Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 2946: Ancient existence

Not only the disciples below are paying attention to this battle, but also the ancestors behind the two great emperors, and peerless powerhouses, who are secretly paying attention.

In an extremely dark underground grotto, a few sarcophagus seemed to exist in the ancient.

A faint sigh.

"Xuzu, do you still think that this son can bring more benefits to this family than the Flower Burial Palace?"

The oldest saint ancestor of the Saint Demon Gate, there are three people left.

Here is the place where the remaining three holy ancestors slept.

Xu Zu, among the three holy ancestors, was the only one who was more optimistic about Li Ye. At this time, it was obvious that the other two holy ancestors also woke up from their deep sleep.

"This son is covered in clouds and mist that people can't see through. Compared with the ancient motto of the Million Years Covenant between the Flower Burial Palace and us, the old lady is more inclined to gamble on this son."

In the voice, there was clearly a hint of expectation.

Unfortunately, another voice clearly did not agree.

"This move is too risky."

Obviously they have opposed opinions, but the three of them are the oldest existence of the Saint Demon Gate. Now the two opinions are opposite, and there is no doubt that the last Saint Ancestor has become the person who determines the final decision.

But in the last sarcophagus, there was no sound for a long time.

If it weren't for the two holy ancestors to reach the sky, and still feel the slight blood inside, they would doubt whether they were leaving the same person again.

"Look at this good fortune. It's not that I can't wait to give him a chance. If he can prove that he has greater value than the Flower Burial Palace, it's not that he can't stand by his side."

After all, it is an existence that has lived for countless years. Although he is not optimistic about the young man Li Ye, he will not cut off any possibility.

"Then wait and see."

Xuzu smiled, and soon fell into absolute silence again.

At their level, any time they wake up, they will take a huge risk, consume a large amount of only a small amount of blood, and will never come out of the sarcophagus if they are not a last resort.

Xuzu had the most lifespan among the three, so he appeared in the Saint Demon Gate with a thought clone before.

The terrible storm directly shredded the void, and at the same time, several demon kings, including the Saint Demon Gate, found that something was wrong, and immediately joined forces to block the next layer of space.

"These two people have reached such a level of strength."

A surprise flashed across Jade Demon Venerable's eyes. They were also standing at the pinnacle of the world. Unless it was the Demon Emperor or those ancient existences, no one could threaten them.

But now, the two young men made Jade Demon Venerable and the other demon Venerable feel a bitter helplessness.

They are still old after all.

Finally, all the smoke disappeared, and suddenly, a figure appeared from the shattered void, with a trace of blood on the corner of his mouth, dripping with blood, and a wave of anger and fear on his face.

"Young Master of Funeral Palace!"

When everyone looked at it, they all looked shocked!

The young master of the Flower Burial Palace, although the Flower Burial Palace has just been born, his name has spread throughout southern Xinjiang!

Challenge several emperor dao traditions, and win with powerful means!

"The Young Master of the Flower Burial Palace was actually defeated?"

"Impossible! You know that some time ago, Gu Ze and other evildoers didn't hold on for long in his hands! I heard that even Indestructible, they avoided fighting with him because of fear, and did not really make a move!"

Many Saint Demon Sect disciples exclaimed.

The Flower Burial Palace is too old. Even if no demon emperor has been born in millions of years, the foundation of countless years is enough for any emperor's Taoist lineage to weigh one or two before doing it.

Yubao Yaozun and the others were also shocked, but they were not so shocked when they had seen Li Ye's battle against Indestructible, and even challenged the Baiyun Demon Emperor.

Buried Zizhi spit out a mouthful of blood, his face was pale.

He lost, indeed!

And the defeat was without any suspense!

But he refused! Even more unwilling!

"Do you want to continue?"

Li Ye stepped out of the void, with a trace of blood hanging on the corner of his mouth, after all, burial of Zizhi was burial, and the powerful method of the Flower Burial Palace was unpredictable, and he was also hurt. However, victory is victory, and defeat is defeat.

A terrible imperial might emerged from him!

"Li Ye! Do you think you beat me?"

Suddenly, Zang Zizhi laughed, and at the same time the soul-returning wood fell directly into his hands, "Hahaha! You want the soul-returning wood, but today I will let you see what it really looks like!"


The powerful emperor directly rendered and burst out, as if turned into an ancient emperor! But this is not an ordinary emperor, but a Phoenix! Bird head human body!

"Emperor Domain!"

In just a moment, countless people screamed.

Because the terrifying Emperor Wei directly turned into a world, almost covering the entire Saint Demon Gate!

This is still in the Saint Demon Gate, which has been blessed by countless ancient existences, otherwise, the entire world will be transformed into this endless terrifying emperor domain!

"Damn it!"

In the Saint Demon Gate, several Demon Lord Saint Emperor cursed secretly.

They naturally saw what Zong Zizhi wanted to do, and because they knew it, they screamed, even disregarding the image!

"What is Funeral Flower Palace doing? Did they forget that this is not their Funeral Flower Valley!"

Yubao Yaozun snorted angrily, but at this moment, even if they wanted to stop it, it was too late.

Because the huge and terrifying existence formed by the incarnation of the Returning Soul Wood has already been shot!

"The Great Pressure!"

The terrifying coercion almost turned the countless halls of the Saint Demon Gate into flying ashes, that was the real Emperor Realm! And it was transformed by the ancient Phoenix!

There is no doubt that it is like a real demon emperor personally shot, what kind of concept is that?

Not to mention the ordinary disciples of the Saint Demon Gate, even Jade Demon Zun and others spewed blood.


On the void, the extremely arrogant laughter echoed with Fu Zizhi.

At this time, the Flower Burial Palace did not respond. Neither Princess Burial Flower nor Holy Emperor Green Bamboo showed up to stop him. There was no doubt that he had acquiesced to the behavior of Burial.

This makes Jade Demon Zun and others angry at the Saint Demon Gate!

In the territory of Saint Demon Gate, it is so arrogant that no one has ever done it in the entire southern Xinjiang!

Li Ye knew that this battle was not easy at the moment when Zong Zizhi completely awakened the Returning Soul Wood.

Sure enough, when the ancient giant transformed by the phoenix appeared and slapped it, he knew that it was difficult for him to retreat all over his body today.


Almost all the armor and layers of defense in Li Ye's body were shattered in an instant, and at the same time, the whole body was almost distorted by an invisible force.

Even more terrifying, it was an invisible sacred fire, directly as if to burn his soul to death.

However, around Li Ye's soul, a layer of thunder and earth cremated into a huge armor, which was firmly protected, but it was still being quickly melted away.


Li Ye smashed several peaks directly, and finally stabilized his figure.

"Hold it!"

Seeing that Li Ye was not dead, countless people's eyes widened!

Even the Jade Demon Venerable who had confidence in Li Ye was stunned!

"He didn't die?"

"He got it down? Facing the mortal situation just now?"

The sound of a gasp was enough to prove that Li Ye was still alive, which made many people feel incredible.

A mortal situation! Including Yubao Yaozun and others, in front of that kind of existence, absolutely must die! There are no exceptions!

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