Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 2949: Imperial weapons and Imperial soldiers!

"The only thing that can resist the imperial weapon is to use the imperial weapon!"

From the moment when the burial Zizhi played the Emperor Bomb regardless of his identity, in fact, many people knew that this battle had lost its fairness.

A powerful emperor holding an imperial weapon, facing a genius from a casual cultivation background, that kind of crushing is not only himself, but also the terrifying sect behind him!

Princess Funeral Flower didn't stop, she just wanted Li Ye to taste this bitter fruit!

In the world, there is no fairness!

Yes, only the weak can eat the strong!

The terrible emperor explosion almost turned everything into nothingness. No matter it was anyone, he didn't dare to intervene easily at this time, because if one accidentally gets involved, there is no bones left, and the soul is scattered!

Including such powerful people as Princess Burial Flower and Holy Emperor Green Bamboo, they will not set foot in either!

That, the destruction that belongs to another realm is not something they can replace.


Fuzizhi has a hideous face, and his original handsome appearance seems to have turned into a devil.

Proud self-esteem made him move to kill thought today! Only when Li Ye is dead can the shame on him be washed away!

When countless people saw this scene, they couldn't help shaking their heads, avoiding sight.

"The Flower Burial Palace, it seems that I really want to put people to death."

Anger was raging in the eyes of Yubao Yaozun, but he was helpless.

Not to mention that he really did it, it would not necessarily stop it, even if it could, in front of the emperor explosion, only the emperor himself could save people!

Even the Supreme Holy Emperor is powerless at this time.

That is truly ruining the world!

Sigh, gloat, sneer, all kinds of expressions filled everyone's faces.

Suddenly, the void was torn apart!


A terrifying imperial might emerged from the void in an instant, and turned into the brightest light in the next moment!


The green bamboo holy emperor's eyes condensed, and the whole body's aura was lifted to the extreme!

At the Saint Demon Gate, at this time, a second imperial might actually appeared?

Except for the soul-returning wood in the hands of Burying Zizhi! There is actually another imperial prestige?

In an instant, whether it was Yubao Yaozun and others or the Flower Burial Palace, a person came to mind!

Emperor Bingyi!

Only she is able to save people at this time!


The two imperial prestige collided almost instantaneously, but apparently the emperor burst from the terrifying imperial qi in the soul-returning tree was like a great emperor himself, striking a full blow! That kind of power can't be stopped by a simple imperial might!

But just that moment was enough to get Li Ye out!


Li Ye directly withdrew from the collapse of nothingness, but he, who was already bloody, looked terrible at this moment!

Even though the second imperial prestige blocked him, some of the remaining power of the emperor explosion hit him.


After spitting out a big mouthful of blood, Li Ye burst out countless blood.

However, in an instant, the blood seemed to have spirituality, and it was directly turned into a set of armor and worn on Li Ye's body. The blood was shining red, and it exuded an ancient atmosphere!

"what is that!"

Someone exclaimed, after all, this scene was too amazing!

Although there are tens of thousands of things in the world and various peerless techniques, the strange scene still shocked everyone!

The emperor explosion hasn't dissipated yet, after being blocked for a while, it made a comeback again!

"You must die today!"

Fu Zizhi's face was cold and murderous!

Although his face had begun to pale, even with the help of the Sage Emperor Qingzhu, the second emperor explosion almost made him burn out!

So he will never tolerate Li Ye's continued living!

Indeed, even though Li Ye escaped death temporarily, he was still in desperation!

"No! In his current state, unless a certain emperor takes action, he will undoubtedly die!"

Seeing Li Ye's condition, everyone raised their hearts.

"Perhaps! He also has imperial weapons! Even imperial soldiers!"

I don’t know who suddenly said something!

And just now!

Suddenly, Li Ye burst into a weak imperial might!

Everyone was shocked one after another!

Before they could reflect, the imperial might that blocked the emperor explosion finally revealed the true face of Lushan!

A cold light flashed across, almost like a beating spirit in the destroyed area!

"Emperor weapon!"


An elder of the Saint Demon Gate cried out in exclamation!

That strong imperial prestige, terrible edge!

Take a closer look, it is a peerless sword!

Just now, it was the appearance of this sword that blocked the emperor burst that Zang Zizhi played for a while, allowing Li Ye to withdraw.

At this moment, it suddenly fell into Li Ye's hands.

Emperor weapon!

It is an imperial weapon!

Everyone was shocked!

But suddenly, Jade Demon Venerable had a terrifying edge in his eyes!

"No! That is not an imperial weapon, but an imperial soldier!"


At this time, everyone was even more uproar!

What is an imperial weapon? Only those things that have been worn or used by powerful people such as the Great Emperor or the Demon Emperor for a long time, and have been contaminated with a strong imperial qi for countless years, are known as imperial weapons!

Even if it is not a real weapon, it is more terrifying than any weapon!

Because that was used by the Great Emperor and the Demon Emperor! Even personal things!

Just like the soul-returning wood in Bury Zizhi's hands!

It is the innate treasure, but also an imperial weapon! It was once the favorite thing of the second demon emperor in the Flower Burial Palace.

A sect, especially Dimen Taoist!

No one knows how much background it has! How many ancient existences, some ancestors are still alive! But more importantly, no one knows how many imperial weapons and soldiers left by the great emperor are hidden in an emperor's Taoism!

Any imperial weapon, once it is desperate to destroy it, if there is a strong person directly hitting the imperial energy contained in it, and hitting the emperor's explosive blow, unless it is the emperor's deity, no one can bear it!

That's what makes the Emperor's Taoism fearful!

Why is Burial Zizhi so arrogant! Even if the Flower Burial Palace hasn't been born for a million years, the demon emperor has not been born, because he has such a terrible imperial weapon to defend himself!

What he suppressed was Li Ye, who was just a mountain villager in his eyes, and couldn't compete with him in this regard!


Princess Burial Flower's phoenix eyes flashed, a little unbelievable!

Emperor soldiers!


When the sword fell into Li Ye's hands, everyone knew that it was not an imperial weapon! It's an emperor soldier!

Everyone was stunned!

Emperor soldiers!

It's actually an emperor soldier!

what does this mean?

At that moment, it seemed that the entire void had stopped!

An imperial soldier! It can almost be said that instantly changed the scale of victory and defeat in today's scene!

Burying the greatest advantage, the moment that changes at that moment has no meaning! Imperial weapons and Imperial soldiers! Those are the most powerful and incomparable treasures known in the Upper Three Realms today!

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