone was even more surprised this time!

Li Ye also slightly suppressed the injury at this moment, the Emperor Soldier in his hand was the Seven Star Sword of the Great Big Dipper! The place where Emperor Tianjian now lives!

At that moment, as if sensing his danger, the Seven-Star Sword, which had not completely unlocked the seal, finally broke the last seal!

The true face of the Imperial Soldier was also revealed for the first time!

Looking closely, it was different from the previous Seven-Star Sword, but the Seven-Star Sword at this time looked very simple, except that the seven stars were still so familiar, as if it had changed its appearance.

"Who are you!"

Princess Funeral Flower asked in a deep voice, with a strong pressure in her voice.

After all, fools know that Imperial Soldiers are not roadside Chinese cabbage, anyone can have it! What's more, this is not an imperial weapon, but an imperial soldier! It is an emperor soldier refined by a certain great emperor demon emperor with his own essence, blood and soul!

Who owns imperial soldiers?

Almost all of the upper three realms are in the hands of the great emperors!

Even the descendants of the Emperor's Taoism will not necessarily be given to the Emperor! If you die, you just carry one or two imperial artifacts with you!

There is an essential difference between imperial weapon and imperial soldier!

Even though the emperor is a thing of the emperor, it is weak once! When the imperial energy is exhausted, it will become a waste product! But the emperor is different! That is the emperor's refining with his own essence, blood, and spirit, unless it is destroyed by a more terrifying force, it is impossible to break! Even the imperial qi in it will slowly recover!

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