Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 2947: Emperor Bang

Li Ye did survive, but at this moment, it was almost completely shattered, bones and internal organs, they could barely maintain the whole person without turning into a pool of blood.

Fighting God Jue Nine Stages! It made him almost equivalent to an imperial soldier, hard to destroy.

But even so, just now, he was almost on the verge of collapse.

"You are not dead!"

Zang Zizhi's face was slightly pale and his eyes widened.

At this time, that huge figure had disappeared, once again turned into a piece of dead wood in his hand.

"Emperor explosion!"

Li Ye raised his head slightly, with some broken internal organs mixed with blood in his mouth.

Just now, I almost walked around the edge of death.

He didn't expect that Zang Zizhi was so crazy that he would directly play such taboo moves as Emperor Bomb!

"It turned out to be the emperor explosion! Oh my god, it's really ruined!"

Only then did the Saint Demon Sect disciple react, and then he inhaled again and again!

Not to mention them, almost everyone who witnessed this battle just now reacted like this.

Regardless of the strength of the cultivation base, whether it is a disciple or an elder, all faces are full of horror!

Some ancient existences, including the Saint Demon Gate sleeping in the depths, were shocked.

"Emperor Boom! The kid in Flower Burial Palace, doesn't he want to go to war with my Saint Demon Gate!"

An old voice came out with anger!

"Flower Burial Palace!"

A few hums in succession, directly skyrocketed!

They really don't want to care about this matter, or rather, they want to sit on the sidelines and reap the benefits of the fishermen. However, the premise is that it did not damage the Saint Demon Gate!

In the Flower Burial Palace, a terrifying black chariot also emerged.

Princess Flower Burial appeared even more, but her eyes did not respond to the matter just now, but with a strong murderous intent!

she was! For the first time, there was an urge to kill someone at all costs!

"Under the emperor explosion, you can actually live!"

Princess Funeral Flower took a deep breath. Behind her, the Sage Emperor Qingzhu did the same!

In the void, Li Ye almost stood unsteadily, and his body was like a crazy engine, repairing his almost collapsed body.

"Little devil, your body can't stand the second emperor explosion! Do it again, you will definitely die!"

Heavenly Sword Great Emperor couldn't help but reminded him, after all, the power just now was not what the world could imagine!

Including Heavenly Sword Great Emperor was shocked!

But Li Ye ignored it, raised his head, and raised the corners of his mouth, "Emperor explosion! It is indeed a terrible move that is rumored to destroy the world, and I can't take it a second time!"

His gaze penetrated the layers of space and fell on Bu Zizhi.

He was almost dead! But buried Zizhi was also badly injured at this time!

"Emperor explosion, it's not an easy move!"

Seeing Zong Zizhi's appearance, Li Ye knew that he was at the weakest time at this time, and Zong Zizhi was actually the same!

Emperor explosion!

That was a moment, a move to unleash the ultimate power of the imperial weapon or imperial weapon!

It was like a moment when a real emperor destroyed the world!

No one can exert the true power of the imperial weapon and imperial weapon like the great emperor!

"The foundation of the emperor's orthodoxy."

An elder of the Saint Demon Gate sighed.

Some disciples were even more puzzled, "Emperor explosion! Is that the rumored Emperor explosion? A trick that claims to be able to instantly play the ultimate power of the imperial weapon?"

The elder nodded, "That is indeed the emperor explosion! Only the emperor explosion can cause such a terrible effect! It can even be said that even if the real emperor demon emperor comes in person, it cannot cause more than the emperor before using the emperor weapon. It's even more terrifying moves."

As soon as this remark came out, countless disciples of the Saint Demon Gate were sweating behind them.

Many people have long heard of the legend of Emperor Bang, but never saw it.

"God, let's not say that who can play the emperor explosion is equivalent to having the same terrifying strength as the demon emperor?"

Someone exclaimed!

You know, the demon emperor and the great emperor are invincible in the world, but it has been recognized for millions of years.

At least for them.

Now, there are people who have not stepped into the emperor realm, but are able to play the ultimate move equivalent to the emperor realm, and is it not against the sky?

However, the elder shook his head, "No, although the emperor explosion is terrible, even ordinary great emperors dare not take it head-on, but it is a tricky method after all."

"Elder, why do you say that?"

"The emperor explosion is an instant that inspires all the emperor qi in the emperor weapon and emperor weapons into the most dazzling blow. Although it can make the ultimate move, if the person who makes the move is not the emperor himself, even if it is just a move, Almost exhausted his whole body strength!"

When everyone saw it, it was true that Buzizhi's face was pale at this time, as if his vitality was greatly injured.

"Furthermore, after the imperial explosion is played, the ordinary imperial weapon will almost exhaust all the imperial energy and be shattered, even if it is not damaged, it will become a mortal thing. Even some powerful imperial weapons cannot withstand the consumption of several imperial explosions. ."

Sure enough, the soul-returning wood buried in Zizhi's hand was faintly shiny and dim.

"Perhaps, only the emperor soldiers can play the emperor explosion, which is intact, but even the emperor soldiers can't hit the emperor explosion one after another, otherwise they will also exhaust their spirituality and become a common soldier."

Emperor explosion! It's a clever trick against the sky!

It is also the biggest reason why countless emperors can dominate the upper three realms!

Even if the emperor is not there, there are some imperial weapons and soldiers left by the emperor, it can also make those enemies who look forward to have scruples!

Even the emperor himself is not willing to face the emperor explosion directly, let alone other people?

Furthermore, just as the elder of the Saint Demon Gate said, even if the average person hits the Emperor Blast, he almost destroys his whole body, and it is difficult to hit a second blow!

"Emperor Bomb can still survive this move! This is terrifying, far beyond ordinary people's imagination!"

Countless wills sighed at this moment.

That was the emperor explosion, enough to threaten the true destructive power of the emperor.

Actually bear it head-on, not to die?

However, Li Ye was indeed still alive at this time, but there was hardly any left to fight back.

He was waiting, waiting for his Heaven-Defying Body to heal quickly!

And buried Zizhi is also waiting!

He only saw him take out a handful of pills and swallowed his stomach in an instant, but it was not that easy to make up for the power consumed by hitting the emperor burst in a short time.

A cold light flashed in Princess Buried Flower's eyes, but she did not do anything.

This is the Saint Demon Gate. Although some of the old immortals in the Saint Demon Gate have not appeared now, it does not mean that she can take advantage of the situation and kill the young man Li Ye!

She knew very well that once she made a move at this moment, she would not only end up with a reputation for bullying the small and secretly hurting others, but also angering the sleeping ancient beings under the Saint Demon's door.

Similarly, if she didn't take action, no one at the Saint Demon Gate would take action to rescue Li Ye!

Everything depends on the final victory of Li Ye and Zang Zizhi!

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